The Plot Against Harry (original) (raw)

The Plot Against Harry (1989)
The Mystic Knights of the Sojourners use an initiation ritual:

Knight Commmander: "If I reveal the secret."
Chorus: "Never!"
Knight Commmander: "May my tongue be ripped out by its roots."
Chorus: "Aye!"
Knight Commmander: "And my heart be devoured by vultures."
Chorus: "Swear!"
Knight Commmander: "Brother Plotnick, raise your right hand." [00:56:00]

Later, mention is made to the "Children's Hospital of our Noble Order." While not masonic, the use of an all-seeing eye, the scimitars, aspects of the ritual, and the reference to a children's hospital are suggestive. The Plot Against Harry (1989) Directed by Michael Roemer, written by Michael Roemer. Martin Priest, Ben Lang, Maxine Woods, Henry Nemo, Jacques Taylor. Jean Leslie, Ellen Herbert, Sandra Kazan, Ronald Coralian, Max Ulman, Louis Basile, Margo Ann Berdeshevsky, Ethel Burke, Stephen Cheng, Sarah Christie, Christopher Cross, Hollis Culver, Shirley Ann Davis, Angelo DeLuca, Ron Fredrics. 81 min. USA, English, Black and White, Mono.