v4.0 Updated 07 March 2019




Chapter 1.��������������� ARCHBISHOPS of NARBONNE**.** 2

Chapter 2.��������������� BISHOPS of AGDE**.** 4

Chapter 3.��������������� BISHOPS of BEZIERS**.** 4

Chapter 4.��������������� BISHOPS of CARCASSONNE**.** 4

Chapter 5.��������������� BISHOPS of ELNE**.** 5

Chapter 6.��������������� BISHOPS of LODEVE**.** 5

Chapter 7.��������������� BISHOPS of N�MES**.** 5

Chapter 8.��������������� BISHOPS of TOULOUSE**.** 5

Chapter 9.��������������� BISHOPS of UZES**.** 5



[Four] siblings.� Parents not identified, but the 13 Jun 977 charter quoted below suggests their close relationship with the vicomtes de Narbonne:�

  1. AIMERY (-before 13 Jun 977).� Archbishop of Narbonne [927]: Gallia Christiana records the election and consecration of Aimery as archbishop of Narbonne in 927[1].� Considering the 13 Jun 977 charter quoted below (assuming that the document is genuine and was correctly dated), this date seems early and should be treated with caution.� "Adelaizis vicecomitissa Narbon� filiique mei consentientes, Ermengaudus...archipr�sul suus successor, et Raimundus alii eleemosynarii Udalgerius princeps frater suus et Ermengaudus qui vocatur Vasladellus, et Bernardus Grammaticus nepos archip�sulis Geiro honorabilis princeps nepos pr�fati defuncti...", in accordance with the testament of �_beat� memori� quondam Aimerici...Narbonensis ecclesi� archipresulis_�, donated �_alodem suum...Crexanum_�, for the souls of �_Poncioni comitis defuncti, sive Matfredi vicecomitis, sive Odoni vicecomitis, vel Richildis vicecomitiss�_�, by charter dated 13 Jun 977[2].�

  2. UDALGER (-after 13 Jun 977).� "Adelaizis vicecomitissa Narbon� alii eleemosynarii Udalgerius princeps frater suus et Ermengaudus qui vocatur Vasladellus, et Bernardus Grammaticus nepos archip�sulis Geiro honorabilis princeps nepos pr�fati defuncti...", in accordance with the testament of �_beat� memori� quondam Aimerici...Narbonensis ecclesi� archipresulis_�, donated �_alodem suum...Crexanum_� by charter dated 13 Jun 977[3].�

  3. [--- .� Assuming that �_nepos_� in the 13 Jun 977 charter quoted below is correctly interpreted in its strict sense of nephew, one of the parents of Bernard was the sibling of Archbishop Aimery.]� m ---.� One child:�

a) BERNARD �Grammaticus� (-after 13 Jun 977).� "Adelaizis vicecomitissa Narbon� alii eleemosynarii Udalgerius princeps frater suus et Ermengaudus qui vocatur Vasladellus, et Bernardus Grammaticus nepos archip�sulis Geiro honorabilis princeps nepos pr�fati defuncti...", in accordance with the testament of �_beat� memori� quondam Aimerici...Narbonensis ecclesi� archipresulis_�, donated �_alodem suum...Crexanum_� by charter dated 13 Jun 977[4].�

  1. [--- .� Assuming that �_nepos_� in the 13 Jun 977 charter quoted below is correctly interpreted in its strict sense of nephew, one of the parents of Geiro was the sibling of Archbishop Aimery.� It is not known whether Geiro and Bernard �Grammaticus� shared the same parents or were first cousins.]� m ---.� One child:�

a) GEIRO [Geilo] (-after 13 Jun 977).� "Adelaizis vicecomitissa Narbon� alii eleemosynarii Udalgerius princeps frater suus et Ermengaudus qui vocatur Vasladellus, et Bernardus Grammaticus nepos archip�sulis Geiro honorabilis princeps nepos pr�fati defuncti...", in accordance with the testament of �_beat� memori� quondam Aimerici...Narbonensis ecclesi� archipresulis_�, donated �_alodem suum...Crexanum_� by charter dated 13 Jun 977[5].�

