SSrat: Two-Dimensional Sociometric Status Determination with Rating Scales (original) (raw)

A set of functions for two-dimensional sociometric status determination with rating scales. For each person assessed, SSrat computes probability distributions of the total scores for ‘Sympathy’ (S), ‘Antipathy’ (A), social ‘Preference’ (P) and social ‘Impact’ (I), and applies a set of criteria for sociometric status categorization.

Version: 1.1
Depends: plyr, sna
Published: 2018-04-03
DOI: 10.32614/CRAN.package.SSrat
Author: Hans Landsheer
Maintainer: Hans Landsheer <j.a.landsheer at>
License: GPL-2
NeedsCompilation: no
CRAN checks: SSrat results




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