MidEast Web - User Survey (original) (raw)

MidEastWeb User Survey
How many times have you visited MidEastWeb First time At least twice 3 or more times
MidEastweb is: Too pro Israel and USA Too pro Arab Fairly well balanced Don't know None of the above
How many pages have you viewed at Mideastweb 1-2 2-5 6 or more
Pages you viewed (multiple answers can be checked!): Different Maps History or Sources Log and Opinion (Mewzine) Dialog, Culture, Recipes, Religion Main Page About MidEastweb Groups: Hopeflowers; Peacechild, CCRR Bibliography Links Jokes and Games
Your age: Under 15 15-21 22-40 40-65 Over 65
Your income (or household income) Under 20,00020,000 20,00020,000- 40,00040,000 40,00040,000-$60,000 $60,000+
Your education: Grade 8 or Less Grade 9-11 Graduated High School Some University BA or Equivalent (16 years) Masters degree or Equivalent Doctorate
Your sex Male Female
Materials at MidEastWeb: Made me more sympathetic to people of the Middle East Made less sympathetic to people of the Middle East Had no effect Don't know
I know about the following at MidEastWeb (multiple answers can be checked!): Fairness and accuracy policy Search Engine News service e-mail Dialog group Forum Web Log Online Forum
I live in North America Central or South America North Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Western Europe Central or Eastern Europe Middle East Asia - not Middle East Australia or New Zealand Indonesia Oceania Other
Religious Background Muslim Jewish Christian Shinto Zoroastrian Bahai Other religion No religion
Your Connection to the Middle East I live in the Middle East I or my relatives lived in the Middle East I have served/am serving in the armed forces and am/was stationed in the Middle East A relative or friend is serving/served in the Middle East I work in the Middle East I do business in the Middle East I am a journalist, analyst, consultant or academic concerned with the Middle East No connection to the Middle East None of the above.
MidEastWeb Helped me understand the Middle East Better Gave me specific information I needed Didn't give me the information I needed.
Donations to MidEastWeb I have donated to MidEastWeb I didn't know MidEastWeb needs money I didn't know you could donate online I do not have $10.0