Two siblings:�

  1. ERMENGAUD de Narbonne,son of MATFRED Vicomte de Narbonne & his wife Adelais --- (-[1016/19]).� The testament of "Matfredus comes et uxor sua Adalaiz", dated 20 Aug 966, bequeathed property to "Ermengaudo filio nostro et fratri suo Raymundo�Trudgard� fili� nostr�"[6].� "Domina Garcendis comitissa qu� fui uxor domni Pontii comitis" donated property to the abbey of Saint-Pons de Thomi�res, for the soul of "dicti mariti mei Pontii comitis", by charter dated Jul [972], which reserves property which "Adalaydis et filius eius Ermengaudus et Raymundus" held in "castrum de Cenceno" for their lives[7].� The testament of "Gersind� comitiss�", dated to [972], bequeathed property for life "alodem meum�Cencinnonem" to "Adalais vicecomitiss� et filiis eius Ermengaudo et Regimundo"[8].� Archbishop of Narbonne [977]: "Adelaizis vicecomitissa Narbon� filiique mei consentientes, Ermengaudus...archipr�sul suus successor, et Raimundus vicecomes...", in accordance with the testament of �_beat� memori� quondam Aimerici...Narbonensis ecclesi� archipresulis_�, donated �_alodem suum...Crexanum_� by charter dated 13 Jun 977[9].� The testament of "Adelais", dated 4 Oct 978, named "Ermengaudus archipresul et Raymundus et Vassadellus�" as her executors, made the following bequests: "alodum�inter Biaurum et Syronem" to "Ermengaudo filio meo"[10].� A second testament of "Adalaidis vicecomitissa", dated 29 Mar 990, appointed "Ermengaudo archiepiscopo filio meo et Raymundo vicecomiti fratri eius�" as her executors[11].� The testament of "Ermengaudus archipresul", dated to [1005], named "Bernardus comes, Ricardis vicecomitissa�" as his executors and bequeathed property to "Raymundo vicecomiti et Berengario filio eius�Willelmo nepoti meo�Raymundo comiti Barchinon�Willelmo comiti Tolosano�Irmissindam et�Witardo et Gaucelino filio eius�"[12].� Gallia Christiana records a charter dated 1016 in which Archbishop Ermengaud was named[13].�

  2. RAYMOND [I] Vicomte de Narbonne(-1019).� children:�

a) BERENGER Vicomte de Narbonne (-after 5 Feb 1067).� children:�

i) PIERRE de Narbonne (-1089).� "Berengarius�vicecomes et uxor mea Garsindes filiique nostri Raymundus, Petrus [�clericus] et Bernardus" donated property to the cathedral of Narbonne, with the advice of "Garsindis comitiss� matri me�", by charter dated 23 Apr 1048[14].� "Berengarius vicecomes et uxor mea Garsindis" swore allegiance to "domno Raymundo Berengarii seniori nostro" for one of his fiefs by charter dated 5 Feb 1067, subscribed by "Raimundus Berengarii, Petrus Berengarii, Bernardus Berengarii filii eorum"[15].� Bishop of Rodez.� Archbishop of Narbonne 1079: a charter dated 7 May 1080 records a hearing at Narbonne in the presence of "domnus Petrus electus atque patronus eiusdem ecclesie et vicecomes Narbonensis�Aymericus nepos pr�scripti Petri�cum fratre suo Hugone et Berengario", signed by "domina Magalda comitissa et Aymerico filio suo" (who, it is assumed, refer to Aimery [II] Vicomte de Narbonne and his mother which, if correct, means that the subscription post-dated the hearing)[16].� "Petrus electus prim� sedis Narbon� et Aymericus et Ugo et Berengarius fratres, nepotes mei" donated property to the abbey of Narbonne Saint-Paul by charter dated 1 Jun 1080[17].� Bishop of Rodez.� "Petrus Rutenensis episcopus et nepos meus Aymericus" donated property to Narbonne cathedral, for the souls of "patris mei Berengarii et matris me� Garsindis et fratris mei Bernardi Berengarii patris Aymerici pr�scripti", by charter dated 13 Mar 1089[18].�

