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M. Tönnis, G. Klinker A Collaborative Table-top Platform for Discussion and Development of Traffic Scenarios with Human Behavior The 17th World Congress on Ergonomics (International Ergonomics Association, IEA), Beijing, China, Aug. 9 - 14, 2009. (bib)
Realistic traffic scenarios in driving simulators are a mandatory prerequisites for user studies on advanced driver assistance systems. A back-projection table-top environment in combination with miniature toy cars offers a new way for the creation of traffic scenarios with fine-grained human behavior. The system is linked to a driving simulator and enables direct experiencing. The platform also enables collaborative discussion and serves as a basis for new exploration principles where test subjects are taken in the development cycle. The paper illustrates the need for alternate traffic scenarios, introduces the new approach and the usage of the system. Areas of application together with new opportunities are then discussed.
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