Architectural Projects (original) (raw)

Chaos Research Center

Moscow that never was

�������� Exhibition “Zaryadye. Archives of the Possible"
����������Virtual worlds of Moscow on Den'.tv

Big ShtoRaMag book

Graduate projects directory

Spaceport Ra

������� �������� Grand Prix Architecture et Innovation Pour L’espace
�������� Architecture without borders”, scientific magazine “Smart Composites in Construction”, HAC

3D Moscow 1812

book Alternative

© S. Rastorguev, M. Kudryashov and 25 coauthors

A book on futuristic architecture

��������Architectural Festival "Zodchestvo" — presentation

Christmas tree and 3D model of Moscow 1912

Crazy ship project

© S. Rastorguev, A. Magay, Vimania

Crazy ship

�������� Architectural Festival "Zodchestvo"

The warmth of the north, Murmansk

3D models of cities

Futuristic apartment

Architectural Projects



3D Manhattan 2024

Kursk 2032

�������� Exhibition and public hearing in Kursk
������� �������� People's Choice Award

stand for SPIEF

L.I.G.H.T. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. project

© S. Rastorguev, M. Kudryashov, Marina Batalova, Ekaterina Sharygina, Anna Tikhomirova, Alexandr Tsvetkov


Salad project

© S. Rastorguev, M. Kudryashov, Ilya Aladov, Dmitrii Moroz


Christmas tree 2019 - 1909 - 1689

3D model of the city of 19, 17 and 12 centuries

���������� ����������6 publications

Stand for Intermuseum

3D model of Yaroslavl project

© S. Rastorguev & Vimania

3D model of Yaroslavl

���������� ����������11 publications

Nomadic city project

© S. Rastorguev, M. Kudryashov, A. Ter-Stepanyan, I. Aladov

Nomadic City

Christmas tree 2018 & Demidov Square

Bitrix Office in Moscow

���������� Bitrix 24 Office Design in Moscow — Zingyhomes

����������� ����� – ������ � �������

����������10 publications about the project

Dispute on the Beard

����������Presentation of the project logo "A dispute on the beard" — 1st Yaroslavl TV

Parametric Residence

���������� Parametric Residence in Uspenskoe — e-architect
����������Simon Rastorguev Designed Parametric Residence With Multifunctional Folded Surfaces —
����������Parametric Residence in Moscow Region, Russia — Aeccafe

Tree 2117

T.H.I.R.S.T. project

© S. Rastorguev, I. Smirnova, L. Mezenina, S. Ogurtsov, A. Burykina, A. Tsvetkov, S. Galitsina, M. Kudryashov

T.H.I.R.S.T. project

������� �������� shortlist of the Foundation Jacques Rougerie competition

���������� «», Real Estate,

ATOLL project

© M. Kudryashov, A. Merekin, V. Khandrikova, A. Stepanova, D. Fedorov, S. Rastorguev

ATOLL project

ASTEUS project

© V. Butsmii, D. Moroz

ASTEUS project

������� �������� shortlist of the Foundation Jacques Rougerie competition

Park of the Energy Art objects

Museum of the Future

Tree 2116 project, 2016

© S. Rastorguev

Christmas tree 2116

Collectionneur de mémoire

���������� «», Real Estate,

Life is everywhere project

© M. Kudriashov, S. Rastorguev, I. Smirnova, L. Mezenina, J. Volgusova

Life is everywhere

Meduza-825 project

© A. Sysak, S. Rastorguev, M. Kudriashov, A. Poliantceva


������� �������� shortlist of the Foundation Jacques Rougerie competition

Areostationary settlement on Mars project

© S. Rastorguev / based on Stream City II project

areostationary settlement on Mars

Christmas tree 2115

Arks project

© M. Kudryashov, S. Rastorguev, Roman Sakharov


���������� Marine Atlas of the 21 century, the National naval forces of France ‘La Terre est Bleue’
���������� «», Real Estate,