  1. GUIFR� de Cerdanya, son of GUIFR� [III] Comte de Cerdanya & his first wife Guisla --- (-after 6 Feb 1079).� The Gesta Comitum Barcinonensium names (in order) "Raimundum�Guifredi Comitum et Guifredum Archiepiscopum Narbonensem et Berengarium Guifredi Episcopum Gerundensem et Guillelmum Guifredi Urgellensem Episcopum et Bernardum Guifredi Comitem Bergitani" as the sons of "Guifredus filius Olibani comitis"[19].� Archbishop of Narbonne [1016/19]: Gallia Christiana records a charter dated 1019 in which Archbishop Guifr� was named[20].� "Guifredus�archiepiscopi Narbonensis, filius Guifredi comitis et Oliva pontifex Ausonensis frater prephati comitis" dedicated Sant Pau del Pi by charter dated 14 Oct 1022[21].� "Guifredus�comes" made his testament dated 1036, bequeathing "in comitatu Confluente alodem meum de Com�" to "filio�meo Guifredo archiepiscopo"[22].� "Guilielmus comes filius Adalaiz" promised "Guifredum archiepiscopum filium Guisle comitiss�" not to disturb church property by charter dated to [1053][23].� Gallia Christiana records events in 1079 in which Archbishop Guifr� was implicated and for which he was excommunicated 6 Feb 1079[24].�

The parentage of the following two archbishops has not been traced.�

  1. DALMAS (-17 Jan 1097).� Abbot of Grasse.� Archbishop of Narbonne [1081].�Gallia Christiana records that �_abbas Crassensis Dalmatius cooptatus est_� as archbishop �_circa Kal Sep 1081_� in opposition to Pierre de Narbonne, and was named as archbishop in a charter dated 22 Apr 1085[25].� The necrology �_canonic� et Montis-olivi_� records the death �_locum de Rivis in pago Narbonesis 1096 XVI Kal Feb_� of Archbishop Dalmas and his burial in Narbonne cathedral[26].�

  2. BERTRAND [de Montredon] (-8 Mar [1107]).� Archbishop of Narbonne 1097.� Gallia Christiana records the election �_XVI Kal Oct 1097_� of �_Bertrandus...Grausello...cognomen...cognominatus autem de Monte-rotundo in charta Raimundi Tolos� comitis anno 1094 mense Martio seu 1095_� as archbishop of Narbonne[27].� Bishop of N�mes.� Gallia Christiana records that Archbishop Bertrand resigned in [1106], the necrology of Saint-Gilles recording the death �_VIII Id Mar_� of �_Bertrannus quondam episcopus Nemausensis et postea Narbonensis archiepiscopus_�[28].�

  3. RICHARD de Millau, son of RICHARD [II] Vicomte de Millau et de Rodez & his wife Rixinde de --- (-[15 Feb 1121]).� �_Fratrum eius Berengarii et Ugonis et Raimundi et Ricardi_� subscribed the charter dated 1061 under which �_Bernardus filius Richardi de Amiliau quondam vicecomitis et uxoris eius Rixendis_� donated property on his becoming a monk at Saint-Victor de Marseille[29].� "Berengarius, Ricardi quondam vicecomitis filius" donated property to Marseille Saint-Victor "in manu abbatis Bernardi germani utique fratris mei et Ricardi eiusdem monasterii qui similiter mihi etiam frater est", for the souls of "patris mei Ricardi" and for the salvation of "matris me� Rixendis" by charter dated 1070, signed by "Rixendis matris eius, Bernardi fratris eius"[30].� Abb� de Saint-Victor, Marseille 1079/1103.� Cardinal 1077/1082. �Archbishop of Narbonne 1106.� The necrology of Saint-Just records the death �_XV Kal Mar_� of Archbishop Richard, other sources suggesting his death in 1121[31].�

