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I found a different kind of Web site about the middle east. It is run by people who really want peace. Arabs and Jews, Zionists and non-Zionists write about the need for peace, and the horrors of the conflict. A doctor from Egypt advocates an Arab Peace Now movement. A Zionist Israeli writes "Support Israel and Palestine." A Palestinian explains the Jewish claim to Jerusalem and an Zionist explains Muslim and Palestinian claims. A school in Palestine teaches about peace with Israel. A Zionist writes a eulogy for a Palestinian refugee - his friend. No - this site is not in the anti-matter universe. It is MidEastWeb -

There are also lots of maps, country facts, documents and a history of the Israel-Palestine conflict. There is a section about water resources. There is poetry, and belly dancing and information about holidays too. If you find all of that BORING, there is jokes section and a trivia quiz. You can sign also up for a newsletter, a dialog group, a news service and become part of the MidEast Web.

The most fun is finding all the errors and writing to Webmaster about them. They actually answer!

See you at MidEastWeb.

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