MidEast Web - Gateway (original) (raw)

Donations and Sponsorships - MidEast Web is a registered non-profit organization. We need your financial help and we also welcome sponsorships by firms.

Other Donations

In the United States, tax-exempt donations should be marked "For MidEast Web." The check should be made out to "Orange County Middle East Peace Fund" and sent to Orange County Middle East Peace Fund Box 5891, Orange County, CA 92863-5891.

In Israel, transfer donations to Bank Bein-Leumi Harishon, Rehovoth, Main branch (#29), account of Reshet Hamizrach Hatichon Ledukiyum - MidEast Web for Coexistence account mumber 409 95807.

By mail in Israel - send donations to MidEast Web, c/o PEACE POB 2493 Rehovot 76100.

Please also send us e-mail or a Fax to 1- 603- 698-5549 stating the sum you have donated.

Other Ways to Help

Join Us - Add your voice and your name to the MidEast Web Group. MidEast Web e-mail services are free, but we would appreciate donations. Please and a cheque for $25 (NIS 100) for MidEast Web for Coexistence (Reshet Hamizrach Hatichon Ledukiyum) to MidEast Web, c/o PEACE POB 2493 Rehovot 76100. P_lease let us know by email that you have sent a donation._

Link to Us - Webmasters - Please link to http://www.mideastweb.org and tell us about it. Thanks. Join theMagazines Supporting Middle East Peace ProcessWeb ring too!

Joint Projects- MidEast Web invites non-government organizations to join in projects that will encourage cooperation and coexistence in the Middle East.

Volunteers and Interns -If you have Web, writing, language translation or organizational skills we would welcome your help as a volunteer - from anywhere in the world!

Your chance to be heard! - MidEast Web needs articles, links and resources. If you have a personal experience, a bit of news, hobby, or viewpoint you think people should know about - let us know. If you are involved in a dialog, a peace education project or charity organization, tell us about it. We are especially interested in the writings of young people.

For Example:

Remember that the above are only examples. We will be grateful for anything that can be put on the Web, helps us understand each other and brings us closer to each other. Please visit the Guidelines page and theGoals pages to get a better idea of what we are going to do.

Be an Editor - Get Your Own Web Site

You can also take the responsibility of being an editor of an entire topic or subtopic for a subregion. You will have your own Web "empire" in which to expose and develop your interests - and you will have the support of MidEast Web in doing it - free web space - provided it is within our guidelines and needs! We can even help you with technical aspects - if you provide valuable news, photos, essays, links, translations and information that others want to see.

To submit materials or find out more about MidEast Web,please write to us.

or send a Fax to 1- 603- 698-5549

Thanks for your help - shukran, Todah.


Members and Staff of MidEast Web.