Select Literature, A – Z (and Å). About 3,250 entries (original) (raw)


A selection of about 3,250 entries are placed on this page for now. The entries conform mainly to the bibliography format of the humanities style of the new Chicago Manual of Style (CMS) guidelines, its 16th and 17th editions.

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Aarne, Antti. The Types of the Folktale: A Classification and Bibliography. Translated and Enlarged by Stith Thompson. 2nd rev. ed. Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia / FF Communications, 1961. - (Ttf)

Abbot, Justin, tr. Life of Tukaram. Delhi: Banarsidass, 1980. - (Tuk)

Abbott, Andrews. Methods of Discovery: Heuristics for the Social Sciences. New York: Norton and Company, 2004.

Abe, Masao. A Study of Dogen: His Philosophy and Religion. Ed. Steven Heine. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1992.

Abe, Ryuichi. The Weaving of Mantra: Kukai and the Construction of Esoteric Buddhist Discourse. New York: Columbia University Press, 1999.

Abhayananda, Swami tr. Dattatreya's Song of the Avadhut. Olympia, WA: Atma Books, 2000.

Abhayananda, Swami. The Wisdom of Vedanta: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Nondualism. Ropley, Hants, UK: John Hunt Publishing, 2006.

Abhedananda, Swami, tr. The Sayings of Ramakrishna. New York: Vedanta, 1961. - (Sah)

Abhedananda, Swami. Spiritual Unfoldment. 14th ed. Calcutta: Ramakrishna Vedanta Math, 1969. - (Sp)

Abrams, Meyer Howard, and Geoffrey Galt Harpham. A Glossary of Literary Terms. 10th ed. International ed. Andover, Hampshire: Cengage Learning/Wadsworth, 2012 (11th ed, 2014).

Achyarya Pranipata Chaitanyam tr. Sri Sankara's Vivekachudamani: Devanagari Text, Transliteration, Word-for-Word Meaning, and a Lucid English Translation. Rev. and ed. with an Introduction by Satinder Dhiman. Raleigh, NC: House of Metta /, 2012.

Ackerman, Diane. Deep Play. New York: Random House, 1999.

Ackerman, John. A Dylan Thomas Companion: Life, Poetry and Prose. Reprint ed (with corrections). London: Macmillan, 1994.

Adair, John, and Melanie Allen. The Concise Time Management and Personal Development. Reprint. London: Thorogood Publishing, 2003.

Addiss, Stephen. The Art of Zen. New York: Abrams, 1980. - (Taoz)

Addonizio, Kim, and Dorinanna Laux. The Poet's Companion: A Guide to the Pleasures of Writing Poetry. London: W. W. Norton and Co, 1997.

Addy, Sidney Oldall. Household Tales with Other Traditional Remains Collected in the Counties of York, Lincoln, Derby, and Nottingham. London: David Nutt, 1895. - (Hr)

Adriani, Götz. Renoir. Köln: Kunsthalle Tübingen / Verlag DuMont, 1996. - (Reno)

Advaita Asram. Life of Sri Ramakrishna. Calcutta: Advaita Asram, 1971. - (Lrr)

Advaita Asram. Teachings of Sri Ramakrishna. Calcutta: Advaita Asram, 1975. - (Tos)

Advaita Asram. Teachings of Swami Vivekananda. 5th ed. Calcutta: Advaita, 1971. - (Viw)

Advaita Asram. The Life of Swami Vivekananda. 8th ed. Calcutta: Advaita, 1974. - (Thv)

Agar, Nicholas. The Sceptical Optimist: Why Technology Isn't the Answer to Everything. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015.

Agin, Brent, and Sharon Perkins. Healthy Aging for Dummies. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Publishing, 2008.

Ahbel-Rappe, Sara, and Rachana Kamtekar, editors. A Companion to Socrates. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2006.

Ahbel-Rappe, Sarah. Socrates: A Guide for the Perplexed. London: Continuum, 2009.

Aihara, Cornellia, Herman Aihara, with Carl Ferré. Natural Healing from Head to Toe: Traditional Macrobiotic Remedies. Garden City Park, NY: Avery Books, 1994.

Aiyar, K. Narayanasvami, tr. Thirty Minor Upanishads. Madras: K. N. Ayar, 1914. - (Tmu)

Akhilananda, Swami. Hindu Psychology. Boston: Branden, 1946. - (Hip)

Akiyama, Aisaburo. Japanese Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases. 3rd ed. Yokohama: Yoshikawa Book Store, 1940. - (Jp)

Albrecht, Peter. Zitate und Sprichwörter. Fränkisch-Crumbach: Edition XXL, 2001. - (Zus)

Alchin, Linda. The Secret History of Nursery Rhymes. Los Gatos, CA: Smashwords Edition, 2011.

Aldred, Cyril. Egypt: To the end of the Old Kingdom. London: Thames and Hudson, 1965. - (Eok)

Alexander, Bryan. The New Digital Storytelling: Creating Narratives with New Media. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger, 2011.

