Libraries in Kos, Rhodes and Tauromenion (original) (raw)
Translations of Hellenistic Inscriptions: 166
Greek text: IG_12.4.2.433 , NSER_11 , SEG_26.1123
Provenance: Kos , Rhodes , Tauromenium
Date: (A) Early 2nd century , (B) Late 2nd century , (C) c. 130 B.C
Tags: historians+philosophers , �subscriptions�
Format: see key to translations
Inscription A provides the earliest documentary evidence for the creation of a public library in a Greek city; see S.Johnstone, "A New History of Libraries and Books in the Hellenistic Period", pp.352-354 ( ).
Inscription B contains part of a catalogue of library books.� It was found near the gymnasium in the city of Rhodes.� The library seems to have been attached to the gymnasium, and the gymnasiarchs had at least some responsibility for its administration; see NimRoD.� The translation of B is taken from A.Ellis-Evans,� "Literature and History in the Hellenistic Period" ( ).
Inscription C was painted on a plaster wall at Tauromenion in Sicily. Several fragments have survived. Like B, it is probably part of the catalogue of a library attached to a gymnasium; but it also provides brief biographical details of the authors. The translation is adapted from F.Battistoni, "The Ancient Pinakes from Tauromenion: Some New Readings" (ZPE, 2006).� There is a photograph of the inscription, with some information in French, on the NimRoD website.
[A] These men made offerings for the library.
- Diokles son of Apollodoros and Apollodoros son of Diokles : the library and 100 books.
- Hekataios son of Simias : 200 drachmas.�
- ...mos son of Epigēris : � 200 drachmas and 100 books.
- . . . son of Simos : � 200 drachmas and 100 books.�
- ...os son of Python : 200 drachmas and 100 books.
- son of Parmeniskos [and] Hagesias son of Hagesias son of Nikostratos : � 200 drachmas.
- Xenokles son of Xenokles : � 200 drachmas and 100 books.
- Leonidas son of Euteris : � . . .
- Eunomos son of Pisikles : � . . .
- Dara... * * *
| [ _Works of_ Demetrios of Phaleron ] Boiotiakos Aristaichmos Kleon, 1 book Phaidondas or On O... On Legislation at Athens, 5 On the Constitutions at Athens Works of Hegesias.� The Philathenaioi Aspasia, 1 Alkibiades, 1 Works of Theodektes.� Techne, 4 Amphiktyonikos, 1 Works of Theopompos.� Lakonikos, 1 Panionikos, 1� Mausolos, 1 Olympikos, 1 Philip, 1 Encomium of Alexander, 1 In Defence of Olig[archs or -archies], 1 In Defence of ...ias, 1 Against Euagoras of Cyprus, 2� Letter to Antipatros, 1 Advisory Speech to Alexander Panathenaikos Invective against the School of Plato� Works of another Theopompos. On Kingship, 1 book | | [Works of . . . ] In Defence of . . . In Defence of . . . Works of Dionysios.� . . . On . . . On the . . . On the paid... Works of (?) Diodotos.� On [(?) the Deeds of . . .]� Works of Damokleides.� . . . On Generation Against Alexander Works of Eratosthenes.� . . . | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1. Kallisthenes of Olynthos. He was the secretary {epistolagraphos} of Alexandros. He also left 'Deeds of Alexandros', having written . . .
2. ...on of Elis.� . . .
3. Quintus Fabius, called Pictorinus, of Rome, the son of Gaius. He recorded the arrival of Herakles in Italy, and . . . of Lanoïos {Lanuvius} . . . by Aineias and . . . much later there were Romulus and Remus and the [foundation] of Rome by Romulus . . . (?) reigned . . .
�� Philistos of Syracuse. They say he was a pupil of Euenos . . . who wrote elegies. He was the first to compose in the manner now predominant and to structure correctly the narration and . . .
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