20.20 comsat (original) (raw)

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20.20 comsat

Part of FS-1300

Credit: Manufacturer Image

American Loral communications satellite. Design of 2008, provided greater digital communications capacity by integrating next-generation technologies with the proven reliability of traditional concepts and products of the FS 1300 series.

Status: Design 2008. Gross mass: 8,500 kg (18,700 lb).

Total satellite power was from 17 to 30 kW. On-board transmitter power -- up to 15,000 RF watts -- could accommodate as many as 150 active transponders. Launch mass was approximately 8,500 kg. 20.20 SS/L satellites featured fuel-efficient attitude and station keeping systems that ensure long on-orbit life. Thrusters put the satellite on station while three-axis, momentum-bias stabilization systems accurately maintained its attitude and kept antennas and sensors pointed to the desired coverage areas. Electrical power requirements were met by deployable solar arrays supplemented with high-energy batteries. Propulsion was provided by an ion engine. A 5 m diameter payload fairing was required for 20.20 launches.

More at: 20.20 comsat.

Family: Communications, Geosynchronous orbit. Country: USA. Agency: Space Systems.

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