Introduction to the complete Danish translation of Darwin's Journal of Researches (1876) (original) (raw)
By Hans Henrik Hjermitslev
In 1870 a short and inexpensive extract from Darwin's Journal of Researches (or Voyage of the Beagle) was published by Udvalget for Folkeoplysningens Fremme [The Committee for the Advancement of General Enlightenment] and reached a wide audience. Six years later, in 1876, a complete translation of the English 1860-edition appeared under the title Rejse om Jorden [_Voyage around the World_]. This exclusive publication was translated by the two young naturalists and later physiologists and experts on fermentation of beer Emil Christian Hansen (1842-1909) and Alfred Jørgensen (1848-1925). Their translation was markedly different from the 1870 edition.
In 1873 Hansen had finished his studies in natural history and his dissertation on bogs. During his university studies he worked as an unpaid assistant for Professor Japetus Steenstrup. Hansen came from a poor background, and at the time of the translation he was unemployed. The translation of the famous English naturalist was therefore a vital opportunity to earn some money. In 1879, he submitted his doctoral thesis on fermentation of beer and became chair of the Physiological Department of the industrial Carlsberg Laboratory in Copenhagen. By the end of the nineteenth century he was celebrated as the 'Pasteur of Scandinavia'. In the 1880s, the co-translator Jørgensen was director of his own private laboratory and commercialised Hansen's new methods on cultivating ferment for beer production. While translating Voyage of the Beagle Jørgensen worked as an assistant for the famous botanist Eugen Warming and wrote several articles on the anatomy of plant roots.
In their introductory remarks, Hansen and Jørgensen emphasised that they had tried to make a precise translation of the 1860-edition. However, they had chosen to omit notes and references to scientific works only relevant to experts. They included a biographical sketch based on the writingsby the English-German physiologist William Preyer (1841-97), a prominent populariser of Darwin's thoughts in Germany. Hansen and Jørgensen probably found the information on Darwin's life and career in Preyer's 1869 book Der Kampf um das Daseins. Eight new illustrations were added to the work, from an unknown source, and three images from Darwin's Coral reefs (1842) [and subsequent works].
Rejse om Jorden was never reprinted and Voyage of the Beagle has not been translated into Danish since.
See the general introduction to Darwin in Denmark.
Darwin, C. R. 1876. Rejse om Jorden. Populære Skildringer. Translated by Emil Chr. Hansen and Alfred Jørgensen. Copenhagen: Salmonsen. Text Image Text & image F174
Detailed reference:
Darwin, C. R. 1876. Rejse om Jorden. Populære Skildringer. Translated by Emil Christian Hansen & Alfred Jørgensen. Copenhagen: Brødrene Salmonsen (J. Salmonsen). 1st edition. i-xxiii + 570 pp. 22,7 x 15,5 x 3,8 cm Printing: I. Cohens Bogtrykkeri. Price: 10.00 DKK; cloth bound: 14.00 DKK
Holdings: 'P. M. Pedersen, Lærer, Sørup Højskole, Svendborg'; [P.M. Pedersen, Teacher, Sørup Folk High School, Svendborg]; 'Zoologisk Institut, Aarhus Universitet' [Department of Zoology, University of Aarhus] 'Naturhistorisk Museum, Aarhus'; [Natural History Museum, Aarhus].
Translated from: Darwin, C. R. 1860. Journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the countries visited during the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle round the world, under the command of Capt. Fitz Roy R.N. London: John Murray. Tenth thousand. (Final text) Text Image Text & image F20
[frontispiece]: Portrait of Charles Darwin
[p. xiii-1]: 'Det indre af en brasiliansk urskov'
[p. 80-81]: 'Den sydlige del af Sydamerika' [southern portion of South America]
[p. 128-129]: 'Kaktuslandskab'
[p. 192-193]: 'Vegetationsbillede fra de oceaniske øer'
[p. 256-257]: 'Fangne Pampasindianere'
[p. 320-321]: 'Skovgruppe paa Ny Zeeland'
[p. 384-385]: 'Landskab fra Itajahi'
[p. 432-433]: 'Facienda ved Rio Negro'
p. 530 Coral reef (from Darwin, C. R. 1842. The structure and distribution of coral reefs. Being the first part of the geology of the voyage of the Beagle_, under the command of Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. during the years 1832 to 1836_. London: Smith Elder and Co. Text Image Text & image F271)
p. 533: Coral reef (from Darwin, C. R. 1842. The structure and distribution of coral reefs. Being the first part of the geology of the voyage of the Beagle_, under the command of Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. during the years 1832 to 1836_. London: Smith Elder and Co. Text Image Text & image F271)
p. 534: Coral reef (from Darwin, C. R. 1842. The structure and distribution of coral reefs. Being the first part of the geology of the voyage of the Beagle_, under the command of Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. during the years 1832 to 1836_. London: Smith Elder and Co. Text Image Text & image F271)
(3 blank folios)
2 title pages
Translators' remarks
(1 blank folio)
Table of contents, pp. v-ix
(1 blank folio)
'Charles Darwin. En biografisk Skizze efter W. Preyer.', pp. xi-xxiii
(2 blank folios)
Title page
(1 blank folio)
Chapter 1: Porto Praya, pp. 3-20
Chapter 2: Rio de Janeiro, pp. 21-41
Chapter 3: Monte Video, pp. 42-68
Chapter 4: Rio Negro, pp. 69-89
Chapter 5: Bahia Blanca, pp. 90-115
Chapter 6: Opbrud til Buenos Ayres, pp. 116-133
Chapter 7: Udflugt til St. Fé, pp. 134-155
Chapter 8: Udflugt til Colonia del Sacramiento, pp. 156-195
Chapter 9: Santa Cruz, pp. 196-226
Chapter 10: Ildlandet, vor første Ankomst, pp. 227-257
Chapter 11: Magelhaens-Strædet, pp. 258-279
Chapter 12: Valpharaiso, pp. 280-303
Chapter 13: Chiloe, pp. 304-324
Chapter 14: San Carlos, Chiloe, pp. 325-350
Chapter 15: Valparaiso, pp. 351-377
Chapter 16: Kystvej til Coquimbo, pp. 378-418
Chapter 17: Galapagos-Arkipelaget, pp. 419-450
Chapter 18: Tahiti og Ny-Zeeland, pp. 451-485
Chapter 19: Australien, pp. 486-509
Chapter 20: Keeling-Øen. Koraldannelser, pp. 510-543
Chapter 21: Fra Mauritius til England, pp. 544-570
Rettelser [corrections]
(3 blank folios)