in ancient sources @ (original) (raw)

This is part of the index of names on the attalus website. The names occur either in lists of events (arranged by year, from the 4th to the 1st century B.C.) or in translations of sources. There are many other sources available in translation online - for a fuller but less precise search, Search Ancient Texts. On each line there is a link to the page where the name can be found.

Rullus (P. Servilius Rullus)

- father of the tribune
73/42 P.Servilius Rullus is regarded as extravagant because he serves a who

Rullus 2 (P. Servilius Rufus)

- tribune of the plebs, 63 B.C.
+ Servilius
67/38 legal constraints, despite opposition from the tribune Servilius.
63/1 successfully opposes an agrarian law proposed by the tribune Rullus.
Cic:LegAgr_1.14 lands? The same decemvirs you, Rullus (I say nothing about the
Cic:LegAgr_1.16 of colonies ? Did you, Rullus, think that we should hand
Cic:LegAgr_1.21 that territory to Publius Rullus, which by itself alone
Cic:LegAgr_1.23 You made a great mistake, Rullus, you and some of your
Cic:LegAgr_2.13 office ; the speech of Rullus in particular is expected, because
Cic:LegAgr_2.17 I ask for what reason Rullus has made this the beginning
Cic:LegAgr_2.20 put it more plainly : Rullus, a man who is neither
Cic:LegAgr_2.23 if you think either that Rullus thought of it or that
Cic:LegAgr_2.31 to mention the Sempronian law, Rullus? does not that law itself
Cic:LegAgr_2.43 affair be decided by Rullus with his colleagues the
Cic:LegAgr_2.48 the towns or lands, which Rullus does not order to be
Cic:LegAgr_2.51 good a business man as Rullus is, or perhaps he was
Cic:LegAgr_2.58 are protected by a treaty. Rullus often heard this matter discussed
Cic:LegAgr_2.66 definitely say Italy, says Rullus. A very clearly marked
Cic:LegAgr_2.76 a greater charm than Rome. Rullus orders 5,000 colonists to be
Cic:LegAgr_2.85 Rullus adds the plain of Stella
Cic:LegAgr_2.89 Marcus Brutus ** or Publius Rullus (for these are the only
Cic:LegAgr_2.92 blame, and also to Publius Rullus; nor do those omens and
Cic:LegAgr_2.98 [36.] [98] You, Publius Rullus, have preferred to follow the
Cic:LegAgr_3.3 law; if I show that Rullus by his law takes such
Cic:LegAgr_3.4 ** but simply to teach Rullus to keep silent in the
Plin:HN_8.210 Servilius Rullus, father of the Rullus who brought in the land