[Two siblings, parents not known:]�

  1. ARNAUD de Levezon (-30 Sep 1149).� A charter of Crusy Saint-Pons records �de Levedo Arnaldus filius Arsind�, melius de catello et baluzio aut fortasse de Levenon_�[32].� Bishop of Beziers: an undated charter records the involvement of �...Arnaldi Biterrensis episcopi, qui tunc tenebat Tolosam pro Ildefonso comite, qui postea fuit Narbonensis archiepiscopus et Romanus legatus_�[33].� Archbishop of Narbonne 1121.� The testament of "Arnaldus Narbon� archiepiscopus", dated 28 Sep 1149 in the presence of �_Bermundi Biterrensis episcopi...archidiaconis Arnaldo, Pontio et Rotgerio..._�, requested burial in �_ecclesi� S. Pauli_�, confirmed a donation made to �_Arnoldo archidiacono nepoti meo de Castro Montilii_�[34].� The necrology of Narbonne Saint-Sebastien records the death �_pridie Kal Oct_� of �_Arnaudus de Leveson archiepiscopus_�[35].�

  2. [sister .� If the term �_nepos_� can be interpreted in the document below in its strict sense of nephew, one parent of Arnaud was Archbishop Arnaud�s sibling: the name �_Castro Montilii_� suggests that the person in question was his mother.]� m ---.� One child:�

a) ARNAUD deCastro Montilii� (-after 28 Sep 1149).� Archdeacon of Narbonne: The testament of "Arnaldus Narbon� archiepiscopus", dated 28 Sep 1149, confirmed a donation made to �_Arnoldo archidiacono nepoti meo de Castro Montilii_�[36].�

  1. PIERRE d�Anduze, son of [--- d�Anduze & his wife Sibylle ---] (-[1155/56]).� The primary source which confirms the parentage of Pierre d�Anduze Archbishop of Narbonne has not been identified.� Gallia Christiana records that, according to Baluze, he was �_Bernardi de Andusia senioris ex Sibilla filium_� and notes that Pierre would therefore have been the brother of Bernard d�Anduze, husband of Ermengarde Vicomtesse de Narbonne (recorded as �_fils de Sybille_�, see above)[37].� Archbishop of Narbonne [1150].� _Gallia Christiana_notes that �_Catellus_� (no source citation) records that Archbishop Pierre died after �_annis quinque et mensibus sex_� as archbishop[38].�

  2. BERENGER de Narbonne, son of AIMERY [I] Vicomte de Narbonne & his wife Mathilde of Apulia (-7 Apr 1162).� A charter dated 7 Feb 1102 names "Berengarii monachi Sancti Pontii et�patris sui domini Haymerici vicecomitis Narbonensis et uxoris eius�Matta filiorumque eorum�Aymericus, Giscardus et Bernardus"[39].� Monk at Saint-Pons de Thomi�res.� "Aymericus�vicecomes Narbonensis�cum uxore mea�Mahalda et filiis nostris�Aymericus, Guiscardus et Bernardus Raymundi" donated property to Saint-Pons de Thomi�res for "Berengarii filii nostri" on his becoming a monk at the monastery by charter dated 29 Apr 1103[40].� Abbot of Grasse.� Archbishop of Narbonne [1156].� The necrology of �_S. Justi et B. Mari� Crassensis_� records the death 7 Apr of Archbishop Berenger after holding office for �_annos quinque, menses octo, diesque decem et octo_�[41], which if correct corresponds to 1162.�

The parentage of the following two archbishops has not been traced.�

  1. PONS d�Arsac, son of --- d�Arsac & his wife S�n�gonde --- (-15 Feb 1181).� Archdeacon of Narbonne.� Archbishop of Narbonne 1162.� Gallia Christiana records the election in Apr 1162 of �_Pontius de Arsatio...filius Senegondis...e loco d�Arce juxta Corbarias...qui a Carlomagno huic genti datus...ex archidiacono hujus ecclesie_� as archbishop of Narbonne[42].� The necrology of Saint-Just records the death �_XV Kal Mar_� of Archbishop Pons, dated to 1181[43].�

  2. BERNARD Gaucelin (-2 Oct 1191).� Bishop of Beziers.� Archbishop of Narbonne1181: Gallia Christiana records the election in 1181 of �_Bernardus Gaucelini Biterrensis episcopus_� as archbishop of Narbonne[44].� A necrology records the death �_VI Non Oct� of �Bernardus presbyter et canonicus S. Pauli et archiepiscopus Narbonensis_�[45].�

