Tackling Impunity in Timor-Leste snd Indonesia: Justice Is The Only Way (original) (raw)
Tetun: JUSTISA MAK DALAN �NIKU HODI HAKOTU IMPUNIDADE IHA TIMOR-LESTE NO INDON�ZIAJOINT STATEMENT BY ANTI (THE TIMOR-LESTE NATIONAL ALLIANCE FOR AN INTERNATIONAL TRIBUNAL) AND AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL TO COMMEMORATE 12 NOVEMBER 2012 "Tackling Impunity in Timor-Leste and Indonesia: Justice Is The Only Way"The United Nations and the international community must ensure justice for serious crimes committed during the Indonesian occupation of Timor-Leste (1975-1999) and in the context of the 1999 referendum, said ANTI (The Timor-Leste National Alliance for an International Tribunal) and Amnesty International. The UN must state clearly that there will be no impunity for crimes against humanity and gross human rights violations committed in 1999 and during the Indonesian occupation (1975-1999), and further, must ensure that justice for serious crimes committed in Timor-Leste remains on the UN Security Council agenda beyond the planned withdrawal of the UN peacekeeping mission in December 2012. Today, 12 November 2012, the people of Timor-Leste reflect on twenty-one years since the 1991 Santa Cruz massacre, when Indonesian security forces opened fire on a peaceful procession of some 3,000 Timorese people to the Santa Cruz cemetery in Dili, leading to the deaths of many Timorese. At the same time, thousands of miles away in New York, the UN Security Council will meet to discuss the UN's future engagement in Timor-Leste. ANTI and Amnesty International repeat longstanding calls to the governments of Timor-Leste and Indonesia and to the international community, to take responsibility and ensure justice, truth and reparations for human rights violations committed during the Indonesian occupation and in the context of the 1999 referendum. Impunity persists for perpetrators of serious crimes committed by the Indonesian security forces and their auxiliaries during the occupation of Timor-Leste and in 1999. These crimes included unlawful killings, enforced disappearance, rape and other crimes of sexual violence against women and girls, torture and other ill-treatment. Many of these crimes amount to crimes against humanity and violate international law and standards.To date no one is imprisoned -- either in Indonesia or in Timor-Leste -- for these past crimes. In Timor-Leste, over 300 people indicted for crimes against humanity and gross human rights violations continue to evade justice in Indonesia. The Indonesian authorities have refused to co-operate with the UN-sponsored justice system in Timor-Leste and to extradite their nationals suspected of crimes against humanity to stand trial in Timor-Leste. In Indonesia, all 18 defendants originally tried for crimes committed in Timor-Leste during 1999 by the ad hoc Human Rights Court in Jakarta were acquitted by the Human Rights Court or later on appeal.To date there has been no formal process to bring to justice those responsible for crimes against humanity and gross human rights violations committed between 1975 and 1998. Based on the above information, ANTI and Amnesty International call for the following immediate actions:1. The UN must state clearly that there will be no impunity for crimes against humanity and gross human rights violations committed in 1999 and during the Indonesian occupation (1975-1999), and further, must ensure that justice for serious crimes committed in Timor-Leste remains on the UN Security Council agenda beyond the planned withdrawal of the UN peacekeeping mission in December 2012. 2. The UN must take concrete and effective steps to establish a long-term comprehensive plan to end impunity for all the perpetrators of human rights violations committed in 1999 and during the Indonesian occupation.3. The UN Security Council should discuss and implement the recommendations of the 2005 Commission of Experts, including that the UN Security Council adopt a resolution under Chapter VII of the UN Charter to create an ad hoc international criminal tribunal for Timor-Leste when domestic mechanisms have failed to bring those responsible for past crimes to a credible legal process. Such a tribunal should have jurisdiction over all crimes under international law committed by Indonesian security forces and