Bohemia - Bibliography (original) (raw)

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Primary Sources

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Electronically Available Primary Sources

(contains the following sources):

J. Ludv�kovsk� (ed), Legenda Christiani, Prague, 1978.

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Gumpoldi Mantuani episcopi Passio Vencezlai martyris (FRB I, J. Emler (ed))

Passio s. Vencezlai incipiens verbis Crescente fide christiana (recensio bavarica)

Passio s. Vencezlai incipiens verbis Crescente fide christiana (recensio bohemica)


Quellensammlung zur mittelalterlichen Geschichte, hrsg. von Winfried Bogon (1998)

Continuatio fontium medii aevi, hrsg. von Thomas M�ller, Alexander Pentzel (1999)

Secondary Sources


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The bibliographical database of the CMS is accessible via: (search under: 1. Knihovna, 2. Bibliografick� datab�ze).

© Petr Sommer, Dušan Třešt�k, and Josef Žemlička, with the assistance of Zo� Opačić (who also provided additional material on art)