Gogogo Talisman (original) (raw)

The Croatian name given is not official.

Gogogo Talismanゴゴゴ護 (ご) 符 (ふ)
English Gogogo Talisman
French Talisman GogogoCheck translation
German Gogogo-TalismanCheck translation
Italian Talismano GogogoCheck translation
Korean 고고고 호부Check translation
Portuguese Talismã GogogoCheck translation
Spanish Talismán GogogoCheck translation
Japanese (kana) ゴゴゴごふCheck translation
Japanese (base) ゴゴゴ護符Check translation
Japanese (rōmaji) Gogogo Gofu
Card type Spell SPELL
Property Continuous Continuous
Passcode 63583431
Card effect types Continuous-like Trigger-like
Statuses Unlimited
Card descriptions English While you control 2 or more "Gogogo" monsters, you take no effect damage. Once per turn, when an attack is declared involving a "Gogogo" monster you control: You can activate this effect; that monster you control cannot be destroyed by that battle. French Tant que vous contrôlez min. 2 monstres "Gogogo", vous ne recevez aucun dommage d'effet. Une fois par tour, lorsqu'une attaque impliquant un monstre "Gogogo" que vous contrôlez est déclarée : vous pouvez activer cet effet ; le monstre que vous contrôlez ne peut pas être détruit par ce combat. German Solange du 2 oder mehr „Gogogo“-Monster kontrollierst, erhältst du keinen Effektschaden. Einmal pro Spielzug, wenn ein Angriff deklariert wird, an dem ein „Gogogo“-Monster beteiligt ist, das du kontrollierst: Du kannst diesen Effekt aktivieren; das Monster, das du kontrollierst, kann durch den Kampf nicht zerstört werden. Italian Mentre controlli 2 o più mostri "Gogogo", non subisci danno da effetti. Una volta per turno, quando viene dichiarato un attacco che coinvolge un mostro "Gogogo" che controlli: puoi attivare questo effetto; quel mostro che controlli non può essere distrutto in quella battaglia. Portuguese Enquanto você controlar 2 ou mais monstros "Gogogo", você não sofre dano de efeito. Uma vez por turno, quando um ataque for declarado envolvendo um monstro "Gogogo" que você controla: você pode ativar este efeito; esse monstro que você controla não pode ser destruído nessa batalha. Spanish Mientras controles 2 o más monstruos "Gogogo", no recibes daño de efectos. Una vez por turno, cuando es declarado un ataque que involucre a un monstruo "Gogogo" que controles: puedes activar este efecto; ese monstruo que controles no puede ser destruido en esa batalla. Japanese 自分フィールド上に「ゴゴゴ」と名のついたモンスターが2体以上存在する場合、自分が受ける効果ダメージは0になる。また、1ターンに1度、自分フィールド上の「ゴゴゴ」と名のついたモンスターが戦闘を行う攻撃宣言時に発動できる。その自分のモンスターはその戦闘では破壊されない。 Korean 자신 필드 위에 "고고고"라는 이름이 붙은 몬스터가 2장 이상 존재할 경우, 자신이 받는 효과 데미지는 0 이 된다. 또한, 1턴에 1번, 자신 필드 위의 "고고고"라는 이름이 붙은 몬스터가 전투를 실행하는 공격 선언시에 발동할 수 있다. 그 자신의 몬스터는 그 전투로는 파괴되지 않는다.
TCG sets English Release dateCard codeSetRarity2015-01-15SECE-EN098Secrets of EternityCommon French Release dateCard codeSetFrench nameRarity2015-01-15SECE-FR098Secrets of EternityLes Secrets de L'EterniteCommon German Release dateCard codeSetGerman nameRarity2015-01-15SECE-DE098Secrets of EternitySecrets of EternityCommon Italian Release dateCard codeSetItalian nameRarity2015-01-15SECE-IT098Secrets of EternitySegreti dell'EternitàCommon Portuguese Release dateCard codeSetPortuguese nameRarity2015-01-16SECE-PT098Secrets of EternitySegredos da EternidadeCommon Spanish Release dateCard codeSetSpanish nameRarity2015-01-15SECE-SP098Secrets of EternitySecretos de la EternidadCommon
OCG sets Japanese Release dateCard codeSetJapanese nameRarity2013-09-21DP14-JP026Duelist Pack: Yuma 2: Gogogo & Dododoデュエリストパック -遊馬編 2 ゴゴゴ&ドドド-Common2013-09-21DP14-JP026Duelist Pack: Yuma 2: Gogogo & Dododoデュエリストパック -遊馬編 2 ゴゴゴ&ドドド-Normal Parallel Rare Korean Release dateCard codeSetKorean nameRarity2013-11-25DP14-KR026Duelist Pack: Yuma 2: Gogogo & Dododo듀얼리스트 팩 —유마 편2 고고고&도도도—Common2013-11-25DP14-KR026Duelist Pack: Yuma 2: Gogogo & Dododo듀얼리스트 팩 —유마 편2 고고고&도도도—Normal Parallel Rare
Card search categories Archetypes and series Gogogo Supports archetypes Gogogo Actions Activates upon attack declaration Attack categories Cannot be destroyed by battle LP Prevents effect damage Miscellaneous Limited activations
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"Gogogo Talisman" pages
"Gogogo" 「ゴゴゴ」
[Members](/wiki/List%5Fof%5F%22Gogogo%22%5Fcards "List of "Gogogo" cards") Dodododwarf GogogogloveGogogo Aristera & DexiaGogogo GhostGogogo GiantGogogo GigasGogogo GolemGogogo Golem - Golden FormGogogo GoramNumber 55: Gogogo GoliathUtopic Onomatopoeia Gogogo Talisman
[Support](/wiki/List%5Fof%5F%22Gogogo%22%5Fsupport%5Fcards "List of "Gogogo" support cards") Dodododwarf GogogogloveGogogo Aristera & DexiaGogogo GiantGogogo GigasGogogo Golem - Golden FormGogogo GoramUtopic OnomatopoeiaZubababancho Gagagacoat Gogogo TalismanGuard Go!OnomatopairaOnomatopiaOnomatopickup