Gishki Aquamirror (original) (raw)

The Croatian, Greek, Portuguese and Thai names given are not official.

The Portuguese name given is not official.

Gishki Aquamirrorリチュアの儀 (ぎ) 水 (すい) 鏡 (きょう)
English Gishki Aquamirror
French Aquamiroir GishkiCheck translation
German Gishki-WasserspiegelCheck translation
Italian Acquaspecchio GishkiCheck translation
Korean 리추어의 의수경Check translation
Portuguese Gishki, Espelho D'ÁguaCheck translation
Spanish Aquaespejo GishkiCheck translation
Japanese (kana) リチュアのぎすいきょうCheck translation
Japanese (base) リチュアの儀水鏡Check translation
Japanese (rōmaji) Richua no Gisuikyō
Japanese (translated) Ritua Ceremonial Water Mirror
Card type Spell SPELL
Property Ritual Ritual
Passcode 46159582
Card effect types Effect Ignition-like
Statuses Unlimited
Card descriptions English This card can be used to Ritual Summon any "Gishki" Ritual Monster. You must also Tribute monsters from the field or your hand whose total Levels equal the Level of the Ritual Monster you Ritual Summon. You can shuffle this card from the Graveyard into the Deck to target 1 "Gishki" Ritual Monster in your Graveyard; return that target to your hand. French Cette carte peut être utilisée pour Invoquer Rituellement un Monstre Rituel "Gishki". Vous devez aussi Sacrifier des monstres depuis le Terrain ou votre main dont le Niveau total est égal au Niveau du Monstre Rituel que vous Invoquez Rituellement. Vous pouvez mélanger cette carte depuis le Cimetière dans le Deck pour cibler 1 Monstre Rituel "Gishki" dans votre Cimetière ; renvoyez la cible à la main. German Diese Karte kann verwendet werden um ein beliebiges "Gishki"-Ritualmonster als Ritualbeschwörung zu beschwören: Du musst zusätzlich Monster vom Spielfeld oder deiner Hand als Tribut anbieten, deren gemeinsame Stufe der Stufe des Ritualmonsters entspricht, das du als Ritualbeschwörung beschwörst. Du kannst diese Karte vom Friedhof ins Deck mischen, um 1 "Gishki"-Ritualmonster in deinem Friedhof zu wählen; gib das gewählte Ziel auf die Hand zurück. Italian Questa carta può essere utilizzata per Evocare tramite Rituale qualsiasi Mostro Rituale "Gishki". Devi anche offrire come Tributo, dal Terreno o dalla tua mano, mostri il cui Livello totale sia uguale al Livello del Mostro Rituale che stai Evocando tramite Rituale. Puoi mischiare questa carta dal Cimitero nel Deck per scegliere come bersaglio 1 Mostro Rituale "Gishki" nel tuo Cimitero; fai ritornare quel bersaglio nella mano. Portuguese Este card pode ser usado para a Invocação-Ritual de qualquer Monstro de ritual "Gishki". Você também deve oferecer como tributo monstros do campo ou de sua mão que somem um total de níveis igual ao nível do monstro de ritual que você invocou por invocação ritual. Você pode embaralhar este card do seu Cemitério em seu Deck para alvejar 1 Monstro de Ritual do tipo "Gishki". Devolva o alvo à sua mão. Spanish Esta carta puede ser utilizada para Invocar por Ritual a cualquier Monstruo de Ritual "Gishki". Además debes Sacrificar monstruos en el Campo o tu mano cuyos Niveles totales sean iguales al Nivel del Monstruo Ritual al que estás Invocando por Ritual. Puedes barajar al Deck a esta carta en tu Cementerio para seleccionar 1 Monstruo Ritual "Gishki" en tu Cementerio; devuelve ese objetivo a la mano. Japanese 「リチュア」儀式モンスターの降臨に必要。①:レベルの合計が儀式召喚するモンスターと同じになるように、自分の手札・フィールドのモンスターをリリースし、手札から「リチュア」儀式モンスター1体を儀式召喚する。②:墓地のこのカードをデッキに戻し、自分の墓地の「リチュア」儀式モンスター1体を対象として発動できる。そのモンスターを手札に加える。 Korean "리추어"라는 이름이 붙은 의식 몬스터의 의식 소환에 필요. 패 / 자신 필드 위에서, 의식 소환할 몬스터와 같은 레벨이 되도록 몬스터를 릴리스해야 한다. 또한, 묘지에 존재하는 이 카드를 덱으로 되돌리는 것으로, 자신의 묘지에 존재하는 "리추어"라는 이름이 붙은 의식 몬스터 1장을 선택하고 패로 되돌린다.
