174 B.C. - events and references (original) (raw)
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SYR {30 Audnaeus -M = January} Document: THI_102, a decree of Laodiceia about the property rights of the sanctuary of Sarapis and Isis.
ROM Plague at Rome.
* Read Livy's account
@ +Liv_41.21'5-11;* Obseq_10.
Omens, including three suns appearing in the sky at the same time.
* Read Livy's account
@ +Liv_41.21'12-13;* +Plin:HN_2'99.
{5 June = ?March} A Roman embassy returns from Africa, and reports on contacts between the Carthaginians and the Macedonians.
* Read Livy's account
@ +Liv_41.22'1-3,* 42.23'2; { CAH_8'304.}
GRE << Document: IG_2³.1315 (Syll_640), an Athenian decree honouring a merchant for gifts of corn and oil.
PAL ?? King Areus (?) of Sparta sends a letter to the Jewish high priest Onias offering to renew the friendship between the two states.
* Read Josephus' account
@ ~Joseph:AJ_12'225-228;* Hieron:Chron_1809; { The reference to Areus implies that Josephus has named the wrong Onias as the recipient of this letter, and that it dates to the third century B.C.}
<< Jesus (also known as Jason) replaces Onias as high priest.
* Read 2Maccabees' account
@ ~2Macc_4'7-10;* 4Macc_4'15-20; ~Joseph:AJ_12'237; !Hieron:Chron_1845; Sulpit_2'18; Syncell_335; { CAH_8'347-348.}
SPA Ap.Claudius defeats the Celtiberi.
* Read Livy's account
@ +Liv_41.26'1-5;* Obseq_10.
GRE The Romans mediate in civil wars in Aetolia and Crete.
@ +Liv_41.25'1-7; { CAH_8'305.}
LYC The Rhodians suppress resistance in Lycia.
@ +Liv_41.25'8.
GRE Perseus visits Delphi with his army, and attempts to maintain friendly relations with the countries through which he passes.
* Read Livy's account
@ Syll_643'7-9; Polyb_22.18'4; +Liv_41.22'4-8,* 23'13-14, 42.41'13-42'3; Appian:Mac_11'6;(22) { CAH_8'304; Green_426.}
PEL Perseus attempts to establish friendly relations with the Achaean League, but his offer is rejected by the Achaean assembly.
* Read Livy's account
@ +Liv_41.23'1-24'20,* 42.12'6; { CAH_8'304.}
ROM {1 March -R = ?December} Ap.Claudius celebrates an ovation for his victory over the Celtiberi, after the consular elections have been completed.
* Read Livy's account
@ +Liv_41.28'1-6;* #FastTr_p104.
++ General remarks on the character of T.Flamininus, and his achievements in Greece.
* Read Plutarch's account
@ Plut:Flam_1'1-3,* 21'15-24'5; { ~ OCD�.}
?? Cato takes on personal responsibility for the education of his son.
@ Plut:CatMai_20'5-9; { Cato's son served in the army of the consul Popillius in the following year.}
== The censors, Flaccus and Albinus, review the senate and remove nine senators, including Cn.Fulvius, the brother of Flaccus.
* Read Livy's account
@ +Liv_41.27'1-18,* 43.15'6, 16'2, 45.17'2; +FastCap_p66; Vell_1.10'6; ValMax_2.7'5; +Plin:HN_7'157; Frontin:Str_4.1'32; { DPRR.}