"The Origin of the Silver Surfer" Part 1 (original) (raw)

Episode 1

"The Origin of the Silver Surfer" Part 1

The story: Two sides battle for dominancy of the universe, the Kree and the Skrull. But on the planet Zenn-La, two such enemies meet to learn the peace and ways of Zenn-La. But just as peace seemed more reachable than ever, a greater force entered this sector of the universe, the mighty Galactus. And Galactus is heading straight for Zenn-La. The Watcher, wanting to see the philosophy of Zenn-La to survive warns Zenn-La, but there is no hope. The Master of Zenn-La tries to communicate with Galactus but is no use. The master of Zenn-la loses all hope and prepares for the end of his world. The two Kree and Skrull students don’t give up so easily. They try to attack Galactus’s ship, but it’s no use; they die trying to save Zenn-La. A young man by the name of Norrin Radd won’t give up either though. He calls out for Watcher, pleading for him to give him some way to stop Galactus. Watcher tells him of such away. Norrin Radd offers Galactus a deal. He will become Galactus’s herald in order for Galactus to spare Zenn-La. Galactus agrees. Norrin Radd then returns to Zenn-La, to say farewell to his love, Shalla-Bal. They ask him how he can help Galactus destroy so many worlds, but he tells him that he will only take Galactus to worlds with no life. Galactus summons Norrin Radd and he is transformed into the Silver Surfer. His body is transformed and filled with a portion of Galactus’s power, he is given a board in order to surf the spaceways and find new worlds for Galactus, and his mind is transformed so his duty to Galactus will not be blocked by his conscious, but he also has no memory of Shalla-Bal, Zenn-La, and Norrin Radd.

Comments: So, how did it do? The story was excellent, especially for a children’s cartoon, although there were some minor problems. The interaction between the Kree and Skrull students on Zenn-La seemed corny and unnecessary, and Galactus’s ship was too much like Independence Day. The voices were excellent, especially Galactus’s, whose computer-enhanced animation, by the way, was out of this world. Just like we were promised, Galactus was a brilliant mix between regular line-art and the 3-D animation we saw on Reboot. As for the rest of the animation . . . it was great, the characters were drawn well, but it seemed kind of stiff at times.

Grade: A-

Click here for the script to Episode 1

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Pictures came from DRG4's Marvel Cartoon Pages, with pictures from many Marvel cartoons!

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