�������� Foundation Jacques Rougerie International Database

Tree 4D project, 2014

© S. Rastorguev

Tree 4D 2014

Stream City II

���������� l'ARCA International magazine, #127

�������� Jacques Rougerie Foundation Exhibition in the National School of Architecture Paris-Val-de-Seine

������� �������� shortlist of the Foundation Jacques Rougerie competition

Drop in the Ocean project

������� �������� Coup de Cœur Babel-Collectif

art-object City of Money

Tree 2013

Stream City

���������� «Tatlin Mono» #3 (32) 2012

Social Revolution project (54 in 1)

crowdsourcing project and festival
© N. Homutova, S. Rastorguev, M. Krasulin and 58 authors

Social Revolution

���������� «Tatlin Mono» #3 (32) 2012
���������� «Tatlin News» #3 (69) 2012
���������� publication on the Mediapartners websites (24+)
�������� gallery of the Architecture Department, YSTU, Yaroslavl

Christmas tree '12

Tokyo Cube project (3 in 1)

� E. Uglovskaya, S. Rastorguev and Project Meganom

Tokyo Cube

���������� Film about the architect, Magafilm co., Ministry of Culture, RF, 2011


���������� Film about the architect, Magafilm co., Ministry of Culture, RF, 2011

Grass-City project

� S. Rastorguev


���������� «Tatlin Mono» #3 (32) 2012
���������� Film about the architect, Magafilm co., Ministry of Culture, RF, 2011
���������� «Kuban Airlines» magazine, 09, 2011
publication "New Formalism" —
�������� New Formalism, St. Petersburg, 2010

Airship Yolka 2010

publication «Green firs, or the feast of architects», «EcA» magazine, December 2009 � January 2010
publication «Tree-Airship 2010. especially for NEXT», archi.NEXT, December, 29, 2009

Oasis-building in Tehran

Carousel project

� S. Rastorguev, M. Kudryashov


exhibition Golden chapiter, Novosibirsk, 2009

Pharaoh project

� M. Kudryashov, S. Rastorguev


exhibition Golden chapiter, Novosibirsk, 2009

Fractal Yolka , project 2009

� S. Rastorguev

Fractal Yolka 2009

publication, January 2009

Anticonditionalism exp project, expanded version

� S. Rastorguev, O. Orlova

Anticonditionalism expanded

���������� Film about the architect, Magafilm co., Ministry of Culture, RF, 2011
���������� «Kuban Airlines» magazine, 09, 2011
video Video �Architecture of the Future�, AEGIS media, April, 22, 2009
���������� «Antikonditionalism. Ecopolis», «EcA» magazine � 3, April 2009
publication «Antikonditsionalizm. Architectural Chaos Theory», «Sync» magazine #7, July 2008

Axis-house project, «Dom-Avtonom»winner of the contest Contest — self-sustaining house

� O. Orlova, S. Rastorguev


exhibition First Biennale of Architecture, Moscow, 2008
publication «How to live after 5, 50 and 500 years?», «Sync» magazine #7, July 2008
publication «Like to live», �Tomorrow� newspaper, June 2008

Hedgehog-house project, «Dom-Avtonom»winner of the contest Contest — self-sustaining house

� S. Rastorguev


exhibition First Biennale of Architecture, Moscow, 2008
publication «Biennale of Architecture: Yaroslavl trace», «Gubernsky city» magazine, July 2008

Screen-house project, «Dom-Avtonom» Contest — self-sustaining house

� S. Rastorguev


Yolka Unlimited project, 2008

� S. Rastorguev

Yolka Unlimited 2008

Borovoye-BioCity project

� S. Rastorguev, M. Kudryashov


���������� Film about the architect, Magafilm co., Ministry of Culture, RF, 2011
���������� «Kuban Airlines» magazine, 09, 2011
video Video �Architecture of the Future�, AEGIS media, April, 22, 2009
exhibition Golden chapiter, Novosibirsk, 2009
exhibition «Holcim awards» exhibition, Moscow, 2008
television plot Television plot «Style abyss», NTV, June 2008
publication «Holcim awards» catalog, December 2008
publication «How to live after 5, 50 and 500 years?», «Sync» magazine #7, July 2008