  3. RAM�N BERENGUER de Arag�n, illegitimate son of RAM�N BERENGUER IV Conde de Barcelona & his mistress --- (-11 Aug [1212]).� "Berengario abate Montis Aragonis fratre meo" is named in a charter dated 1171 among those present when Alfonso II King of Aragon reached agreement at Girona with Guillaume de Montpellier[46].� Assuming that Ram�n Berenguer was adult at the date of this charter, he must have been born before his brothers and must therefore have been illegitimate.� He is not named in the testament of his father dated 4 Aug 1162[47].� Abbot at Montearag�n.� Bishop of L�rida 1176-1191.� Archbishop of Narbonne [1191/92].� Gallia Christiana records the election in [1191/92] of �_Raimundum Berengarium comitem Barcionensem ex Bernarda non legitima coniuge...[filius] Berengarius_� as archbishop of Narbonne[48].� �The necrology of Narbonne Saint-Sebastien records the death �_III Id Aug_� of �_D. Berengarius archiepiscopus_�[49], dated to 1212 from the context of other sources.�

The parentage of the following six archbishops has not been traced.�

  1. ARNAUD Amaury (-[30 Jul or 29 Sep] [1225/26]).� �Abbot of Poblet.� Abbot of Grandselve.� Abbot of C�teaux.� Archbishop of Narbonne [1191/92].� Gallia Christiana records the election in [1212/13] of �_Arnoldus cognomento Amalricus monachus primum Cisterciensis, inde abbas Populeti, tum Grandis silv�, ac postea Cistercii_� as archbishop of Narbonne[50]. �Different necrologies record the death �_VII Kal Oct_� and �_III Kal Aug_�of �_D. Berengarius archiepiscopus_�[51], dated to [1225/26] from the context of other sources.�

  2. PIERRE Amiel (-20 May 1245).� �Archdeacon at Narbonne.� Archbishop of Narbonne 1226.� Gallia Christiana records the election in 1226 of �_Petrus Amelii...primum clericus S. Nazarii Biterrensis 1201 et camerarius 1216 tum canonicus et archidiaconus major ecclesi� Narbonensis_� as archbishop of Narbonne[52]. �Different necrologies in Narbonne and Beziers record the death �_XIII Kal Jun 1245_�of �_D. Petrus Narbonensis archiepiscopus et canonicus S. Mari� de Cassiano_�[53].�

  3. GUILLAUME de la Broue (-25 Jul 1257).�� Archbishop of Narbonne 1245.� Gallia Christiana records the election in 1245 of �Guillelmus de Broa S. Afrodisii Biterrensis abbas et ecclesi� Narbonensis canonicus_� as archbishop of Narbonne[54]. �An epitaph records the death �_1257 VIII Kal Aug_� of �_dominus Guillelmus de Broa quondam archiepisc. _Narbon�, qui fuit oriundus de Podio Celiqueno di�cesis Biterr._�[55].�

  4. JACQUES (-25 Jul 1257).�� Archbishop of Narbonne 1258.� Gallia Christiana records the election in 1258 of �_ex abbate S. Afrodisii...Jacobus_� as archbishop of Narbonne[56]. �Different necrologies record the death �_III Non Oct_� and �_IV Non Oct_� of Archbishop Jacques[57], in 1259 from the context of other sources.�

  5. GUY Foulques (-Viterbio 29 Nov 1268).�� Archbishop of Narbonne 1259.� Gallia Christiana records the election in 1259 of �_Guidonis cognomen esse Fulcodii_� as archbishop of Narbonne, and his appointment as cardinal 1262[58]. �He was elected Pope CLEMENT IV in 1265.� Necrologies record his death �_Viterbii an 1268 III Kal Dec_� and his burial �_in ecclesia S. Mari� ad Gradus_�[59].�

  6. MAURIN (-23 Jul 1272).� Archbishop of Narbonne 1262.� Gallia Christiana records the election in 1262 of �_Maurinus canonicus Narbonensis, Urbani pap� IV capellanus_� as archbishop of Narbonne[60]. �Necrologies record the death �_IX Kal Aug_� of �_Maurinus archiepiscopus Narbonensis_�[61], 1272 from the context of other sources.�

