Ratler (original) (raw)

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American earth rover. Tested 1995. Robotic All Terrain Lunar Exploration Rover demonstrated the use of existing technology for lunar exploration missions.

Status: Tested 1995. Height: 1.00 m (3.20 ft).

The Sandia National Laboratories Robotic Vehicle Range (SNL/RVR) facility originally developed the Robotic All Terrain Lunar Exploration Rover (RATLER) to demonstrate the use of existing technology for lunar exploration missions. After tests with scale models, field trials were conducted with the RATLER II full-scale version in 1995.

Thereafter SNL/RVR worked with a commercial provider who trademarked the RATLER design. RATLERs were sold for used for tasks such as surveillance, perimeter control, localization of chemical sources, and search and rescue missions. RATLER vehicles came in a range of sizes, from 20 cm up to 100 cm; were lightweight, maneuverable; and could navigate over long distances. SNL/RVR continued development of RATLER, including field testing a RATLER powered by a PEM fuel cell which tripled the vehicle operating range.

Family: Earth rover. Country: USA. Agency: NASA, Sandia. Bibliography: 1995.

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