repoRter.nih 0.1.4
- Changes to ensure calls to API are not tested on CRAN ( replaces )
- Exit vignette knitting early if API not available, for CRAN
- reduce vignette build time for CRAN
repoRter.nih 0.1.3
- Update get_nih_data() to return NA when API call returns non-200 response
- Modified vignette to render without error when API service is down
repoRter.nih 0.1.2
- Update make_req() to incorporate RePORTER API schema change - eliminates “award” criteria and brings sub-elements up a level
- Update vignette large result set example to reflect schema change
- Update for TeX Live 2022, resolve build errors in vignette
- documentation for github
repoRter.nih 0.1.1
- Fixed LaTeX errors in vignette
repoRter.nih 0.1.0