1852- Map of Rome - Quadrant 1 - NW (original) (raw)
Location of the coat of arms
1) S. Pietro
Urban VI Bartolomeo Prignano 1378-89 Gregory XIII Ugo Boncompagni 1572-85 Paul V Camillo Borghese 1605-21 Pius VI Giovan Angelo Braschi 1775-99 Leo XIII Gioacchino Pecci 1878-1903 John Paul II Karol Wojtyla 1978-2005
In the Grotte Vaticane Heraldic symbol - - On the dome -
Alexander VII Fabio Chigi 1655-67 Innocent XIII Michelangelo Conti 1721-24
- Heraldic symbols (eagles)
Leo X Giovanni de' Medici 1513-21 Paul VI Giovanni Battista Montini 1963-78
- -
Sixtus IV Francesco Della Rovere 1471-84
Benedict XIII Vincenzo Maria Orsini 1724-30 Benedict XIV Prospero Lambertini 1740-58 Pius VII Barnaba Chiaramonti 1800-23
- - -
John Paul I Albino Luciani 1978
The small coat of arms
Clement XIV Vincenzo Ganganelli 1769-74
8) Entrance to Musei Vaticani
Pius XI Achille Ratti 1922-39
Benedict XVI Joseph Ratzinger 2005-
Behind the dome of S. Pietro
10) Tower near Porta Pertusa
John XXIII Angelo Roncalli 1958-63
Heraldic symbols
11) Acqua Lancisiana
Pius VIII Francesco Castiglioni 1829-30
Pius XII Eugenio Pacelli 1939-58
Alexander VI Rodrigo Borgia 1492-1503
Clement VII Giulio de' Medici 1523-34
Pius IX G. Maria Mastai-Ferretti 1846-78
Adrian VI Adrian Florisze 1522-23
Innocent X Giovan Battista Pamphili 1644-55
18) Palazzo Spada
Julius III G. Maria Ciocchi del Monte 1550-55