Sir: Having expressed a desire to become a Freemason, we presume you have thoroughly considered the step you propose to take. The exact nature of our Institution being unknown to you, we consider it advisable that you should be informed on certain points, the knowledge of which might affect your decision to apply for Membership). Freemasonry interferes neither with religion nor politics, but has for its foundation the great basic principles of the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man; therefore, no Atheist can be a Freemason. It strives to teach a man the duty he owes to God, his neighbour and himself. It inculcates the practice of all virtues, and makes an extensive use of symbolism in its teachings. It cannot be too strongly emphasized that Freemasonry is not to be entered in the hope of personal gain or advancement. Admission to the Institution must not be sought from mercenary or other unworthy motives. Anyone so actuated will be bitterly disappointed, and in all friendship we warn you. The aim of the true Freemason is to cultivate a brotherly feeling among men, and to help where he can. Freemasonry is not a benefit society-a fact which cannot be too strongly emphasized. We do not subscribe so much a year to entitle us to draw sick pay or other benefits, or to make provision for those we leave behind; there are other excellent societies founded for this purpose. No man should enter the ranks of Freemasonry unless he feels reasonably assured, humanly speaking, that he will never require help from its funds. Masonic charity is intended for those who, through no fault of their own and from unforeseen circumstances, have met with misfortune. For such, help is always forthcoming, and no worthy deserving appeal is ever made in vain. Loyalty to one's country is an essential qualification in Freemasonry, and only those are acceptable who cheerfully conform to every lawful authority. Disloyalty in any form is abhorrent to a Freemason. Freemasonry has in all ages insisted that men shall come to its door entirely of their own freewill, not as the result of solicitations; not from feelings of curiosity; but from a favourable opinion of the Institution and a desire to be ranked among its members. We have no authority at the present time to give you further information regarding the Brotherhood you wish to join, but we have already imparted sufficient to enable you to conclude that it is not contrary to the principles of a man of upright heart and mind, and has nothing in it inconsistent with his civil, moral or religious duties. We think it advisable to inform you that your admission to our Craft will entail certain financial obligations, which you should be able to afford without detriment to yourself or those dependent on you. In addition to the fees payable on your entrance, there will be an annual subscription for the support of your lodge and any further sum which you may feel it your duty to contribute for the maintenance of the charities connected with the Craft.

Form No. 44 [1942]. Pamphlet To Be Handed Prospective Applicant. Grand Lodge Of Antient, Free And Accepted Masons Of British Columbia. Leaflet ordered by the Grand Lodge, A.F. & A.M., of British Columbia, to be printed for presentation to would-be applicants.