Emerging/Evolving Applications (original) (raw)
Emerging/Evolving Applications
Current research is focused on improving conventional battery technology as well as towards advanced battery technologies exhibiting characteristics such as high energy, high power density, low cost, high degree of safety, long-life, and low maintenance/repairs. Emerging (evolving) applications include (but are not limited to) the following:
- Electric Vehicles
- Benefits include positive impact on environment via a reduced dependence on fossil fuels.
- Desired properties include high specific energy/density to provide adequate vehicle driving range, high power density to provide acceleration, and low cost/low maintenance.
- Research primarily centered around Sony�s (Japan) Lithium-ion and Avestor�s (Canada) Lithium-polymer battery systems.
- Electric Hybrid Vehicles
- Benefits include less fuel consumption per mile, and a subsequent reduction in pollution.
- Desired properties include high specific power and power density for acceleration, the ability to accept high power repetitive charges stemming from regenerative braking, and a moderate cost.
- Research is centered around SAFT�s (France) Nickel Metal Hydride battery system.
- Electric Utility Energy Storage
- Benefits are primarily centered around the cost-savings derived from additional energy availability during peak usage.
- Desired properties include low initial cost, high reliability when operated, and high volumetric energy and power densities.
- Research primarily centered around Sumitomo�s (Japan) Vanadium Redox and Powercell�s (USA) Zinc Bromine Systems.
- Storage of Electric Energy produced by Renewable Energy sources such as Solar or Wind generators.
- Benefits are primarily centered around cost-savings derived from energy availability, when the energy source is not available. Typical applications include village power, telemetry, telecommunications, remote homes, etc.
- In addition to the aforementioned characteristics of Electric Energy Storage, target systems must be deemed operable in the renewable energy environment.
- Research includes Innogy�s (United Kingdom) Polysulfide Bromine Redox system.
- Improved Portable Electronics.
- Research is primarily driven by the demand for further miniaturization of electronic equipment.
- Desired properties include low cost, lightweight, safe systems with high specific energy/power and power density.
- Research primarily centered around Lithium Ion, Nickel Metal Hydride, Valve Regulated Lead Acid, and Nickel Cadmium systems.