Gorz the Emissary of Darkness (original) (raw)

The Arabic, Bulgarian, Croatian, Greek, Thai and Turkish names given are not official. (card names)

Gorz the Emissary of Darkness冥 (めい) 府 (ふ) の使 (し) 者 (しゃ) ゴーズ
English Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
French Gorz, l'Émissaire des TénèbresCheck translation
German Gorz der Gesandte der FinsternisCheck translation
Italian Gorz, l'Emissario dell'OscuritàCheck translation
Korean 저승사자 고즈Check translation
Portuguese Gorz, o Emissário da EscuridãoCheck translation
Spanish Gorz el Emisario de la OscuridadCheck translation
Japanese (kana) めいふのししゃゴーズCheck translation
Japanese (base) 冥府の使者ゴーズCheck translation
Japanese (rōmaji) Meifu no Shisha Gōzu
Japanese (translated) Gorz the Emissary of the Hadean Realm
Card type Monster
Attribute DARK DARK
Types Fiend / Effect
Level 7 CG Star
ATK / DEF 2700 / 2500
Passcode 44330098
Card effect types Trigger Condition Trigger
Statuses Unlimited
Card descriptions English When you take damage from a card in your opponent's possession: You can Special Summon this card from your hand. You must control no cards to activate and to resolve this effect. When this card is Special Summoned by its effect: Activate the appropriate effect, based on the type of damage.● Battle damage: Special Summon 1 "Emissary of Darkness Token" (Fairy/LIGHT/Level 7/ATK ?/DEF ?). Its ATK and DEF are each equal to the amount of battle damage you took.● Effect damage: Inflict damage to your opponent equal to the damage you took. French Lorsque vous recevez des dommages d'une carte possédée par votre adversaire : vous pouvez Invoquer Spécialement cette carte depuis votre main. Vous ne devez contrôler aucune carte pour activer et résoudre cet effet. Lorsque cette carte est Invoquée Spécialement par son effet : activez l'effet approprié, selon le type des dommages.● Dommages de combat : Invoquez Spécialement 1 "Jeton Émissaire des Ténèbres" (Elfe/LUMIÈRE/Niveau 7/ATK ?/DEF ?). Son ATK/DEF sont chacune égales au montant des dommages de combat que vous avez reçus.● Dommages d'effet : Infligez des dommages à votre adversaire égaux aux dommages que vous avez reçus. German Wenn du Schaden von einer Karte erhältst, die deinem Gegner gehört: Du kannst diese Karte als Spezialbeschwörung von deiner Hand beschwören. Du darfst keine Karten kontrollieren, um diesen Effekt zu aktivieren und aufzulösen. Wenn diese Karte durch ihren Effekt als Spezialbeschwörung beschworen wird: Aktiviere den entsprechenden Effekt, basierend auf dem Typ des Schadens.● Kampfschaden: Beschwöre 1 „Gesandter der Finsternis-Spielmarke“ (Fee/LICHT/Stufe 7/ATK ?/DEF ?) als Spezialbeschwörung. Ihre ATK und DEF entsprechen jeweils der Menge des Kampfschadens, den du erhalten hast.