Gravekeeper's Priestess (original) (raw)

The Arabic, Croatian and Greek names given are not official.

Gravekeeper's Priestess墓 (はか) 守 (もり) の巫 (み) 女 (こ)
English Gravekeeper's Priestess
French Prêtresse des Protecteurs du TombeauCheck translation
German Grabwächters PriesterinCheck translation
Italian Sacerdotessa - Custode di TombeCheck translation
Korean 묘지기의 무녀Check translation
Portuguese Sacerdotisa do CoveiroCheck translation
Spanish Sacedortisa del Cuidador de TumbasCheck translation
Japanese (kana) はかもりのみこCheck translation
Japanese (base) 墓守の巫女Check translation
Japanese (rōmaji) Hakamori no Miko
Card type Monster
Attribute DARK DARK
Types Spellcaster / Effect
Level 3 CG Star
ATK / DEF 1000 / 1500
Passcode 03381441
Card effect types Continuous Continuous
Statuses Unlimited
Card descriptions English While there is no face-up Field Spell, the field is treated as "Necrovalley". All "Gravekeeper's" monsters on the field gain 200 ATK/DEF. French Tant qu'il n'y a aucune Magie de Terrain face recto, le Terrain est traité comme "Vallée Mortuaire". Tous les monstres "Protecteurs du Tombeau" sur le Terrain gagnent 200 ATK/DEF. German Solange es keinen offenen Spielfeldzauber gibt, wird das Spielfeld als „Tal der Toten“ behandelt. Alle „Grabwächter“-Monster auf dem Spielfeld erhalten 200 ATK/DEF. Italian Mentre non c'è nessuna Magia Terreno scoperta, il Terreno viene considerato come "Necrovalle". Tutti i mostri "Custode di Tombe" sul Terreno guadagnano 200 ATK/DEF. Portuguese Enquanto não houver Magias de Campo com a face para cima, o campo é considerado como "Necro-Vale". Todos os monstros "do Coveiro" no campo ganham 200 de ATK/DEF. Spanish Mientras no haya una Mágica de Campo boca arriba, el Campo se trata como "Necrovalle". Todos los monstruos "Cuidador de Tumbas" en el Campo ganan 200 ATK/DEF. Japanese このカードがフィールド上に表側表示で存在する限り、フィールドは「王家の眠る谷-ネクロバレー」になる。フィールド魔法カードが表側表示で存在する場合、この効果は適用されない。また、このカードがフィールド上に表側表示で存在する限り、フィールド上の「墓守」と名のついたモンスターの攻撃力・守備力は200ポイントアップする。 Korean 이 카드가 필드 위에 앞면 표시로 존재하는 한, 필드는 "왕가의 골짜기-네크로밸리"가 된다. 필드 마법 카드가 앞면 표시로 존재할 경우, 이 효과는 적용되지 않는다. 또한, 이 카드가 필드 위에 앞면 표시로 존재하는 한, 필드 위의 "묘지기"라는 이름이 붙은 몬스터의 공격력 / 수비력은 200 포인트 올린다.
TCG sets English Release dateCard codeSetRarity2010-02-06ABPF-ENSP1Absolute Powerforce Sneak Peek Participation CardUltra Rare2010-02-12ABPF-EN000Absolute PowerforceSuper Rare2013-10-11LCJW-EN258Legendary Collection 4: Joey's World Mega PackRare2019-01-24SS01-ENB07Speed Duel Starter Decks: Destiny MastersCommon2019-04-17STP1-EN017Speed Duel Tournament Pack 1Super Rare French Release dateCard codeSetFrench nameRarity2010-02-06ABPF-FRSP1Absolute Powerforce Sneak Peek Participation CardPuissance Absolue Avant-premièreUltra Rare2010-02-11ABPF-FR000Absolute PowerforcePuissance AbsolueSuper Rare2013-10-10LCJW-FR258Legendary Collection 4: Joey's World Mega PackCollection Légendaire 4: Le Monde de Joey Méga PackRare2019-01-24SS01-FRB07Speed Duel Starter Decks: Destiny MastersDecks de Démarrage Speed Duel : Les Maîtres du DestinCommon2019-04-17STP1-FR017Speed Duel Tournament Pack 1Speed Duel Pack de Tournoi 1Super Rare German Release dateCard codeSetGerman nameRarity2010-02-06ABPF-DESP1Absolute Powerforce Sneak Peek Participation CardAbsolute Powerforce Sneak PeekUltra Rare2010-02-11ABPF-DE000Absolute PowerforceAbsolute PowerforceSuper Rare2013-10-10LCJW-DE258Legendary Collection 4: Joey's World Mega PackLegendary Collection 4: Mega PackRare2019-01-24SS01-DEB07Speed Duel Starter Decks: Destiny MastersSpeed Duel Starter Decks: Destiny MastersCommon2019-04-17STP1-DE017Speed Duel Tournament Pack 1Speed Duel Tournament Pack 1Super Rare Italian Release dateCard codeSetItalian nameRarity2010-02-06ABPF-ITSP1Absolute Powerforce Sneak Peek Participation CardPotere Assoluto Sneak PeekUltra Rare2010-02-11ABPF-IT000Absolute PowerforcePotere AssolutoSuper Rare2013-10-10LCJW-IT258Legendary