lpSolve: Interface to 'Lp_solve' v. 5.5 to Solve Linear/Integer Programs (original) (raw)

Reverse imports:

adagio, adiv, airpart, anticlust, archetypal, bayesRecon, bikm1, CARNIVAL, CDsampling, cherry, ClimMobTools, deaR, doofa, eatATA, EMC2, EventPointer, factor.switching, fdacluster, fdasrvf, fnets, GDSARM, geometry, GFDrmst, GFDrmtl, goalp, handwriter, hdiVAR, hdpca, ibd, kantorovich, KnapsackSampling, label.switching, ldsep, limSolve, lphom, lrstat, maicChecks, matchingMarkets, MCARtest, mediation, mirtCAT, mknapsack, mlergm, MoTBFs, MSCMT, muRty, NCA, netseer, nonparaeff, nsp, OGI, OptimalDesign, partitionComparison, pkgdepends, prcr, PROMETHEE, QCA, QCApro, reclin2, Riemann, rmetalog, RMT4DS, Rtropical, sampling, scdensity, soilfoodwebs, SparseMSE, SpatialCPie, starvz, systemicrisk, T4cluster, T4transport, TestDesign, TML, transformr, WhatIf