  7. PIERRE de Montbron, son of --- (-[14 Feb, 29 May, 3 Jun] 1286).� Archbishop of Narbonne 1272.� Gallia Christiana records the election in 1272 of �_Petrum de Montebruno...canonicum Narbonensem_� as archbishop of Narbonne[62]. �Different necrologies record the death �_III Non Jun_�, �_IV Kal Jun_�, and �_XVI Kal Mar_�of �_D. Petrus de Montebruno archiepiscopus Narbon�_�[63], 1286 from the context of other sources.�

  8. GILLES Aycelin, son of PIERRE Aycelin & his wife --- Flotte (-23 Jun 1318).� Archbishop of Narbonne 1290.� **Archbishop of Rouen**1311.� _Gallia Christiana_records his death �_IX Kal Jul_� 1318[64].�

  9. BERNARD de Fargis, son of GUILLAUME de Fargis & his wife --- de Goth ([1280]-22 Aug 1341).� Bishop of Agen 1306.� Archbishop of Rouen 1306.� Archbishop of Narbonne 1311.� King Edward II wrote to �_domino archiepiscopo Narbonensi nepoti Pap�_� concerning certain negotiations, dated 23 Jan 1313[65].�

Chapter 2.��� BISHOPS of AGDE

  1. .�

Chapter 3.��� BISHOPS of BEZIERS

  1. .�


  1. .��

Chapter 5.��� BISHOPS of ELNE

  1. .�

Chapter 6.��� BISHOPS of LODEVE

  1. .�

Chapter 7.��� BISHOPS of N�MES


Chapter 8.��� BISHOPS of TOULOUSE

  1. .�

Chapter 9.��� BISHOPS of UZES

  1. .

[1] Gallia Christiana, Tome VI, col. 27.�

[2] Gallia Christiana, Tome VI, Instrumenta, col. 19, and_Histoire G�n�rale de Languedoc_ 3rd Edn. Tome V, Preuves, Chartes et Dipl�mes, 127, col. 280.�

[3] Gallia Christiana, Tome VI, Instrumenta, col. 19, and_Histoire G�n�rale de Languedoc_ 3rd Edn. Tome V, Preuves, Chartes et Dipl�mes, 127, col. 280.�

[4] Gallia Christiana, Tome VI, Instrumenta, col. 19, and_Histoire G�n�rale de Languedoc_ 3rd Edn. Tome V, Preuves, Chartes et Dipl�mes, 127, col. 280.�

[5] Gallia Christiana, Tome VI, Instrumenta, col. 19, and_Histoire G�n�rale de Languedoc_ 3rd Edn. Tome V, Preuves, Chartes et Dipl�mes, 127, col. 280.�

[6] Histoire G�n�rale de Languedoc 3rd Edn. Tome V, Preuves, Chartes et Dipl�mes, 115, col. 255.�

[7] Histoire G�n�rale de Languedoc 3rd Edn. Tome V, Preuves, Chartes et Dipl�mes, 125, col. 272.�

[8] Histoire G�n�rale de Languedoc 3rd Edn. Tome V, Preuves, Chartes et Dipl�mes, 126, col. 274.�

[9] Gallia Christiana, Tome VI, Instrumenta, col. 19, and Histoire G�n�rale de Languedoc 3rd Edn. Tome V, Preuves, Chartes et Dipl�mes, 127, col. 280.�

[10] Histoire G�n�rale de Languedoc 3rd Edn. Tome V, Preuves, Chartes et Dipl�mes, 130, col. 284.�

[11] Histoire G�n�rale de Languedoc 3rd Edn. Tome V, Preuves, Chartes et Dipl�mes, 151, col. 320.�

[12] Histoire G�n�rale de Languedoc 3rd Edn. Tome V, Preuves, Chartes et Dipl�mes, 164, col. 349.�

[13] Gallia Christiana, Tome VI, col. 31.�

[14] Histoire G�n�rale de Languedoc 3rd Edn. Tome V, Preuves, Chartes et Dipl�mes, 227, col. 454.�

[15] Histoire G�n�rale de Languedoc 3rd Edn. Tome V, Preuves, Chartes et Dipl�mes, 278, col. 546.�

