Sigmund Freud (original) (raw)
Disciplines > Psychoanalysis> Theorists> Freud
Description |Discussion | See also
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) is the oft-misunderstood founder of modern psychotherapy as well as introducing such important concepts as the unconscious mind and the ego. His daughter Anna Freud (1895-1982) continued work in psychanalysis.
- Early and Late Freud: How he changed his mind.
- Freud's Personality Factors: Ego, id, super-ego and cathexis.
- Defense Mechanisms: Many ways we cope with stress.
- Transference: projecting one person onto another.
- Freud's Psychosexual Stage Theory: sex images in early life.
- Identification: Associating with others.
- Internalization: Adopting objects into the personality.
- Incorporation: Primitive ingestion of things into the body.
- Introjective identification: Introjecting good parts of others into the ego.
- Life and death drives: Eros (libido) and Thanatos.
- Narcissism: Primary self-love.
- Oedipus Complex: Inter-gender jealousies.
- Pleasure-pain principle: seeking immediate gratification, avoiding discomfort.
- Reality principle: Pragmatic deferral of pleasure.