TCG sets English—Worldwide Release dateCard codeSetRarity2011-12-01HA05-EN055Hidden Arsenal 5: Steelswarm InvasionSuper Rare English—North America Release dateCard codeSetRarityDT05-EN091Duel Terminal 5bDuel Terminal Normal Parallel Rare French Release dateCard codeSetFrench nameRarity2011-12-01HA05-FR055Hidden Arsenal 5: Steelswarm InvasionArsenal Mystérieux 5: Invasion Colonie de ChromeSuper Rare German Release dateCard codeSetGerman nameRarity2011-12-01HA05-DE055Hidden Arsenal 5: Steelswarm InvasionHidden Arsenal 5: Steelswarm InvasionSuper Rare Italian Release dateCard codeSetItalian nameRarity2011-12-01HA05-IT055Hidden Arsenal 5: Steelswarm InvasionArsenale Nascosto 5: Invasione BrancoacciaioSuper Rare Spanish Release dateCard codeSetSpanish nameRarity2011-12-01HA05-SP055Hidden Arsenal 5: Steelswarm InvasionArsenal Secreto 5: Invasión de la Horda de AceroSuper Rare
OCG sets Japanese Release dateCard codeSetJapanese nameRarity2010-08-03DT10-JP041Duel Terminal - Raid of the Inverz!!デュエルターミナル 「インヴェルズの侵略!!」Duel Terminal Normal Parallel Rare2013-02-26DTC4-JP025Duel Terminal Chronicle 4 - Chapter of Oppositesデュエルターミナル「クロニクルⅣ 対極の章」Duel Terminal Normal Parallel Rare2022-10-0122TP-JP402Tournament Pack 2022 Vol.4トーナメントパック 2022 Vol.4Super Rare Korean Release dateCard codeSetKorean nameRarity2012-06-04HA05-KR055Hidden Arsenal 5: Steelswarm Invasion숨겨진 세력 5Super Rare
Card search categories Supports Ritual Monster Archetypes and series Gishki Aquamirror Supports archetypes Gishki Actions Tributes as an effect Activates from your Graveyard Returns itself from Graveyard to Deck for cost Adds from Graveyard to hand Summoning categories Special Summons from your hand Miscellaneous Nonspecific Ritual Spell Card
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External links Yugioh-Card card database: 9182 (ja (rulings) en fr de it es ko )YuGiOh Prices
"Gishki Aquamirror" pages
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"Aquamirror" 「儀 (ぎ) 水 (すい) 鏡 (きょう) 」
[Members](/wiki/List%5Fof%5F%22Aquamirror%22%5Fcards "List of "Aquamirror" cards") Aquamirror CycleAquamirror IllusionAquamirror MeditationContact with the AquamirrorFocused AquamirrorGishki Aquamirror
[Support](/wiki/List%5Fof%5F%22Aquamirror%22%5Fsupport%5Fcards "List of "Aquamirror" support cards") Focused Aquamirror
"Gishki" 「リチュア」
[Members](/wiki/List%5Fof%5F%22Gishki%22%5Fcards "List of "Gishki" cards") Evigishki GustkrakenEvigishki LevianimaEvigishki MerrowgeistEvigishki Mind AugusEvigishki NeremanasEvigishki Soul OgreEvigishki TetrogreGishki AbyssGishki ArielGishki AvanceGishki BeastGishki ChainGishki DivinerGishki EmiliaGishki GrimnessGishki MarkerGishki MolluskGishki NataliaGishki NoelliaGishki PsycheloneGishki RelieverGishki ShadowGishki VanityGishki VisionGishki Zielgigas Forbidden Arts of the GishkiGishki AquamirrorGishki NekromirrorGishki PhotomirrorRitual BusterRitual WeaponSpiritual Forest
[Support](/wiki/List%5Fof%5F%22Gishki%22%5Fsupport%5Fcards "List of "Gishki" support cards") Evigishki GustkrakenEvigishki LevianimaEvigishki Mind AugusEvigishki NeremanasEvigishki Soul OgreEvigishki TetrogreGishki AbyssGishki ArielGishki AvanceGishki BeastGishki EmiliaGishki GrimnessGishki MarkerGishki NataliaGishki NoelliaGishki PsycheloneGishki RelieverGishki ShadowGishki VanityGishki VisionGishki Zielgigas Aquamirror IllusionAquamirror MeditationFocused AquamirrorForbidden Arts of the GishkiGishki AquamirrorGishki NekromirrorGishki Photomirror
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