"The Origin of the Silver Surfer" Part 3 (original) (raw)

Episode 3

"The Origin of the Silver Surfer" Part 3

The story: Galactus�s ship begins to send its tentacles down into earth so that Galactus can devour the planet. But the Silver Surfer is angry that his memory was taken away and wants it back. When Galactus gets annoyed with the Surfer, he blasts him, sending him earthward, while elsewhere, the race from the last episode is looking for a place suitable to settle after their planet was devoured by Galactus. On Earth, the Navy tells the Surfer to remain where he is. As the Surfer tries to warn them of Galactus, they think he is the cause and attack, while he has flashbacks of Zenn-La and himself as Norrin Radd.

Meanwhile, two skaters on earth skate through a town and see coverage of the Silver Surfer �attacking� earth on TV at a store window, when the Surfer falls next to them. The Worldship�s tentacles then crash next to them and the Surfer quickly saves them by picking them up on his board. We learn one of the two girls is named Frankie Raye just before she his hit by something and falls to the ground. The Silver Surfer heals her and then soars up to face Galactus, remembering that he originally became the Herald of Galactus so he could find planets without sentient life. When Galactus does not listen to his pleas, though, he finds himself blasting the ship�s tentacles. Frankie, who has the ability to find anything she is looking for, finds a hot air balloon and leads some people on it, as their city begins to get flooded from all of the activity occurring. But she soon is teleported off the balloon somehow.

The Silver Surfer, meanwhile, finds he needs to replenish his powers from the Sun to better fight Galactus, but he is soon blasted and placed in a cosmic bubble. There, Galactus explains that he had to erase his memories so that the Surfer could better serve him, but the Surfer blasts at Galactus, with no luck of causing any damage, claiming he must stand up for sentient life. Later, he wonders how he still lives and why Galactus is leading Earth. Galactus explains that he is leaving earth as a last gift to him, but that he can no longer trust him. The Silver Surfer leaves through a portal in space, as Galactus allows him to keep the Power Cosmic as a curse, since he will not be feared because of it.

Then, Galactus notices Frankie Raye, who somehow was teleported to the Worldship. He examines her and finds that she has a special gene which allows her to find anything she searches for somehow. The Watcher then explains that Frankie Raye was transformed into Nova, herald to Galactus. The Silver Surfer then searches for Zenn-La but just as he reaches it, it vanishes. Galactus then reveals in a message that he has hidden it so that the Surfer may never again return. Then Watcher confirms that even he cannot find Zenn-La�s location now.

Comments: The Silver Surfer, Galactus, and Watcher are all portrayed very well, both with their characteristics, illustrations, and voices. Especially the graphics on Galactus! I liked Frankie Raye�s voice, but I did not like their reactions to Galactus and the Silver Surfer. They didn�t seem very realistic at all. I also would have prefer Galactus finding Frankie Raye, then her teleporting to the Worldship based on some hidden gene. I did like the Navy going after the Surfer, though, it reminded me of the Silver Surfer Volume 1 stories. I also thought the hiding of Zenn-La and how Galactus and Silver Surfer departed each other�s company was done very well. It made up for the shortcomings on Frankie Raye. Overall, I�d say this was a pretty good episode.

Grade: B+

Click here for the script to Episode 3

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Pictures came from DRG4's Marvel Cartoon Pages, with pictures from many Marvel cartoons!

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