● Effektschaden: Füge deinem Gegner Schaden in Höhe des Schadens zu, den du erhalten hast. Italian Quando subisci danno da una carta sotto il comando del tuo avversario: puoi Evocare Specialmente questa carta dalla tua mano. Non devi controllare nessuna carta per attivare e risolvere questo effetto. Quando questa carta viene Evocata Specialmente dal suo effetto: attiva l'effetto appropriato, a seconda del tipo di danno.● Danno da combattimento: Evoca Specialmente 1 "Segna-Emissario dell'Oscurità" (Fata/LUCE/Livello 7/ATK ?/DEF ?). I suoi ATK e DEF sono ognuno pari al danno da combattimento che hai subito.● Danno da effetto: Infliggi al tuo avversario danno pari al danno che hai subito. Portuguese Quando você sofrer dano de um card em posse do seu oponente: você pode Invocar este card por Invocação-Especial da sua mão. Você não pode controlar nenhum card para ativar e resolver este efeito. Quando este card for Invocado por Invocação-Especial por seu efeito: ative o efeito apropriado, de acordo com o tipo de dano.● Dano de batalha: Invoque por Invocação-Especial 1 "Ficha de Emissário da Escuridão" (Fada/LUZ/Nível 7/ATK ?/DEF ?). Seu ATK e DEF são iguais ao dano de batalha que você sofreu.● Dano de efeito: Cause dano ao seu oponente igual ao dano que você sofreu. Spanish Cuando recibes daño de una carta en posesión de tu adversario: puedes Invocar esta carta de Modo Especial desde tu mano. No debes controlar cartas para activar y resolver este efecto. Cuando esta carta es Invocada de Modo Especial por su efecto: activa el efecto apropiado, basándote en el tipo de daño.● Daño de batalla: Invoca de Modo Especial 1 "Ficha de Emisario de la Oscuridad" (Hada/LUZ/Nivel 7/ATK ?/DEF ?). Su ATK y DEF son cada uno igual a la cantidad de daño de batalla que recibiste.● Daño de efecto: Inflige daño a tu adversario igual al daño que recibiste. Japanese 自(じ)分(ぶん)フィールド上(じょう)にカードが存(そん)在(ざい)しない場(ば)合(あい)、相(あい)手(て)がコントロールするカードによってダメージを受(う)けた時(とき)、このカードを手(て)札(ふだ)から特(とく})殊(しゅ)召(しょう)喚(かん)する事(こと)ができる。この方(ほう)法(ほう)で特(とく)殊(しゅ)召(しょう)喚(かん)に成(せい)功(こう)した時(とき)、受(う)けたダメージの種(しゅ)類(るい)により以(い)下(か)の効(こう)果(か)を発(はつ)動(どう)する。●戦(せん)闘(とう)ダメージの場(ば)合(あい)、自(じ)分(ぶん)フィールド上(じょう)に「冥(めい)府(ふ)の使(し)者(しゃ)カイエントークン」(天(てん)使(し)族(ぞく)・光(ひかり)・星(レベル)7・攻(こう)/守(しゅ)?)を1体(たい)特(とく)殊(しゅ)召(しょう)喚(かん)する。このトークンの攻(こう)撃(げき)力(りょく)・守(しゅ)備(び)力(りょく)は、この時(とき)受(う)けた戦(せん)闘(とう)ダメージと同(おな)じ数(すう)値(ち)になる。●カードの効(こう)果(か)によるダメージの場(ば)合(あい)、受(う)けたダメージと同(おな)じダメージを相(あい)手(て)ライフに与(あた)える。 Korean 자신 필드 위에 카드가 존재하지 않을 경우, 상대가 컨트롤하는 카드에 의해서 데미지를 받았을 때, 이 카드를 패에서 특수 소환할 수 있다. 이 방법으로 특수 소환에 성공했을 때, 받은 데미지의 종류에 따라 이하의 효과를 발동한다. ●전투 데미지일 경우, 자신 필드 위에 "저승사자 카이엔 토큰"(천사족/빛 속성/레벨 7/공격력 ?/수비력 ?)을 1장 특수 소환한다. 이 토큰의 공격력/수비력은 이때 받은 전투 데미지와 같은 수치가 된다. ●카드의 효과에 의한 데미지일 경우, 받은 데미지와 같은 데미지를 상대 라이프에 준다.
