Substitution of maptools and rgeos by sf due to depreciation of the former
Substitution of ggplot2::fortify by ggplot2::geom_sf due to depreciation of the former
emdi 2.2.0
Extension of the ebp function to allow for population weights
Extension of the ebp function to allow the aggregation of the estimates to different levels
a more flexible use of the custom_indicator argument within the ebp function
emdi 2.1.3
Improved summary with clearer notation of R2
Updated Area Level (FH) vignette
Minor improvements in checking T/F in if clauses
Increased dependency to R (>= 4.2.0) corresponding to the imported package MuMin
emdi 2.1.2
Improved messages
Copyrights updated
Bug fix in direct variance estimation (direct)
Bug fix in level orderings (ebp)
Changed last name in description
emdi 2.1.1
Fix to account for the changed behavior of as.vector() on data frames
emdi 2.1.0
Extension of the ebp function to allow informative sampling
Additional data-driven transformations for the ebp
New additional vignette
Example in write.ods fixed
emdi 2.0.3
Robustifying tests to comply with alternative implementations
Updated example for step
emdi 2.0.2
Many S3-methods in the style of stats and nlme are implemented for the classes direct, ebp and fh
Structure of S3-classes has been cleaned up
The bootstrap parameter in the fh-function has been changed from a single number to a single number or a numeric vector with two elements to allow for separately controlling the number of bootstrap iterations for the MSE estimation and the computation of the bootstrap based information criteria
Renaming the robustness constant in the fh function
Minor fixes in the documentation
Reducing the sizes of the data sets used for test that tests to decrease testing time
emdi 2.0.1
Robustifying tests to comply with alternative BLAS/LAPACK implementations
Robustifying tests to work with r-oldrel
Updated R version dependency
emdi 2.0.0
Area-level models newly added via function fh
All methods for emdi model are extended foremdi model fh
Step function for area-level models newly added
Three new data sets eusilcA_smpAgg,eusilcA_popAgg and eusilcA_prox have been integrated
New additional vignette
Change of argument order (model and direct) in functioncompare_plot
Minor bug fixes in argument checkings and message handling
Updated R version dependency
emdi 1.1.7
Minor typos corrected
Unit-Tests adjusted to the forthcoming R-Version 4.0
emdi 1.1.6
New and updated references.
emdi 1.1.5
Tests updated to deal with new random number generation in R
Some spelling improved
emdi 1.1.4
Fixed Bug in summary: R2 calculation with MuMIn is now fully working
Added feature: formula used in fixed is now preserved, even if passed to ebp as a variable
emdi 1.1.3
The function compare_plot now benefits from a legend in all plots.
Changes to be compatible with the forthcoming version of the MuMIn package.
emdi 1.1.2
The function compare_plot has been added to allow for an easy comparison between direct and model based estimates.
Argument checks have been added, and improved
Additional example in map_plot in order to explain the mapping table
The datasets have been improved to allow for more realistic examples
Small bug fixes
Updated Vignette
emdi 1.1.1
The function ebp benefits from a new parameter calledseed that allows reproducibility even when the function is run in parallel mode.
Argument checks have been added, and improved
Additional example in map_plot anddirect
Updated Vignette
emdi 1.1.0
A new function direct is made available, which provides direct estimation for small areas.
The function ebp now allows for a user-defined threshold.
The function ebp is now able to perform a semi-parametric wild bootstrap for MSE estimation.
The function ebp has new default value for parallelization that automatically adopts for the operating system.
The two data sets eusilcA_smp andeusilcA_pop have been updated.
For the function map_plot additional customization is now applicable.
All methods for emdi model except plot are extended foremdi direct.
subset and have been added as methods for class emdi.estimators