their auxiliaries in Timor-Leste between 1975 and 1999.4. The Timorese and Indonesian governments should ratify the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance and take effective steps to implement the recommendations of the bilateral Commission of Truth and Friendship (CTF) to establish the fate and whereabouts of disappeared persons.Together, ANTI and Amnesty International demand that the UN and the governments of Timor-Leste and Indonesia take responsibility to ensure justice for crimes against humanity and human rights violations which took place in Timor-Leste between 1975 and 1999. They must ensure that victims of the Santa Cruz massacre, and all those who suffered during the Indonesian occupation and in the context of the 1999 independence referendum, have access to justice, truth and reparation. Continued inaction will further entrench a culture of impunity, and leave a dark stain on the UN's record in Timor-Leste. Dili, 12th November 2012ANTI is made up of the following organizations:1. National Victim Association 2. Committee of 12th November 3. HAK Association 4. La'o Hamutuk (Walking Together)5. Luta Hamutuk (Struggle Together);6. OPVG (Organizao Popular da Vitima da Guerra/Popular Organization of Victims of War)7. FONGTIL (Timor-Leste NGO Forum)8. FTM (Forum Tau Matan/Forum for Monitoring)9. KSI (Kdadalak Sorumutuk Institute)10. FOKUPERS (Women organization)11. KBH (Knua Buka Hatene/Home for Searching Knowledge)12. Judicial System Monitoring Program (JSMP)13. CDI (Community Development Interest)14. Front Mahasiswa Timor-Leste (FMTL, Student Front)15. Institute Edukasaun Popular (IEP)16. Klibur Solidariedade17. Mata Dalan Institute (MDI)18. Ita ba PazA-N-T-IALIANSA NASIONAL TIMOR-LESTE BA TRIBUNAL INTERNASIONALSecretariat: La'o Hamutuk, Timor-Leste Institute for Development Monitoring and Analysis Rua dos Martires da Patria, Bebora, Dili, Timor-LesteP.O. Box 340, Dili, Timor-LesteTel: +670-3321040 or +670- 77367518 / 77237176E-mail: lanarra.del@gmail.com or atino@laohamutuk.org Website: www.laohamutuk.orgAMNESTY INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL SECRETARIATPeter Benenson House, 1 Easton StreetLondon WC1X 0DW, United KingdomT: +44 (0)20 7413 5500 F: +44 (0)20 7956 1157E: amnestyis@amnesty.org W: www.amnesty.orgsee alsoHuman Rights & Justice pageAs UN Meets on Anniversary of Massacre: ETAN Urges UN and U.S. to Act for Justice for Timor-Leste (November 12)La'o Hamutuk: Ultimate letter to the UN Security Council about justice, sustainable development and not forgetting Timor-Leste (NovemberANTI: Letter to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on UN responsibility for justice (August 14)ANTI: Timor-Leste demands justice - �Because we love peace, and we want the truth to strengthen reconciliation� (May 18)10 Years After Timor's Independence, Where Is the Justice? (May16)DEKLARSAUN HAMUTUK ENTRE ANTI ( ALIANSA NASION�L TIMOR-LESTE BA TRIBUN�L INTERNASION�L) NO AMNESTY INTERNASION�L ATU KOMEMORA LORON 12 NOVEMBRU 2012 �JUSTISA MAK DALAN �NIKU HODI HAKOTU IMPUNIDADE IHA TIMOR-LESTE NO INDON�ZIA� Organizasaun Nasoins Unidas (ONU) no komunidade internasion�l tenke asegura justisa ba krime grave ne�eb� milit�r Indon�zia sira komete durante sira nia okupasaun ileg�l iha Timor-Leste (entre 1975-1999) no iha kontestu husi referendum iha tinan 1999, dehan ANTI (Aliansa Nasion�l Timor-Leste ba Tribun�l Internasion�l) no Amnesty International.Loron 12 Novembru 2012, povu Timor-Leste hanoin hikas tinan rua nulu resin ida liu ba hafoin masakre Santa Cruz iha 1991, bainhira forsa milit�r Indon�zia nian tiru hasoru ema 3,000 ne�eb� halo prosesaun dame ba iha Cimit�riu Santa Cruz iha Dili, no rezulta ema Timor oan barak mak mate. Iha tempu hanesan iha Nova Yorke Konsellu Seguransa Nasoens Unidas sei hasoru malu hodi diskute ONU nia futuru iha Timor Leste. Ohin loron ANTI no Amnesty International repete fila fali ami nia ezij�nsia ba governu Timor-Leste no Indon�zia no komunidade internasion�l, atu iha responsabilidade no asegura justisa, lia-loos no reparasaun ba violasaun direitu umanu ne�eb� komete durante okupasaun Indon�zia no iha kontestu referendum iha tinan 1999.Impunidade sei kontinua preveleze ba aut�r krime grave ne�eb� komete husi forsa milit�r Indon�zia nian no sira nia auxiliares durante okupasaun iha Timor-Leste no iha 