speedglm: Fitting Linear and Generalized Linear Models to Large Data Sets (original) (raw)

Fitting linear models and generalized linear models to large data sets by updating algorithms, according to the method described in Enea (2009, ISBN: 9788861294257).

Version: 0.3-5
Depends: Matrix, MASS, biglm
Imports: methods, stats
Published: 2023-05-06
DOI: 10.32614/CRAN.package.speedglm
Author: Marco Enea [aut, cre], Ronen Meiri [ctb] (on behalf of DMWay Analytics LTD), Tomer Kalimi [ctb] (on behalf of DMWay Analytics LTD)
Maintainer: Marco Enea <marco.enea at unipa.it>
License: GPL-2 | GPL-3 [expanded from: GPL]
NeedsCompilation: no
CRAN checks: speedglm results



Reverse dependencies:

Reverse imports: adapt4pv, bigstep, DMCFB, drglm, EMJMCMC, EventPointer, exomePeak2, PrInCE
Reverse suggests: broom, btergm, insight, marginaleffects, mediation, parglm, SuperLearner, superMICE
Reverse enhances: fastlogitME, prediction, texreg


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