pairwiseCI: Confidence Intervals for Two Sample Comparisons (original) (raw)

Calculation of the parametric, nonparametric confidence intervals for the difference or ratio of location parameters, nonparametric confidence interval for the Behrens-Fisher problem and for the difference, ratio and odds-ratio of binomial proportions for comparison of independent samples. Common wrapper functions to split data sets and apply confidence intervals or tests to these subsets. A by-statement allows calculation of CI separately for the levels of further factors. CI are not adjusted for multiplicity.

Version: 0.1-27
Depends: MCPAN, coin (≥ 1.3-0)
Imports: graphics, stats, boot, MASS, mcprofile
Published: 2019-03-11
DOI: 10.32614/CRAN.package.pairwiseCI
Author: Frank Schaarschmidt [aut, cre], Daniel Gerhard [aut]
Maintainer: Frank Schaarschmidt
License: GPL-2
NeedsCompilation: no
CRAN checks: pairwiseCI results




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