Contacting MidEastweb (original) (raw)

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We Want to Hear from You

We want to hear from you if you want to help, if you find an error, if you want to contribute an original article, or if you have a question that is not answered by material at this Web site. MidEastWeb usually answers letters in less than a day.

To save your time and ours, please read the following before sending mail to MidEastWeb. Send mail by clicking the link at the bottom of the page.

Please note - If you have not enabled Java script then you will need to type the address shown in the graphic at the bottom of the page into the "TO" field of the e-mail letter in your email client. This protects us from SPAM and viruses.

Please Note:

Donations are welcome - Please follow instructions given on the home page. Be sure to send us e-mail when you have actually mailed a check so we can trace it.

Research articles and Opinions - If you write an article or plan or letter about bringing peace to the Middle East, about a historical topic, Middle East cultures or religion, and it follows MidEastWeb guidelines, please send it to us. Look at MewZine for examples of articles. MidEastWeb does not post articles that are currently posted on other Web pages and/or are copyright, and the MidEastWeb newsletter only circulates such articles if they were written by members of MidEastWeb or we have obtained author's permission.

Subscriptions - Please send mail to the automatic listserver to subscribe. Click here to read about the MEW newsletter and to subscribe.Click here to learn about MidEastWeb e-mail News Service and to subscribe.Click here to learn about MideastWeb e-dialog subscriptions and subscribe. Contact us only if you have a problem in subscribing using the automatic listserver..

Using MEW Materials - You are welcome to print out any MidEastWeb pages for home, school, organization or other nonprofit use, and do not have to ask permission, though it makes us feel good if you tell us about it. We want people to learn about MidEastWeb and about peace and dialog in the Middle East! All original materials are copyright and must carry a copyright notice and a reference to MidEastWeb with the URL - http://www.mideastweb.orgor the URL of the page you use.

Requesting information and reference facts - MidEastWeb has a fair amount of reference materials, but we are not an information service. We do not have a paid staff. Use the Web site search engine to find what you need. If you cannot find what you need and you think it should be here, please let us know. We cannot do your homework for you.

Links - Link to MidEastWeb, tell us, and we will link to you. Do not copy materials to your Web site, and don't ask for permission to do so.

Flaming - If you send extremist or racist comments, the comments may be posted at the MidEastWeb dialog list with your address, and people will be invited to comment on them to you.

Solicitations - Any commercial solicitations will be treated as SPAM.

Internships - We are glad to have unpaid volunteer help. We have no funds for interns or volunteers. We can recommend other NGOs.

or use the following address in your e-mail client:


Thanks for your cooperation and understanding.