Signs, gestures, and the terminally unimaginative (original) (raw)

I love youThis American Sign Language allophone is derived from a combination of three handshapes: I, L, and Y. It has frequently been misused as a symbol of power and the occult:Dr. Orpheus Mystic Gnome

ShakaOriginating in Hawaii, local lore credits the gesture to an all-clear signal given by a sugar train guard who had lost his middle fingers in an industrial accident. Given various meanings, such as "all right", "cool" or "smooth", outside Hawaii it is often described as meaning "hang loose." If the thumb is held to the ear it is either a request to be called on the telephone or to take a telephone call; if the thumb is held to the mouth it implies drunkenness.

CornaA vulger gesture in Mediterranean countries, often denoting infidelity, the "devil sign", mano cornuta or horned hand, is also used humourously when being photographed, similar to the North American "rabbit ears", victory or peace sign gesture held behind someone's head. Inspired by Anton LaVey and used by satanists, it's use in the heavy metel music subculture has evolved into a general youthful sign for "rock on" or "party down". Seen on the poster art for the Beatles' 1968 film Yellow Submarine,It was first identified with metal music on the album artwork of Coven's Witchcraft Destroys Minds and Reaps Souls (1969). Sometimes called a visel, this etymologically suspect term may be derived from an equally suspect name for the wisdom goddess, or feminine aspect of the godhead. Among its many meanings, several American universities have innocently adopted it as a sign of support for their athletic teams. When displayed with the palm facing inward it can denote the Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. In fiction it also is the salute of the Holographic Space Corp, and is used by the comic book action hero, Spider Man, when shooting webbing from his wrist.