Edgar Albert Guest (original) (raw)

[[Edward Albert Guest]](../images/guest%5Fe.jpg) Eddie Guest August 20, 1881 - August 5, 1959 Called "The People’s Poet"—and known as Eddie—Edgar Albert Guest was a British-born American writer whose sentimental and optimistic verses were widely read throughout North America. From his first published verse in the Free Press on December 11, 1898 until his death in 1959, he penned some 15,000 poems which were syndicated in over 200* USA newspapers and reprinted in several books such as A Heap O' Livin' (1916) and Just Folks (1917). His popularity led to a weekly Detroit radio show which he hosted from 1931 until 1942 and, in 1951, a television show for NBC. His Collected Verse appeared in 1934 and went into at least 11 editions. Several of Guest’s poems, such as "I see you've travelled some", either referred to Freemasonry or echoed masonic sentiments. Because of Brother Guest’s devotion to Freemasonry, community and humanity in general, the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Michigan established the Edgar A. Guest Award for lodges to present to non-masons within the community who have demonstrated distinguished service to the community and their fellow man. Initiated : April 9, 1908Passed: April 23, 1908Raised: May 21, 1908Lifetime Member: August 5, 1948Fifty Year Membership Award _Ashler Lodge No. 91, Detroit_Honourary Member: Mount Hermon Lodge No. 24Lansing Lodge No. 33Findlater Lodge No. 475Waterly Lodge No. 527Four Square Lodge No. 537Detroit Craft Lodge No. 576 Source: Grand Lodge F, & A. M. of Michigan archive records.* One online biography at <library.utoronto.ca> claims 300.