Moths of Orange County, California (original) (raw)
Moths of Orange County, California
Photographed and compiled by Peter J. Bryant (
Department of Developmental and Cell Biology, University of California, Irvine, CA
Exotic species, yellow background
Acrolophidae (Burrowing Webworm Moths)
Adelidae (Fairy Moths)
[ Fairy Longhorn Moth, Adela eldorada ](Adelidae/Fairy Longhorn Moth.html)
[ Four-spotted Yellowneck, Oegoconia quadripuncta](Autostichidae/Oegoconia quadripuncta/index.html)
(Scavenger Moths)
(Silkworm Moths)
Inquiline Moth, Batrachedra striolata
Domestic silkmoth, Bombyx mori
[](Coleophoridae/Holcocera iceryaeella/index.html)
Coleophoridae (Casebearer Moths)
(Cosmet Moths)
Cossidae (Carpenter and Leopard Moths)
[ Casebearer Moth, Holcocera iceryaeella](Coleophoridae/Holcocera iceryaeella/index.html)
Casebearer Moth, Pyroderces badia
Carpenterworm Moth, Prionoxystus robiniae
Crambidae (Crambid Snout Moths)
[ White-trimmed Abegesta, Abegesta remellalis](Crambidae/Abegesta remellalis/index.html)
Fractured Western Snout Moth, Diastictis fracturalis
[ Duponchelia fovealis](Crambidae/Duponchelia fovealis/index.html)
Cabbage Webworm Moth, Hellula rogatalis
Lucerne Moth, Nomophila nearctica
Snout Moth, Parapediasia torquatella
[ Crambid Moth, Pero mizon ](Crambidae/Pero mizon/index.html)
[ Snout moth, Petrophila jaliscalis ](Crambidae/Petrophila jaliscalis/index.html)
[ Southern Purple Mint Moth, Pyrausta laticlavia ](Crambidae/Pyrausta laticlavia.htm)
[ Hawaiian Beet Webworm Moth, Spoladea recurvalis](Crambidae/Spoladea recurvalis/index.html)
Elachistidae (Grass Miner Moths)
Grass Miner Moth, Agonopterix sp.?
[ Perittia passula](Elachistidae/Perittia passula/index.html)
Stenomid Oak Leaf Tier Moth, Rectiostoma fernaldella
[ Joined Underwing Moth, Catocala junctura](Erebidae/Catocala junctura/index.html)
Lichen Moth, Cisthene liberomacula
[ Anvil-wing Moth, Hemeroplanis incusalis](Erebidae/Hemeroplanis incusalis/index.html)
[ Litocala Moth, Litocala sexsignata](Erebidae/Litocala sexsignata/index.htm)
Edwards' Glassy-wing, Pseudohemihyalea edwardsii
[ Twirler Moth, Chionodes braunella](Gelechiidae/Chionodes braunella/index.html)
[ Cotton Stem Moth, Platyedra subcinerea](Gelechiidae/Platyedra subcinerea/index.html)
Geometridae (Looper Moths)
[ Dwarf Tawny Wave Moth, Cyclophora nanaria](Geometridae/Cyclophora nanaria/index.htm)
[ Disclisioprocta stellata ](Geometridae/Disclisioprocta stellata.htm)
[ Drepanulatrix monicaria](Geometridae/Drepanulatrix monicaria/index.html)
[ Euphyia implicata](Geometridae/Euphyia implicata/1.html)
[ Eusarca falcata](Geometridae/Eusarca falcata/index.htm)
Sulfur moth, Hesperumia sulphuraria
Mountain Mahogany Looper, Iridopsis clivinaria
[ Perizoma custodiata](Geometridae/Perizoma custodiata/index.htm)
[ Perizoma epictata](Geometridae/Perizoma epictata/index.htm)
[ Meske's Pero, Pero meskaria](Geometridae/Pero meskaria/index.htm)
[ Western Pero, Pero occidentalis](Geometridae/Pero occidentalis/index.htm)
[ Pero radiosaria](Geometridae/Pero radiosaria/index.htm)
Omnivorous Looper, Sabulodes aegrotata
(Leaf Miners)
(Yucca Moths)
Leaf Miner Moth, Coptodisa powellella
Yucca Moth, Tegeticula maculata
[](Geometridae/Pero occidentalis/index.htm)
Lasiocampidae (Tent Caterpillar and Lappet Moths)
Lappet Moth, Phyllodesma americana
Lymantriidae (Tussock Moths)
Western tussock moth, Orgyia vetusta (female)
Western tussock moth, Orgyia vetusta (male)
Noctuidae (Owlet Moths)
Green Cutworm Moth, Anicla infecta
Black Witch, Ascalapha odorata
Alfalfa Looper Moth, Autographa californica
Owlet Moth, Bryolymnia viridata
Irene's Underwing, Catocala irene
The Penitent, Catocala piatrix
[ Tobacco Budworm Moth, Chloridea virescens](Noctuidae/Heliothis subflexa.htm)
Soybean Looper Moth, Chrysodeixis includens
Olive Green Cutworm Moth, Dargida procincta
[ Dolocucullia dentilinea](Noctuidae/Dolocucullia dentilinea/index.html)
[ Cowhead Arches Moth, Drasteria pallescens](Noctuidae/Drasteria pallescens/index.html)
[ The Wedgling, Galgula partita ](Noctuidae/Galgula partita/index.htm)
Corn Earworm Moth, Helicoverpa zea
