doi:10.1007/978-3-319-21416-0>, "Meta-Analysis with R" (2015): - common effect and random effects meta-analysis; - several plots (forest, funnel, Galbraith / radial, L'Abbe, Baujat, bubble); - three-level meta-analysis model; - generalised linear mixed model; - Hartung-Knapp method for random effects model; - Kenward-Roger method for random effects model; - prediction interval; - statistical tests for funnel plot asymmetry; - trim-and-fill method to evaluate bias in meta-analysis; - meta-regression; - cumulative meta-analysis and leave-one-out meta-analysis; - import data from 'RevMan 5'; - produce forest plot summarising several (subgroup) meta-analyses.">

meta: General Package for Meta-Analysis (original) (raw)

User-friendly general package providing standard methods for meta-analysis and supporting Schwarzer, Carpenter, and Rücker <doi:10.1007/978-3-319-21416-0>, "Meta-Analysis with R" (2015): - common effect and random effects meta-analysis; - several plots (forest, funnel, Galbraith / radial, L'Abbe, Baujat, bubble); - three-level meta-analysis model; - generalised linear mixed model; - Hartung-Knapp method for random effects model; - Kenward-Roger method for random effects model; - prediction interval; - statistical tests for funnel plot asymmetry; - trim-and-fill method to evaluate bias in meta-analysis; - meta-regression; - cumulative meta-analysis and leave-one-out meta-analysis; - import data from 'RevMan 5'; - produce forest plot summarising several (subgroup) meta-analyses.

Version: 8.0-1
Depends: R (≥ 4.0.0), metadat
Imports: metafor (≥ 3.0-0), grid, lme4, CompQuadForm, xml2, dplyr, methods, readr, magrittr, purrr, stringr
Suggests: netmeta, BiasedUrn, pimeta, estmeansd, writexl, rmarkdown, knitr, robvis, brglm2
Published: 2024-10-31
DOI: 10.32614/CRAN.package.meta
Author: Guido Schwarzer ORCID iD [cre, aut]
Maintainer: Guido Schwarzer <guido.schwarzer at>
License: GPL-2 | GPL-3 [expanded from: GPL (≥ 2)]
Copyright: see file
NeedsCompilation: no
Citation: meta citation info
Materials: NEWS
In views: ClinicalTrials, MetaAnalysis
CRAN checks: meta results



Reverse dependencies:

Reverse depends: crossnma, diagmeta, metarep, metasens, miniMeta, MultiPhen, netmeta, nmarank
Reverse imports: AID, aides, EvidenceSynthesis, gemtc, metabolic, metainc, metamicrobiomeR, NMAoutlier, R4HCR, smiles
Reverse suggests: forplo, gap, metaConvert, metadat, mixmeta, mvmeta, RcmdrPlugin.EZR, RCPA


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