"The Origin of the Silver Surfer" Part 2 (original) (raw)

Episode 2

"The Origin of the Silver Surfer" Part 2

The story: The Silver Surfer, with all memory of his home planet, Zenn-La, lost, begins his search for the mighty Galactus to find worlds for Galactus to devourer. One world tries to fight off an attack by Galactus be shooting lasers at the Silver Surfer, hoping they could stop him from summoning Galactus, but they have no luck. Their world becomes the next victim of Galactus, and the Silver Surfer begins his search for yet another world. But suddenly a supernova sends the Silver Surfer right in front of a world with enough energy to surely please Galactus. He goes to the planet only to find himself trapped by EGO, the Living Planet. Ego captures him, but not for himself, for the evil Thanos, who wishes to probe the Silver Surfer’s mind in order to find the secrets of Galactus. (We also learn that Thanos has a love for Lady Chaos, but do not yet know why.) The Silver Surfer tries to resist Thanos’s probe, but it is no use, Thanos is more powerful. But as Thanos probes the Silver Surfer’s mind, he unleashes the secrets of his past. Thus, the Silver Surfer learns of the world Galactus is trying to hide from him and goes to confront Galactus. He confronts Galactus, but Galactus is too busy. In the process of waiting for his herald he found a new planet...EARTH! Meanwhile, Thanos is frightened of the good which he has seen in the mind of the Silver Surfer and calls for the help of Lady Chaos to cleanse his mind.

Comments: Thanos was drawn very well, but his voice could be improved. The CGI graphics were excellent, like last episode, but the animation was a bit stiff at times. The story was great, but the ending could of been better, for the record, Larry Brody (the head writer) was not entirely pleased with how his ending was presented. All together, a pretty good show.

Grade: B+

Click here for the script to Episode 2

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Pictures came from DRG4's Marvel Cartoon Pages, with pictures from many Marvel cartoons!

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