Collection 4: Joey's World Mega PackCollezione Leggendaria 4: Mega-PackRare2019-01-24SS01-ITB07Speed Duel Starter Decks: Destiny MastersStarter Deck Speed Duel: Maestri del DestinoCommon2019-04-17STP1-IT017Speed Duel Tournament Pack 1Speed Duel Buste da Torneo 1Super Rare Portuguese Release dateCard codeSetPortuguese nameRarity2013-10-11LCJW-PT258Legendary Collection 4: Joey's World Mega PackMega Pacote da Coleção Lendária 4: O Mundo de JoeyRare2019-01-24SS01-PTB07Speed Duel Starter Decks: Destiny MastersDecks Iniciais Speed Duel: Mestres do DestinoCommon2019-04-17STP1-PT017Speed Duel Tournament Pack 1Pacote de Torneio Speed Duel 1Super Rare Spanish Release dateCard codeSetSpanish nameRarity2010-02-06ABPF-SPSP1Absolute Powerforce Sneak Peek Participation CardFuerza Absoluta PresentaciónUltra Rare2010-02-11ABPF-SP000Absolute PowerforceFuerza AbsolutaSuper Rare2013-10-10LCJW-SP258Legendary Collection 4: Joey's World Mega PackColección Legendaria 4: El Mundo de Joey Mega PackRare2019-01-24SS01-SPB07Speed Duel Starter Decks: Destiny MastersBarajas de Principiante Speed Duel: Maestros del DestinoCommon2019-04-17STP1-SP017Speed Duel Tournament Pack 1Speed Duel Sobre Torneo 1Super Rare
OCG sets Japanese Release dateCard codeSetJapanese nameRarity2010-09-18EXP3-JP031Extra Pack Volume 3EXTRA PACK Volume 3Rare2013-11-01AT04-JP006Advanced Tournament Pack 2013 Vol.4アドバンスド・トーナメントパック2013 Vol.4Common Korean Release dateCard codeSetKorean nameRarity2010-11-18EXP3-KR031Extra Pack Volume 3엑스트라 팩 Volume 3Rare2014-01-04AE03-KR014Advanced Event Pack 2014 Vol.1어드밴스드 이벤트 팩 2014 Vol.1Common
Card search categories Archetypes and series Gravekeeper's Supports archetypes Gravekeeper's Related to archetypes and series Necrovalley Stat changes All monsters gain ATK All monsters gain DEF Treats field as Field Spell Card Miscellaneous Female
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"Gravekeeper's Priestess" pages
"Gravekeeper's" 「墓 (はか) 守 (もり) 」
[Members](/wiki/List%5Fof%5F%22Gravekeeper%27s%22%5Fcards "List of "Gravekeeper's" cards") Gravekeeper's AmbusherGravekeeper's AssailantGravekeeper's CannonholderGravekeeper's ChiefGravekeeper's CommandantGravekeeper's CurseGravekeeper's DescendantGravekeeper's GuardGravekeeper's HeadmanGravekeeper's HereticGravekeeper's NoblemanGravekeeper's OracleGravekeeper's PriestessGravekeeper's RecruiterGravekeeper's ShamanGravekeeper's Spear SoldierGravekeeper's SpiritualistGravekeeper's SpyGravekeeper's SupernaturalistGravekeeper's VassalGravekeeper's VisionaryGravekeeper's Watcher Gravekeeper's InscriptionGravekeeper's ServantGravekeeper's SteleGravekeeper's Trap
[Support](/wiki/List%5Fof%5F%22Gravekeeper%27s%22%5Fsupport%5Fcards "List of "Gravekeeper's" support cards") Charm of ShabtiGravekeeper's CannonholderGravekeeper's ChiefGravekeeper's DescendantGravekeeper's HeadmanGravekeeper's NoblemanGravekeeper's OracleGravekeeper's PriestessGravekeeper's RecruiterGravekeeper's ShamanGravekeeper's SpyGravekeeper's SupernaturalistGravekeeper's Visionary Gravekeeper's SteleGravekeeper's TrapHidden Temples of NecrovalleyImperial Tombs of NecrovalleyNecrovalleyNecrovalley TempleNecrovalley ThroneRite of Spirit
[Anti-support](/wiki/List%5Fof%5F%22Gravekeeper%27s%22%5Fanti-support%5Fcards "List of "Gravekeeper's" anti-support cards") Hidden Temples of NecrovalleyImperial Tombs of Necrovalley
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"Necrovalley" 「ネクロバレー」
[Members](/wiki/List%5Fof%5F%22Necrovalley%22%5Fcards "List of "Necrovalley" cards") Hidden Temples of NecrovalleyImperial Tombs of NecrovalleyNecrovalleyNecrovalley TempleNecrovalley Throne
[Support](/wiki/List%5Fof%5F%22Necrovalley%22%5Fsupport%5Fcards "List of "Necrovalley" support cards") Gravekeeper's AmbusherGravekeeper's Supernaturalist Necrovalley Temple
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