Yolka Effect project, 2007

� S. Rastorguev

Yolka Effect 2007

Kotorosl Business Center project

� N.N. Kudryashov, S. Rastorguev, M. Kudryashov

Kotorosl Business Center

���������� «Kuban Airlines» magazine, 09, 2011
���������� «Kotorosl 2010 — Yaroslavl Millennium», «Domus» magazine # 19-20, Septeber 2009
publication «City boom», «Sync» magazine #8, August 2008

Kotorosl Techno-Park project

� N.N. Kudryashov, S. Rastorguev, M. Kudryashov

Kotorosl Techno-Park

���������� «Kuban Airlines» magazine, 09, 2011
���������� «Kotorosl 2010 — Yaroslavl Millennium», «Domus» magazine # 19-20, Septeber 2009

project Kotorosl project

� N.N. Kudryashov, S. Rastorguev, M. Kudryashov

project Kotorosl

���������� Film about the architect, Magafilm co., Ministry of Culture, RF, 2011
���������� «Kuban Airlines» magazine, 09, 2011
���������� «Kotorosl 2010 — Yaroslavl Millennium», «Domus» magazine # 19-20, Septeber 2009

Yolka � Multisatellite project, 2006

� S. Rastorguev

Yolka � Multisatellite 2006

publication «Space christmas trees», «Tomorrow» newspaper, January 2009
exhibition Yo-2006 exhibition, ARS-Forum, Yaroslavl, 2006

Bolt-house project, «Living Box» contest

� O. Orlova, S. Rastorguev


Leaf house project, «Living Box» contest

� S. Rastorguev

Leaf house

Gardener dream project, «5 facades of the private architecture»winner of the contest contest, «1st advanced architecture contest»winner of the contest, «WA Awards»������� ��������

� A. Magay, S. Rastorguev

Gardener dream

���������� «Kuban Airlines» magazine, 09, 2011
exhibition Golden chapiter, Novosibirsk, 2009
publication «5 facades of private architecture», catalog #3, 2007
publication «Self-Sufficient Housing», Actar (December 1, 2006)

Volkov square reconstruction project, competition of projects of Volkov Sq. reconstruction winner of the contest

� S. Rastorguev, A. Babaev

Volkov square reconstruction

exhibition exhibition of projects at the House of Artists, Yaroslavl, 2005

Fractal Yolka project, 2005

� S. Rastorguev

Fractal Yolka 2005

exhibition Yo-2006 exhibition, Ars-Forum gallery, Yaroslavl, 2006

Laguna Proun project

� S. Rastorguev, A. Magay

Laguna Proun

���������� Film about the architect, Magafilm co., Ministry of Culture, RF, 2011
exhibition Golden chapiter, Novosibirsk, 2009
exhibition IX Architecture Biennale, Russian Pavilion, Venice, 2004
exhibition Arch Moscow X, Moscow, 2005
publication «Modern intervention in the Lagoon», «Project Russia» magazine #35, 2005

Tsargrad Restaurant project

� A. Magay, S. Rastorguev

Tsargrad Restaurant

exhibition Exhibition in Yaroslavl Art Museum, 2006

Yaroslavl-Millennium 2010 diploma project, «Workshop Russia» winner of the contest contest

� S. Shtokalo, S. Rastorguev, A. Magay

Yaroslavl-Millennium 2010

���������� Film about the architect, Magafilm co., Ministry of Culture, RF, 2011
television plot Television plot «Style abyss», NTV, June 2008
exhibition Arch Moscow 2004, Moscow
exhibition City of Young 5, Yaroslavl, 2004

