Argument (original) (raw)
Disciplines> Argument
'Argument' is often used to mean heated and emotional exchanges. Argument, here, is just the opposite. Arguing with pure logic, or argumentation,is a fine art that has been refined over many centuries. One of the earliest and best was Aristotle, and the modern art of argument has developed from the Athenians onward.
- Aristotelian Logic: The collected elements from the original master.
- Fallacies: Many of the common errors that appear in arguments.
- Five Canons of Rhetoric: the principles of Aristotelian persuasion.
- Making the Argument: building a strong argument.
- Syllogisms: Classic logical argument forms.
- Types of Reasoning: different ways to argue.
- Virtues of Style: Five ways of creating effective style.
- Articles about Argument: Other writings of note.
(Note: There is a total of around 140 pages in this section)
See also
Argument links,Critical thinking links,Using Statements, The Art of Being Right,Excusing,Denialism,Thinking