secr: Spatially Explicit Capture-Recapture (original) (raw)

Functions to estimate the density and size of a spatially distributed animal population sampled with an array of passive detectors, such as traps, or by searching polygons or transects. Models incorporating distance-dependent detection are fitted by maximizing the likelihood. Tools are included for data manipulation and model selection.

Version: 5.0.0
Depends: R (≥ 3.5.0), methods
Imports: abind, graphics, grDevices, MASS, mgcv, mvtnorm, nlme, parallel, raster (≥ 3.5-15), Rcpp (≥ 0.12.14), RcppNumerical, RcppParallel (≥ 5.1.1), sf, stats, stringr, terra (≥ 1.5-12), tools, utils
LinkingTo: BH, Rcpp, RcppEigen, RcppNumerical, RcppParallel
Suggests: gdistance, igraph, knitr, readxl, rmarkdown, sp, spatstat (≥ 3.0-2), spatstat.geom, spatstat.random, spcosa, spsurvey (≥ 5.3.0), testthat
Published: 2024-10-02
DOI: 10.32614/CRAN.package.secr
Author: Murray Efford ORCID iD [aut, cre], Philipp Jund [ctb] (faster transect search and spacing), David Fletcher [ctb] (overdispersion), Yan Ru Choo ORCID iD [ctb] (goodness-of-fit)
Maintainer: Murray Efford <murray.efford at>
License: GPL-2 | GPL-3 [expanded from: GPL (≥ 2)]
NeedsCompilation: yes
SystemRequirements: GNU make
Citation: secr citation info
In views: Environmetrics
CRAN checks: secr results



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