13.1.4 Counting Positions, Lines, and Columns (original) (raw)

13.1.4 Counting Positions, Lines, and Columns🔗

By default, Racket keeps track of the position in a port as the number of bytes that have been read from or written to any port (independent of the read/write position, which is accessed or changed with file-position). Optionally, however, Racket can track the position in terms of characters (after UTF-8 decoding), instead of bytes, and it can track line locations and column locations; this optional tracking must be specifically enabled for a port via port-count-lines! or theport-count-lines-enabled parameter. Position, line, and column locations for a port are used by read-syntax. Position and line locations are numbered from 1; column locations are numbered from 0.

When counting lines, Racket treats linefeed, return, and return-linefeed combinations as a line terminator and as a single position (on all platforms). Each tab advances the column count to one before the next multiple of 8. When a sequence of bytes in the range 128 to 253 forms a UTF-8 encoding of a character, the position/column is incremented once for each byte, and then decremented appropriately when a complete encoding sequence is discovered. See also Ports for more information on UTF-8 decoding for ports.

A position is known for any port as long as its value can be expressed as a fixnum (which is more than enough tracking for realistic applications in, say, syntax-error reporting). If the position for a port exceeds the value of the largest fixnum, then the position for the port becomes unknown, and line and column tacking is disabled. Return-linefeed combinations are treated as a single character position only when line and column counting is enabled.

Custom ports can define their own counting functions, which are not subject to the rules above, except that the counting functions are invoked only when tracking is specifically enabled withport-count-lines!.

Turns on line location and column location counting for a port. Counting can be turned on at any time, though generally it is turned on before any data is read from or written to a port. At the point that line counting is turned on, port-next-location typically starts reporting as its last result (one more than) the number of characters read since line counting was enabled, instead of (one more than) bytes read since the port was opened.

When a port is created, if the value of theport-count-lines-enabled parameter is true, then line counting is automatically enabled for the port. Line counting cannot be disabled for a port after it is enabled.

Returns #t if line location and column locationcounting has been enabled forport, #f otherwise.

Returns three values: an integer or #f for the line number of the next read/written item, an integer or #f for the next item’s column, and an integer or #f for the next item’s position. The next column and position normally increase as bytes are read from or written to the port, but if line/character counting is enabled for port, the column and position results can decrease after reading or writing a byte that ends a UTF-8 encoding sequence.

If line counting is not enabled for a port, than the first two results are #f, and the last result is one more than the number of bytes read so far. At the point when line counting is enabled, the first two results typically become non-#f, and last result starts reporting characters instead of bytes, typically starting from the point when line counting is enabled.

Even with line counting enabled, a port may return #f values if it somehow cannot keep track of lines, columns, or positions.

Sets the next line, column, and position for port. If line counting has not been enabled for port or if port is a custom port that defines its own counting function, thenset-port-next-location! has no effect.

A parameter that determines whether line counting is enabled automatically for newly created ports. The default value is#f.