Owlet Moth, Heliothodes diminutiva
Darker-spotted Straw Moth, Heliothis phloxiphagus
Edwards' Glassywing, Hemihyalea edwardsii
Collared Arches Moth, Lacinipolia strigicollis
[ Leucania februalis](Noctuidae/Leucania februalis/index.html)
Bilobed Looper, Megalographa biloba
Triplex cutworm moth, Micrathetis triplex
[ Mouralia tinctoides](Noctuidae/Mouralia tinctoides/index.html)
Large Yellow Underwing, Noctua pronuba
Pearly Underwing, Peridroma saucia
[ Plagiomimicus tepperi](Noctuidae/Plagiomimicus tepperi/index.html)
Bird-dropping Moth, Ponometia acutus
[ Protorthodes alfkenii](Noctuidae/Protorthodes alfkenii/index.html)
[ Beet Armyworm, Spodoptera exigua](Noctuidae/Spodoptera exigua/index.html)
Common Flower Moth, Schinia pulchripennis
[ Sympistis linda](Noctuidae/Sympistis linda/index.html)
Cabbage Looper Moth, Trichoplusia ni
[ Ulolonche dilecta](Noctuidae/Ulolonche dilecta/index.html)
[ Zosteropoda hirtipes](Noctuidae/Zosteropoda hirtipes/index.html)
Subfamily Arctiinae (Tiger Moths and Lichen Moths)
Painted Arachnis, Arachnis picta
Lichen moth, Cisthene liberomacula
Lichen moth, Cisthene faustinula
Lichen moth, Cisthene perrosea
Brown ctenuchid, Ctenucha brunnea
Salt Marsh Moth, Estigmene acrea
Leopard Print Moth, Grammia urcina
Spotted Tussock Moth, Lophocampa maculata
Mexican Tiger Moth, Notarctia proxima
Vestal tiger moth, Spilosoma vestalis
Notodontidae (Prominent Moths)
Oecophoridae (Concealer Moths)
Plutellidae (Diamondback Moths)
Western Furcula, Furcula occidentalis
Red-humped Caterpillar Moth, Schizura concinna
White-shouldered House-Moth, Endrosis sarcitrella
Prodoxidae (Bogus Yucca Moths)
Pterophoridae (Plume Moths)
Geranium Plume Moth, Amblyptilia pica
Plume Moth, Dejongia californicus
Plume Moth, Hellinsia longifrons
Lantana Plume Moth, Lantana pusillidactyla
Pyralidae (Pyralid Moths)
[ Snout moth, Arta epicoenalis](Pyralidae/Arta epicoenalis/index.html)
[ Predaceous caterpillar, Laetilia dilatifasciella](Pyralidae/Laetilia dilatifasciella/index.html)
Acorn Moth, Myelopsis subtetricella
Indian Meal Moth, Plodia interpunctella
[ Hypsopygia phoezalis](Pyralidae/Hypsopygia phoezalis/index.htm)
Genista Broom Moth, Uresiphita reversalis
Saturniidae (Giant Silkworm and Royal Moths)
Polyphemus Silkmoth, Antheraea polyphemus
Brown day moth, Hemileuca eglanterina
[ Electra Buckmoth, Hemileuca electra](saturn/Hemileuca electra/index.html)
Ceanothus silkmoth, Hyalophora euryalus
Scythrididae (Flower Moths)
Sesiidae (Clearwing Moths)
[ Glorious Squash Vine Borer, Melittia gloriosa](Sesiidae/Melittia gloriosa/index.html)
Western Poplar Clearwing, Paranthrene robiniae
[ Buckwheat root borer, Synanthedon polygoni](Sesiidae/Synanthedon polygoni/index.html)
Sphingidae (Sphinx Moths)
[ Cramer's Sphinx Moth, Erinnyis crameri](sphingid/Erinnyis crameri/index.html)
Achemon Sphinx Moth, Eumorpha achemon
[ Western Snowberry Clearwing Sphinx Moth, Hemaris thetis](sphingid/Hemaris thetis/index.html)
White-lined sphinx moth, Hyles lineata
Five-spotted Hawk Moth, Manduca quinquemaculata
Tomato Hornworm Moth, Manduca sexta
Poplar sphinx moth, Pachysphinx occidentalis
One-eyed sphinx moth, Smerinthus cerisyi
[ Wild Cherry Sphinx Moth, Sphinx drupiferarum (perelegans?) ](sphingid/Sphinx perelegans/index.html)
Tineidae (Clothes Moths)
Bird Nest Moth, Monopis crocicapitella
Yellow V Moth, Oinophila v-flava
[ Plaster Bagworm, Phereoeca praecox](Tineidae/Phereoeca praecox/index.html)
Household Casebearer Moth, Phereoeca uterella
Tortricidae (Tortricid Moths)
Fruittree Leafroller Moth, Archips argyrospila
Orange Tortrix Moth, Argyrotaenia franciscana
Garden Tortrix Moth, Clepsis peritana
[ Cotton Tipworm Moth, Crocidosema plebejana](Tortricidae/Crocidosema plebejana/index.htm)
Filbertworm Moth, Cydia latiferreana
[ Epinotia subviridis](Tortricidae/Epinotia subviridis/index.html)
Oriental Fruit Moth , Grapholita molesta
[ Chrysanthemum Flower Borer Moth, Lorita scarificata](Tortricidae/Lorita scarificata/index.htm)
[](Tortricidae/Crocidosema plebejana/index.htm)
Xyloryctidae (Flower Moths)
[](Tortricidae/Epinotia subviridis/index.html)