Galactic Charity (original) (raw)

The Croatian name given is not official.

Galactic Charity銀 (ぎん) 河 (が) の施 (ほどこ) し
English Galactic Charity
French Charité de la GalaxieCheck translation
German Galaktische WohltäterinCheck translation
Italian Carità della GalassiaCheck translation
Korean 은하의 자비Check translation
Portuguese Caridade GalácticaCheck translation
Spanish Caridad SideralCheck translation
Japanese (kana) ぎんがのほどこしCheck translation
Japanese (base) 銀河の施しCheck translation
Japanese (rōmaji) Ginga no Hodokoshi
Card type Spell SPELL
Property Normal Normal
Passcode 20349913
Card effect types Activation requirement Cost Effect Condition
Statuses Unlimited
Card descriptions English If you control a "Galaxy" Xyz Monster: Discard 1 card; draw 2 cards, also if you activated this card, any damage your opponent takes for the rest of this turn is halved. You can only activate 1 "Galactic Charity" per turn. French Si vous contrôlez un Monstre Xyz "Galactique" : défaussez 1 carte ; piochez 2 cartes, et aussi, si vous avez activé cette carte, les dommages reçus par votre adversaire le reste de ce tour sont divisés par deux. Vous ne pouvez activer qu'1 "Charité de la Galaxie" par tour. German Falls du ein „Galaxie“-Xyz-Monster kontrollierst: Wirf 1 Karte ab; ziehe 2 Karten, zusätzlich, falls du diese Karte aktiviert hast, wird Schaden, den dein Gegner erhält, für den Rest dieses Spielzugs halbiert. Du kannst nur 1 „Galaktische Wohltäterin“ pro Spielzug aktivieren. Italian Se controlli un Mostro Xyz "Galattico": scarta 1 carta; pesca 2 carte, inoltre se hai attivato questa carta, qualsiasi danno che il tuo avversario subisce per il resto di questo turno viene dimezzato. Puoi attivare solo 1 "Carità della Galassia" per turno. Portuguese Se você controlar um Monstro Xyz "Galáxia": descarte 1 card; compre 2 cards e, além disso, se você ativou este card, qualquer dano que seu oponente sofrer pelo restante do turno e diminuído pela metade. Você só pode ativar 1 "Caridade Galáctica" por turno. Spanish Si controlas un Monstruo Xyz "Galaxia/Galácticos": descarta 1 carta; roba 2 cartas y, además, si activaste esta carta el resto de este turno cualquier daño que tu adversario reciba se divide a la mitad. Sólo puedes activar 1 "Caridad Sideral" por turno. Japanese 自分フィールド上に「ギャラクシー」と名のついたエクシーズモンスターが存在する場合に、手札を1枚捨てて発動できる。デッキからカードを2枚ドローする。このカードを発動したターン、相手が受ける全てのダメージは半分になる。「銀河の施し」は1ターンに1枚しか発動できない。 Korean 자신 필드 위에 "갤럭시"라는 이름이 붙은 엑시즈 몬스터가 존재할 경우에, 패를 1장 버리고 발동할 수 있다. 덱에서 카드를 2장 드로우한다. 이 카드를 발동한 턴에, 상대가 받는 모든 데미지는 절반이 된다. "은하의 자비"는 1턴에 1장밖에 발동할 수 없다.