Fractal Yolka project, 2004

� S. Rastorguev

Fractal Yolka 2004

exhibition Yo-2006 exhibition, Ars-Forum gallery, Yaroslavl, 2006

Quick Building project

� S. Rastorguev

Quick Building

exhibition City of Young 4, Yaroslavl, 2003

Multifunctional Center project

� S. Rastorguev

Multifunctional Center

exhibition City of Young 4, Yaroslavl, 2003

Exhibition space project, a competition in Samara

� M. Kudryashov, S. Rastorguev

Exhibition space

Chaos Research Center in Tutaev project

� S. Rastorguev

Chaos Research Center in Tutaev

TYZ Reconstruction project

� S. Rastorguev

TYZ Reconstruction

exhibition NMAXU in the TUZ, Yaroslavl, 2003

2003rd International project, 2003

� S. Rastorguev

2003rd International

exhibition Yo-2006 exhibition, Ars-Forum gallery, Yaroslavl, 2006

The house, absorbing the sun project, «DIA awards» contest

� S. Rastorguev

The house, absorbing the sun

exhibition Arch Moscow 2004, Moscow

Cottage for Rublevka project

� S. Rastorguev, M. Kudryashov

Cottage for Rublevka

publication «Fireworks House», «100% Country House» magazine, August 7/8, 2007
exhibition NMAXU in the TUZ, Yaroslavl, 2003

BioCity project, «Atlas on architecture of the future» winner of the contest contest

� M. Kudryashov, S. Rastorguev


exhibition Golden chapiter, Novosibirsk, 2009
publication «Kommersant House», #196, 25.10.2007
publication «l'Arca Plus» magazine, #53, june 2007
exhibition Arch Moscow 2004, Moscow
publication «l`Arca» magazine, #183, july-august 2003
exhibition NMAXU in the TUZ, Yaroslavl, 2003
publication «build Das architekten-magazin», Oktober, 2002

Yo-2002 project, 2002

� S. Rastorguev


exhibition Yo-2006 exhibition, Ars-Forum gallery, Yaroslavl, 2006


Anticonditionalism project, «Atlas on architecture of the future» contest

� S. Rastorguev, M. Kudryashov


exhibition Golden chapiter, Novosibirsk, 2009
publication «Antikonditionalism. Architectural Chaos Theory», «Sync» magazine #7, July 2008
publication «Arquitectura despuses del comunismo», «Codigo 06140» magazine #39 June � July 2007
publication «Antikonditsionalizm - chaos theory», «Case» magazine, September 2006
exhibition Arch Moscow 2004, Moscow
exhibition NMAXU in the TUZ, Yaroslavl, 2003

Museum of order project

� S. Rastorguev

Museum of order

Village project

� S. Rastorguev


Lukoil project, Competition for the advertising Lukoil company

� A. Magai, S. Rastorguev


Interior project

� S. Rastorguev, S. Prunskaya


Club of lovers of modern art project

� S. Rastorguev

Club of lovers of modern art

exhibition Fair of Real Estate, TVC �The Old City�, Yaroslavl, 2005

Industrial 2 project

� S. Rastorguev

Industrial 2

Reconstruction project

� S. Rastorguev


earlier drafts

� S. Rastorguev

earlier drafts

top authors: Simon Rastorguev 90, Mikhail Kudryashov 19, Alexey Magay 12, Vimania 9, Nikolaj N. Kudryashov 3, Olga Orlova 3, I. Smirnova 3, A. Ter-Stepanian 2, Natasha Homutova 2, Kirill Tikhonov 2,
L. Mezenina 2, V. Kim 2,
Sergey Shtokalo 2, Polina Petrova 1, Sveta Prunskaya 1, Elena Uglovskaya 1, Anton Babaev 1,
Alexander Kiselev 1, Roman Sakharov 1, A. Shishkov 1, F. Murodbekov 1, J. Volgusova 1, A. Sysak 1, A. Poliantceva 1, V. Butsmii 1, D. Moroz 1,
A. Merekin 1, V. Khandrikova 1, A. Stepanova 1, D. Fedorov 1, S. Ogurtsov 1, A. Burykina 1, A. Tsvetkov 1, S. Galitsina 1, I. Aladov 1

Symbols: Exhibition � Exhibition, Publication � Publication in the press, Television spot � Television spots (the total number of references: 117 ) star � project � the winner of the contest