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Quaternions and octonions in R



The onion package provides functionality for working with quaternions and octonions in R. A detailed vignette is provided in the package.

Informally, the quaternions, usually denoted , are a generalization of the complex numbers represented as a four-dimensional vector space over the reals. An arbitrary quaternion represented as

[ q=a + b\mathbf{i} + c\mathbf{j}+ d\mathbf{k}]( " q=a + b + c+ d ")

where and are the quaternion units linked by the equations

[ \mathbf{i}2= \mathbf{j}2= \mathbf{k}^2= \mathbf{i}\mathbf{j}\mathbf{k}=-1.](\. " 2= 2= ^2= =-1.")

which, together with distributivity, define quaternion multiplication. We can see that the quaternions are not commutative, for while , it is easy to show that . Quaternion multiplication is, however, associative (the proof is messy and long).


[ \left( a+b\mathbf{i} + c\mathbf{j}+ d\mathbf{k}\right){-1}= \frac{1}{a2 + b^2 + c^2 + d^2} \left(a-b\mathbf{i} - c\mathbf{j}- d\mathbf{k}\right)]( " ( a+b + c+ d)^{-1}= (a-b - c- d) ")

shows that the quaternions are a division algebra: division works as expected (although one has to be careful about ordering terms).

The octonions are essentially a pair of quaternions, with a general octonion written


(other notations are sometimes used); Baez gives a multiplication table for the unit octonions and together with distributivity we have a well-defined division algebra. However, octonion multiplication is not associative and we have in general.


You can install the released version of onion from CRAN with:

The onion package in use

The basic quaternions are denoted H1, Hi, Hj and Hk and these should behave as expected in R idiom:

Function rquat() generates random quaternions:


Octonions follow the same general pattern and we may show nonassociativity numerically:


Further information

For more detail, see the package vignette
