This release can potentially cause breaking changes, because of a switch to use webshot2. You now need a chromium based browser.
Update nomnoml.js to v1.6.2
Update from webshot to webshot2, thus removing the dependency on phantomjs
nomnoml 0.2.7
Remove use of numeric_version() to comply with changes in R devel.
nomnoml 0.2.6
Update nomnoml.js to v1.5.3
Fix spurious package startup message
Merge PR by @dmurdoch to add unicode support
nomnoml 0.2.5
Correctly use packageStartupMessage()
nomnoml 0.2.4
Update nomnoml.js to version 1.4.0
nomnoml 0.2.3
Fix CRAN check failures, specifically relaxing the requirement for phantomjs.
PhantomJS is only necessary for creating PNG files, including PNG output in R Markdown, but not for SVG output or any interactive widgets, e.g. in a shiny app.
nomnoml 0.2.2
Update nomnoml to v1.3.1 (taking dependency on graphre)
Add additional tests and improved code coverage
Add pkgdown documentation site
Add nomnoml_validate(), an experimental function to validate if a diagram can be parsed. Uses the V8 package to do this.
Added “experimental badge” to package
nomnoml 0.2.1
Change maintainer to @andrie
Add additional tests
nomnoml 0.2.0
Update nomnoml to version 0.7.2
Add support for ‘svg’ output in ‘nomnoml()’.
Fix issue introducing too much blank space in Rmd docs.
Fix duplicate diagrams in Shiny apps (@andrie, #15).