RLA-600 (original) (raw)

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Glushko LOx/Kerosene rocket engine. Design 1972. Two-chamber version of RLA-300. Proposed for the RLA series launch vehicles and the UR-700M Mars booster.

Status: Design 1972. Date: 1972-1975. Thrust: 6,370.00 kN (1,432,030 lbf).

In 1972 to 1974 Glushko proposed lox/kerosene engines for the RLA series launch vehicles and the UR-700M Mars booster with a lift-off thrust of 300 metric tons per chamber. The UR-700M version would use two chambers for a total thrust of 600 metric tons. Following rejection of the RLA and the adoption of the Energia design, this chamber design was 'down-sized' to 200 metric tons thrust for Energia and Vulkan.

Chambers: 2.

Country: Russia. Launch Vehicles: UR-700M. Propellants: Lox/Kerosene. Stages: UR-700M-2, UR-700M-1. Agency: Glushko bureau. Bibliography: 443.

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