Apollo Art PEx Power Control (original) (raw)


Jan Dvořák <mordae@anilinux.org>

This library allows for full control of PEx devices fromApollo Art. These devices provide power switching and fading capabilities and are typically installed in large, intelligent rooms.

1 Interface🔗

Type of the bank% class.

Collection of relays and faders on a single bus.

Connect to the bus using a serial port device on given pathand scan bank with given id for any relays or faders.

Execute a raw PEx BUS command. Please refer to the manual for more information.

List identifiers of relays found on the bus, within given bank.

List identifiers of faders found on the bus, within given bank.

Return an object representing specified relay.

Return an object representing specified fader.

Type of the relay% class.

Represents a single relay switch from given bank.

Retrieve internal relay status string.

Retrieve relay power status.

Modify relay power status.

Type of the fader% class.

Represents a single fader from given bank.

Retrieve internal fader status string.

Get fader power level ranging from 0 to 99.

Set fader power level ranging from 0 to 99. Larger level is treated as 99.

Fade power level from current value to the new level with duration of one second.

Fader may ignore some values inside the range, so experiment and learn what values work for your system. It is generally not possible to fade out to 0. You need to fade out to e.g. 20 and then(send a-fader set-level! 0).