[16] Histoire G�n�rale de Languedoc 3rd Edn. Tome V, Preuves, Chartes et Dipl�mes, 339, col. 656.�

[17] Histoire G�n�rale de Languedoc 3rd Edn. Tome V, Preuves, Chartes et Dipl�mes, 341, col. 660.�

[18] Histoire G�n�rale de Languedoc 3rd Edn. Tome V, Preuves, Chartes et Dipl�mes, 374, col. 711.�

[19] Gesta Comitum Barcinonensium I0, RHGF XI, p. 290.�

[20] Gallia Christiana, Tome VI, col. 33.�

[21] Oliba 73, p. 115.�

[22] Spicilegium Tome III, p. 392.�

[23] Histoire G�n�rale de Languedoc 3rd Edn. Tome V, Preuves, Chartes et Dipl�mes, 237, col. 474.�

[24] Gallia Christiana, Tome VI, col. 38.�

[25] Gallia Christiana, Tome VI, col. 39.�

[26] Gallia Christiana, Tome VI, col. 42.�

[27] Gallia Christiana, Tome VI, col. 42.�

[28] Gallia Christiana, Tome VI, col. 43.�

[29]Veterum Scriptorum, Tome I, col. 455.�

[30] Histoire G�n�rale de Languedoc 3rd Edn. Tome V, Preuves, Chartes et Dipl�mes, 296, col. 581.�

[31] Gallia Christiana, Tome VI, col. 47.�

[32] Gallia Christiana, Tome VI, col. 47, quoting �_in probationibus histori� cardinalium Gallorum, p. 577_�.�

[33] Gallia Christiana, Tome VI, col. 47, quoting �_e Catello Occitani� commentariorum p. 959_�.�

[34] Gallia Christiana, Tome VI, Instrumenta, XLV, col. 38.�

[35] Gallia Christiana, Tome VI, col. 50, quoting �_in probationibus histori� cardinalium Gallorum, p. 577_�.�

[36] Gallia Christiana, Tome VI, Instrumenta, XLV, col. 38.�

[37] Gallia Christiana, Tome VI, col. 51.�

[38] Gallia Christiana, Tome VI, col. 52.�

[39] Histoire G�n�rale de Languedoc 3rd Edn. Tome V, Preuves, Chartes et Dipl�mes, 411, col. 772.�

[40] Histoire G�n�rale de Languedoc 3rd Edn. Tome V, Preuves, Chartes et Dipl�mes, 417, col. 785.�

[41] Gallia Christiana, Tome VI, col. 54.�

[42] Gallia Christiana, Tome VI, col. 54.�

[43] Gallia Christiana, Tome VI, col. 56.�

[44] Gallia Christiana, Tome VI, col. 57.�

[45] Gallia Christiana, Tome VI, col. 57.�

[46] Bofarull y Mascar� (1836) Tomo II, p. 190, citing Real Archivo, n. 105 de la colecci�n de D. Alfonso.�

[47] Bofarull y Mascar� (1836) Tomo II, p. 191.�

[48] Gallia Christiana, Tome VI, cols. 58-9.�

[49] Gallia Christiana, Tome VI, col. 61.�

[50] Gallia Christiana, Tome VI, cols. 61-2.�

[51] Gallia Christiana, Tome VI, col. 65.�

[52] Gallia Christiana, Tome VI, col. 65.�

[53] Gallia Christiana, Tome VI, col. 70.�

[54] Gallia Christiana, Tome VI, col. 71.�

[55] Gallia Christiana, Tome VI, col. 73.�

[56] Gallia Christiana, Tome VI, col. 74.�

[57] Gallia Christiana, Tome VI, cols. 74-5.�

[58] Gallia Christiana, Tome VI, cols. 75-6.�

[59] Gallia Christiana, Tome VI, col. 76.�

[60] Gallia Christiana, Tome VI, col. 77.�

[61] Gallia Christiana, Tome VI, col. 79.�

[62] Gallia Christiana, Tome VI, col. 79.�

[63] Gallia Christiana, Tome VI, col. 82.�

[64] Gallia Christiana, Tome XI, col. 76.�

[65]Rymer (1745), Tome II, Pars I, p. 26.