TCG sets English Release dateCard codeSetRarity2014-05-16PRIO-EN057Primal OriginCommon2015-09-17MP15-EN0322015 Mega-Tin Mega PackCommon French Release dateCard codeSetFrench nameRarity2014-05-15PRIO-FR057Primal OriginOrigine PrimitiveCommon2015-09-17MP15-FR0322015 Mega-Tin Mega Pack2015 Méga-Boîte Méga-PackCommon German Release dateCard codeSetGerman nameRarity2014-05-15PRIO-DE057Primal OriginPrimal OriginCommon2015-09-17MP15-DE0322015 Mega-Tin Mega Pack2015 Mega-Tin Mega PackCommon Italian Release dateCard codeSetItalian nameRarity2014-05-15PRIO-IT057Primal OriginOrigine PrimordialeCommon2015-09-17MP15-IT0322015 Mega-Tin Mega Pack2015 Mega-Tin Mega PackCommon Portuguese Release dateCard codeSetPortuguese nameRarity2014-05-16PRIO-PT057Primal OriginOrigem PrimordialCommon2015-09-17MP15-PT0322015 Mega-Tin Mega PackMega-Pacote da Mega-Latas 2015Common Spanish Release dateCard codeSetSpanish nameRarity2014-05-15PRIO-SP057Primal OriginOrigen PrimigenioCommon2015-09-17MP15-SP0322015 Mega-Tin Mega Pack2015 Mega-Lata Mega PackCommon
OCG sets Japanese Release dateCard codeSetJapanese nameRarity2014-02-15PRIO-JP057Primal OriginPRIMAL ORIGINCommon Korean Release dateCard codeSetKorean nameRarity2014-05-12PRIO-KR057Primal Origin프라이멀 오리진Common
Card search categories Supports Xyz Monster Supports archetypes Galaxy Actions Discards for cost You draw cards LP Reduces battle damage Reduces effect damage Miscellaneous Requires control of specific archetype Requires control of specific Monster card type Only once per turn
Other card information Gallery Rulings Errata Tips Appearances Trivia Lores Artworks Names
External links Yugioh-Card card database: 11086 (ja (rulings) en fr de it pt es ko )YuGiOh Prices
"Galactic Charity" pages
"Galaxy" 「ギャラクシー」
[Members](/wiki/List%5Fof%5F%22Galaxy%22%5Fcards "List of "Galaxy" cards") GalactikuribohGalaxy BraveGalaxy ClericGalaxy DragonGalaxy KnightGalaxy Mirror SageGalaxy Photon DragonGalaxy Satellite DragonGalaxy SerpentGalaxy SoldierGalaxy Stealth DragonGalaxy SummonerGalaxy TyrannoGalaxy War DrakeGalaxy WizardGalaxy WormGalaxy-Eyes Afterglow DragonGalaxy-Eyes Cipher Blade DragonGalaxy-Eyes Cipher DragonGalaxy-Eyes Cipher X DragonGalaxy-Eyes CloudragonGalaxy-Eyes Full Armor Photon DragonGalaxy-Eyes Photon DragonGalaxy-Eyes Solflare DragonGalaxy-Eyes Tachyon PrimalNeo Galaxy-Eyes Cipher DragonNeo Galaxy-Eyes Photon DragonNumber 38: Hope Harbinger Dragon Titanic GalaxyNumber 42: Galaxy TomahawkNumber 62: Galaxy-Eyes Prime Photon DragonNumber 83: Galaxy QueenNumber 90: Galaxy-Eyes Photon LordNumber 95: Galaxy-Eyes Dark Matter DragonNumber 107: Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon DragonNumber C62: Neo Galaxy-Eyes Prime Photon DragonNumber C107: Neo Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon DragonSuperdimensional Robot Galaxy Destroyer Eternal GalaxyGalaxy CycloneGalaxy ExpeditionGalaxy HundredGalaxy Queen's LightGalaxy StormGalaxy TranceGalaxy WaveGalaxy ZeroHyper GalaxyLord of the Tachyon GalaxyNumbers Last HopeNumeron CreationTachyon Spiral Galaxy
[Support](/wiki/List%5Fof%5F%22Galaxy%22%5Fsupport%5Fcards "List of "Galaxy" support cards") DragluxionGalactikuribohGalaxy BraveGalaxy ClericGalaxy KnightGalaxy Mirror SageGalaxy Photon DragonGalaxy SoldierGalaxy Stealth DragonGalaxy SummonerGalaxy TyrannoGalaxy WizardGalaxy WormGalaxy-Eyes Solflare DragonLillybotOrbital 7Photon EmperorPhoton JumperPhoton OrbitalPhoton Vanisher AccellightEternal GalaxyGalactic CharityGalaxy ExpeditionGalaxy HundredGalaxy TranceGalaxy ZeroPhoton ChangePhoton HandPhoton TimestopTachyon Chaos HoleTachyon Spiral GalaxyTachyon Spiral of Destruction
Related Dimension WandererNumber 28: Titanic MothNumeral HunterPaladin of Photon DragonStarliege Lord GalaxionTachyon Cloudragon Photon Stream of Destruction