Russian Freemasons (original) (raw)

This bibliography is appended to a paper outlining one interpretation of Freemasonry’s impact on Russia based on those texts available to the non-masonic Russian author. True or false, it represents the current belief of many Russians.
Lolliy Zamoisky Za fasadom masonskogo khrama (Behind the facade of the Masonic Shrine). Moscow, 1990.
N.G. Dumova Kadetskaya kontrrevolutsya i yeyo razgrom (oktyabr 1917 - 1920). (Cadet counterrevolution and its defeat (October 1917 - 1920). Moscow, 1982.
Anton Pervushin Okkultniye tainy NKVD i SS. (Occult Mysteries of NKVD and SS). St.-Petersburg, `Neva, 1999.
M.A. Aldanov Tretye marta. Sbornik w chest 70-letiya P.N. Milyukova. (March 3. In commemoration of P.N. Milyukov.). Paris, 1929.
P. Milyukov Reminiscences, 1859-1917. New York, 1955, vol. 1-2.
A. Kerensky Russia and History’s Turning Point. New York, 1966.
R.B. Lockhart Two Revolutions. London, 1967.
B.I.Nikolayevsky Russkiye masony i revolutsiya (Russian Freemasons and revolutionary). Moscow, "Terra", 1990.
Hass. Ambicje rachuby, rzeczywistosc. Wolnomularstwo w Europie Srodkowo-Wschodniej. 1905 - 1928. (Ambitions, intentions, reality. Freemasonry in Central and Eastern Europe). Warszawa, 1984.
no author Okkultniye sily Rosii (Occult forces of Russia), Severo-Zapad, St.-Petersburg, 1998.
no author Okkultniye sily SSSR (Occult forces of the USSR), Severo-Zapad, St.-Petersburg, 1998.