Get the blue key on Doom II map Industrial Zone (original) (raw)

How to get the blue key on the Doom II map Industrial Zone:

(Note: For a video demonstration of the walkthrough below, click here.)

To get the blue key you'll first need the yellow key, then:

Look for the tower at the southwest corner of the map. Enter through the yellow-keyed door. There's a radiation suit in a little alcove on your right as you walk in. In the floor is a crusted-lava stream. Follow this stream south, into a darkened tunnel. Follow this spiral tunnel clockwise and around to its far end, and Activate the switch you'll find there. Go back out of the tunnel, and just as you emerge, look to your right for a stairway. Follow the winding path of stairs all the way up as far as they go. You'll come to a face-like switch on your right. Activate it to lower a small lift. Get on and ride up. Turn right and head east, around the top of the rampart, until you get to another face-like switch. Activate it. Now go back down to the inside of the base of this tower. Just to the southwest of where that radiation suit was you should now see an indentation in the wall. Open this panel to reveal the blue key.

PC Doom II players can access a demo of this level showing how to acquire the blue key, by clicking here.

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