Performapal Skeeter Skimmer (original) (raw)

The Croatian name given is not official.

Performapal Skeeter SkimmerEM (エンタメイト) アメンボート
English Performapal Skeeter Skimmer
French Patineur de l'Eau PotartisteCheck translation
German Künstlerkumpel SegellibelleCheck translation
Italian Artistamico PattinatoreCheck translation
Korean EM (엔터메이트) 아멘보트Check translation
Portuguese Aranha-d'água CamarartistaCheck translation
Spanish Artistamigo Patas de AguaCheck translation
Japanese (kana) エンタメイトアメンボートCheck translation
Japanese (base) EMアメンボートCheck translation
Japanese (rōmaji) Entameito Amenbōto
Japanese (translated) Entermate Amenboat
Card type Monster
Types Insect / Effect
Level 4 CG Star
ATK / DEF 500 / 1600
Passcode 42562690
Card effect types Trigger
Statuses Unlimited
Card descriptions English When this face-up Attack Position card is targeted for an attack: You can change this card to face-up Defense Position, and if you do, negate that attack. French Lorsque cette carte en Position d'Attaque face recto est ciblée par une attaque : vous pouvez changer cette carte en Position de Défense face recto, et si vous le faites, annulez l'attaque. German Wenn diese Karte in offener Angriffsposition als Angriffsziel gewählt wird: Du kannst diese Karte in die offene Verteidigungsposition ändern und falls du dies tust, annulliere den Angriff. Italian Quando questa carta scoperta in Posizione di Attacco viene scelta come bersaglio per un attacco: puoi mettere questa carta scoperta in Posizione di Difesa e, se lo fai, annulla quell'attacco. Portuguese Quando este card com a face para cima em Posição de Ataque for escolhido como alvo de um ataque: você pode colocar este card com a face para cima em Posição de Defesa e, se isso acontecer, negue o ataque. Spanish Cuando esta carta en Posición de Ataque boca arriba es seleccionada para un ataque: puedes cambiar esta carta a Posición de Defensa boca arriba y, si lo haces, niega ese ataque. Japanese ①:攻撃表示のこのカードが攻撃対象に選択された時に発動できる。このカードを表側守備表示にし、その攻撃を無効にする。 Korean ①: 공격 표시의 이 카드가 공격 대상으로 선택되었을 때에 발동할 수 있다. 이 카드를 앞면 수비 표시로 하고, 그 공격을 무효로 한다.
TCG sets English Release dateCard codeSetRarity2014-08-14DUEA-EN005Duelist AllianceCommon2015-09-17MP15-EN0612015 Mega-Tin Mega PackCommon French Release dateCard codeSetFrench nameRarity2014-08-14DUEA-FR005Duelist AllianceL'Alliance des DuellistesCommon2015-09-17MP15-FR0612015 Mega-Tin Mega Pack2015 Méga-Boîte Méga-PackCommon German Release dateCard codeSetGerman nameRarity2014-08-14DUEA-DE005Duelist AllianceDuelist AllianceCommon2015-09-17MP15-DE0612015 Mega-Tin Mega Pack2015 Mega-Tin Mega PackCommon Italian Release dateCard codeSetItalian nameRarity2014-08-14DUEA-IT005Duelist AllianceAlleanza dei DuellantiCommon2015-09-17MP15-IT0612015 Mega-Tin Mega Pack2015 Mega-Tin Mega PackCommon Portuguese Release dateCard codeSetPortuguese nameRarity2014-08-15DUEA-PT005Duelist AllianceAliança dos DuelistasCommon2015-09-17MP15-PT0612015 Mega-Tin Mega PackMega-Pacote da Mega-Latas 2015Common Spanish Release dateCard codeSetSpanish nameRarity2014-08-14DUEA-SP005Duelist AllianceAlianza de DuelistasCommon2015-09-17MP15-SP0612015 Mega-Tin Mega Pack2015 Mega-Lata Mega PackCommon
OCG sets Japanese Release dateCard codeSetJapanese nameRarity2014-04-19DUEA-JP005Duelist Allianceザ・デュエリスト・アドベントCommon2015-04-15EN01-JP010Entry PackエントリーパックCommon Japanese-Asian Release dateCard codeSetJapanese-Asian nameRarityDUEA-JA005Duelist Allianceザ・デュエリスト・アドベントCommon Korean Release dateCard codeSetKorean nameRarity2014-07-18DUEA-KR005Duelist Alliance더 듀얼리스트 어드벤트Common
Card search categories Archetypes and series Performapal Actions Changes battle positions Attack categories Negates attacks
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"Performapal" 「EM (エンタメイト) 」
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