TCG sets English—Worldwide Release dateCard codeSetRarity2011-12-01DL13-EN013Duelist League 13 participation cardsRare2012-05-24BP01-EN014Battle Pack: Epic DawnRare2012-05-24BP01-EN014Battle Pack: Epic DawnStarfoil Rare2012-06-07GLD5-EN024Gold Series: Haunted MineGhost/Gold Rare2012-09-29LCYW-EN044Legendary Collection 3: Yugi's World Mega PackUltra Rare2015-03-19PGL2-EN081Premium Gold: Return of the BlingGold Rare2022-06-14OP19-EN017OTS Tournament Pack 19Common English—North America Release dateCard codeSetRarityDLG1-EN000Dark LegendsSecret RareYR01-EN003Yu-Gi-Oh! R Volume 3 promotional cardUltra Rare English—Europe Release dateCard codeSetRarityRP02-EN000Retro Pack 2Secret Rare French Release dateCard codeSetFrench nameRarity2009-07-23RP02-FR000Retro Pack 2Retro Pack 2Secret Rare2011-12-01DL13-FR013Duelist League 13 participation cardsLigue du Duelliste 13Rare2012-05-24BP01-FR014Battle Pack: Epic DawnBattle Pack: L’Aube ÉpiqueRare2012-05-24BP01-FR014Battle Pack: Epic DawnBattle Pack: L’Aube ÉpiqueStarfoil Rare2012-06-07GLD5-FR024Gold Series: Haunted MineCollection Gold: La Mine HantéeGhost/Gold Rare2012-09-27LCYW-FR044Legendary Collection 3: Yugi's World Mega PackCollection Légendaire 3: Le Monde de Yugi Méga PackUltra Rare2015-03-19PGL2-FR081Premium Gold: Return of the BlingGold Premium 2Gold Rare2022-06-14OP19-FR017OTS Tournament Pack 19OTS Pack de Tournoi 19Common German Release dateCard codeSetGerman nameRarity2009-07-24RP02-DE000Retro Pack 2Retro Pack 2Secret Rare2011-12-01DL13-DE013Duelist League 13 participation cardsDuelist League-Serie 13Rare2012-05-24BP01-DE014Battle Pack: Epic DawnBattle Pack: Epic DawnRare2012-05-24BP01-DE014Battle Pack: Epic DawnBattle Pack: Epic DawnStarfoil Rare2012-06-06GLD5-DE024Gold Series: Haunted MineGold Series: Haunted MineGhost/Gold Rare2012-09-27LCYW-DE044Legendary Collection 3: Yugi's World Mega PackLegendary Collection 3: Mega PackUltra Rare2015-03-19PGL2-DE081Premium Gold: Return of the BlingPremium Gold 2Gold Rare2022-06-14OP19-DE017OTS Tournament Pack 19OTS Tournament Pack 19Common Italian Release dateCard codeSetItalian nameRarity2009-07-23RP02-IT000Retro Pack 2Retro Pack 2Secret Rare2011-12-01DL13-IT013Duelist League 13 participation cardsSerie Duelist League 13Rare2012-05-24BP01-IT014Battle Pack: Epic DawnBattle Pack: Alba EpicaRare2012-05-24BP01-IT014Battle Pack: Epic DawnBattle Pack: Alba EpicaStarfoil Rare2012-06-07GLD5-IT024Gold Series: Haunted MineSerie Oro: La Miniera InfestataGhost/Gold Rare2012-09-27LCYW-IT044Legendary Collection 3: Yugi's World Mega PackCollezione Leggendaria 3 Mega-PackUltra Rare2015-03-19PGL2-IT081Premium Gold: Return of the BlingPremium Oro 2Gold Rare2022-06-14OP19-IT017OTS Tournament Pack 19OTS Buste da Torneo 19Common Portuguese Release dateCard codeSetPortuguese nameRarity2015-03-20PGL2-PT081Premium Gold: Return of the BlingPremière Ouro 2: Um Mar de OuroGold Rare2022-06-14OP19-PT017OTS Tournament Pack 19OTS Pacote de Torneio 19Common Spanish Release dateCard codeSetSpanish nameRarity2009-07-23RP02-SP000Retro Pack 2Retro Pack 2Secret Rare2011-12-01DL13-SP013Duelist League 13 participation cardsDuelist League 13Rare2012-05-24BP01-SP014Battle Pack: Epic DawnBattle Pack: Amanecer ÉpicoRare2012-05-24BP01-SP014Battle Pack: Epic DawnBattle Pack: Amanecer ÉpicoStarfoil Rare2012-06-07GLD5-SP024Gold Series: Haunted MineSerie Dorada: La Mina EmbrujadaGhost/Gold Rare2012-09-27LCYW-SP044Legendary Collection 3: Yugi's World Mega PackColección Legendaria 3: El Mundo de Yugi Mega PackUltra Rare2015-03-19PGL2-SP081Premium Gold: Return of the BlingDorada Premium 2Gold Rare2022-06-14OP19-SP017OTS Tournament Pack 19OTS Sobre Torneo 19Common
OCG sets Japanese Release dateCard codeSetJapanese nameRarity2006-09-04YR03-JP001Yu-Gi-Oh! R Volume 3 promotional card遊☆戯☆王R 第3巻Ultra Rare Korean Release dateCard codeSetKorean nameRarityDP00-KR000Duelist Pack: YugiSecret Rare
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GX Tag Force 2 2007-09-18 ??? Limited
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