Molniya 8K78-3 (original) (raw)

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Molniya 8K78-3

Part of Block L

Block L rocket stage

Block L rocket stage
Block L Molniya 8K78M
Credit: © Mark Wade

LOx/Kerosene propellant rocket stage. Stage designed as fourth stage to take R-7 launched payloads into deep space. Adapted from the Luna / Vostok third stage, but with restart capability. The 700 kg BOZ ullage motors and stabilization platform jettisoned prior to main stage burn. Original version.

Status: Retired 1965. Thrust: 65.41 kN (14,705 lbf). Gross mass: 5,100 kg (11,200 lb). Unfuelled mass: 1,080 kg (2,380 lb). Specific impulse: 340 s. Burn time: 192 s. Height: 2.84 m (9.31 ft). Diameter: 2.56 m (8.39 ft). Span: 2.56 m (8.39 ft).

Originally designed by Korolev; passed to Isayev for production. Began a series of engines leading through the 8D726 for GR-1 to the Block D for the N1 and Proton. Earliest versions with 6380 kgf and 338.5 sec specific impulse.

Cost $ : 3.000 million.

Family: Space Tugs. Country: Russia. Engines: RD-108-8D727K. Launch Vehicles: Molniya 8K78/E6. Propellants: Lox/Kerosene.

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