1999. Asaun krime sira ne�e inklui omis�diu, halakon ema ho forsada, violasaun seksu�l no krime viol�nsia seksu�l seluk hasoru feto no labarik feto sira, tortura no tratamentu seluk ne�eb� aat. Krime hirak ne�e reko�ese nu�udar krime kontra umanidade no viola lei internasion�l no padraun internasion�l. To�o ohin loron laiha ema ida ne�eb� tama iha prizaun - tantu iha Indon�zia ka Timor-Leste-ba krime sira ne�e. Iha Timor-Leste, ema liu na�in 300 mak hetan akuzasaun ba krime kontra umanidade no violasaun direitu umanu grave ne�eb� dadaun ne�e hases-aan husi prosesu justisa no moris livre iha Indon�zia. Governo Indon�zia la koopera ho Systema Justisa iha Timor Leste ne�eb� hetan apoiu husi Nasoens Unidas no halo extradisaun ba ninia sidadaun sira ne�eb� diskonfia komete violasaun direitu umanus hodi julga sira iha Timor Leste. Iha Indon�zia, arguidu na�in 18 ne�eb� tuir julgamentu iha ad hoc Tribun�l Diretu Umanu iha Jakarta ba krime ne�eb� sira komete iha Timor-Leste durante tinan 1999 hotu-hotu simu absolvizaun husi Tribun�l Direitu Umanu ka liuhusi rekursu.To�o agora la iha prosesu form�l atu lori justisa ba sira ne�eb� iha responsibilidade ba krime kontra umanidade no violasaun direitu umanu grave ne�eb� komete entre 1975 no 1998.B�zeia ba informasaun no faktu hirak ne�eb� deskreve iha leten, ANTI no Amnesty Internasional husu imediatamente:1. ONU tenke deklara ho klaru katak sei laiha impunidade ba krime kontra umanidade no violasaun direitu umanu grave ne�eb� komete iha tinan 1999 no durante okupasaun Indon�zia (1975-1999), no ba oin, tenke asegura katak justisa ba krime grave iha Timor-Leste nafatin iha ajenda Konsellu Seguransa ONU nian bainhira ONU hakotu nia misaun iha Dezembru 2012. 2. ONU tenke foti pasu sira ne�eb� konkretu no efetivu hodi estabelese planu komprehensivu ba tempu naruk hodi hapara impunidade ba aut�r krime hotu-hotu ne�eb� komite violasaun direitu umanu durante tinan 1999 no okupasaun Indon�zia nian. 3. Konsellu Seguransa ONU nian tenki diskute no implementa rekomendasaun sira husi Komisaun Peritu ONU nian ne�eb� hasai iha 2005, inklui rekomendasaun katak Konsellu Seguransa adopta rezolusaun tuir Kap�tulu VII husi Karta ONU nian atu estabelese ad hoc tribun�l krimin�l internasion�l ba Timor-Leste bainhira mekanismu dom�stiku falla hodi lori aut�r krime pasadu sira tuir prosesu leg�l ne�ebe kredivel. Estabelesimentu tribun�l hanesan ne�e tenki iha jurisdisaun ba krime hotu-hotu tuir lei internasion�l hodi prosesu forsa milit�r Indon�zia nian no sira nia auxiliares ne�ebe komete krime iha Timor Leste entre tinan 1975 to�o 1999. 4. Husu ba governu Timor-Leste no governu Indon�zia atu ratifika Konvensaun Internasion�l ba Protesaun Ema hotu-hotu husi Halakon Ema ho Obrigatoriu no kontinua foti pasu sira atu implementa Komisaun Verdade no Amizade nia rekomendasaun kona-ba asuntu ema lakon.Hamutuk, ANTI no Amnesty Internasion�l ezije katak ONU no governu Timor-Leste no governu Indon�zia iha responsibilidade atu asegura justisa ba krime kontra umanidade no violasaun direitu umanu sira ne�eb� akontese iha Timor-Leste entre 1975 no 1999. Sira tenki asegura katak v�tima masakre Santa Cruz, no sira hotu-hotu ne�eb� sofre durante okupasaun Indon�zia nian no iha kontestu referendum independ�nsia iha tinan 1999, iha asesu ba justisa, lia-loos no reparasaun. Kontinua laiha asaun ne�e kria kultura impunidade, no husik fo�er ka noda metan ONU nian iha Timor-Leste.Dili, 12 de Novembru 2012 Membru ANTI mak:1. Asosisaun V�tima2. Comite 12 de Novembru 3. Asosiaun HAK 4. La�o Hamutuk (Walking Together)5. Judicial System Monitoring Program (JSMP)6. Luta Hamutuk (Struggle Together);7. OPVG (Organiza��o Popular da Vitima da Guerra/Popular Organization of Victims of War)8. FONGTIL (Timor-Leste NGO Forum)9. FTM (Forum Tau Matan/Forum for Monitoring)10. KSI (Kdadalak Sorumutuk Institute)11. FOKUPERS (Women organization)12. KBH (Knua Buka Hatene/Home for Searching Knowledge)13. CDI (Community Development Interest)14. Front Mahasiswa Timor-Leste (FMTL, Student Front)15. Institute Edukasaun Popular (IEP)16. Klibur Solidariedade17. Mata Dalan Institute (MDI)18. Ita ba PazRead Noam Chomsky on 20 years of ETANWith your help, we can put ETAN on a firmer footing for the future. Please give generously in this anniversary year. 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