Alexander, Christopher. The Timeless Way of Building. London: Oxford University Press, 1979. - (Twbl)

Alexander, Michael, tr. Beowulf and Grendel. London: Penguin, 1995. - (Bead)

Alhaug, Gulbrand. 10 001 navn: Norsk fornavnleksikon. Oslo: Cappelen Damm, 2011. - (Tn)

Allan, Veet. Ocean of Streams: Zen Shiatsu. Meridians, Tsubos and Theoretical Impressions. 2nd rev. ed. Thornhill, Scotland: Omki (1994), 2007. - (Osz)

Allen, Clement Francis Romilly, tr. The Book of Chinese Poetry, Being the Collection of Ballads, Sagas, Hymns, and Other Pieces Known as the Shih Ching or Classic of Poetry. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co., 1891.

Allen, Matthew. Smart Thinking: Skills for Critical Understanding and Writing. 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004.

Allen, William Cully, and Hsiao-Lan Hu. Taoism. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 2005.

Allport, Gordon Willard. The Nature of Prejudice. Boston: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1979 (1954).

Allport, Gordon. Becoming: Basic Considerations for a Psychology of Personality (1955). Reprint ed. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1966. - (Bpe)

Allport, Gordon. Pattern and Growth in Personality. New York: Holt, 1961. - (Pao)

Allsopp, Kirstie. Craft. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 2011. - (Crt)

Allwood, Jens, et al. Logic in Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1977. - (Lili)

Ally, Mohamed, and Avgoustos Tsinakos. Increasing Access through Mobile Learning. Vancouver, BC: Commonwealth of Learning and Athabasca University, 2014.

Almås, Reidar, Sissel H. Eriksen, og Martin Rønningen, editors. Leve bygdenorge. Bygdeforskning. Artikkelsamling. Trondheim: Tapir, 1984. - (Lbbf)

Almedingen, E. M. Russian Fairy Tales. Bombay: Somaiya Publications, 1957.

Almeida, Ivan, et al. Le corps et ses fictions. Paris: Editions de Minuit/Arguments, 1983. - (Lces)

Almenningen, Olaf, ed. Norske ordtak. Nesodden: Frifant Forlag, 2005. - (Noo)

Almquist, Bo, et al, eds. The Heroic Process: Form, Function and Fantasy in Folk Epic. Dublin: The Glendale, 1987. - (Thep)

Alnæs, Karsen. Historien om Norge i bilder og fortellinger. Oslo: Gyldendal, 2001.

Alper, Harvey P., ed. Mantra. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1989.

Alver, Brynjulf, ed. Guten i gadden: Eventyr frå Sogn og Fjordane, Møre og Romsdal. Oslo: Det Norske Samlaget, 1980. - (Gad)

Alver, Brynjulf, ed. Jomfru Marias gudmorsgåve: Eventyr frå Hordaland. Oslo: Det Norske Samlaget, 1972. - (Jmg)

Alver, Brynjulf, ed. Kongsdottera i koppartårnet: Eventyr frå Trøndelag. Oslo: Det Norske Samlaget, 1970. - (Kik)

Alver, Brynjulf, ed. Prinsessene som dansa i åkeren: Eventyr frå Rogaland. Oslo: Det Norske Samlaget, 1967. - (Psd)

Alver, Brynjulf, ed. Ridder Skau og jomfru Dame: Eventyr frå Ringerike. Oslo: Det Norske Samlaget, 1969. - (Risj)

Alver, Brynjulv, ed. Sunnafor sør og nordafor nord: Eventyr frå Akershus, Vestfold og Østfold. Oslo: Det Norske Samlaget, 1976. - (Sone)

Alverdes, Paul, und Hermann Rinn. Deutsches Anekdotenbuch. 6. Auflage. München: Taschenbuch-Verlag, 1969 (1927).

Ambikananda Saraswati. Swami, ed. The Uddhava Gita. London: Frances Lincoln Ltd, 2000.

Ambikananda Saraswati. Swami, ed. The Uddhava Gita. London: Frances Lincoln Ltd, 2000. - (Tug)

Ambra, Francesco d'. Proverbi italiani: ordinati e illustrati. Firenze: Adriano Salani, 1886.

Ameri, Glauco, og Giorgio Panini, editors. Myter og legender. Oslo: Cappelen, 1980. - (Mlr)

Amigoni, David, and Julie Sanders. Get Set for English Literature. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2003. - (Gel)

Amos, Julie-Ann. You're in Charge Now! The First-time Manager's Survival Kit. 3rd ed. Oxford: How To Books, 2002.

Analayo, Bhikkhu. The Scope of Free Inquiry – According to the Vimamsaka-sutta and its Madhyama-agama Parallel. Rivista Italiana di Studie Sudasiatici, 2010: 4:7–20. Study and translation of T. 26, sutra no. 186.

Anand, Anjum. Spis riktig for din kropp: Supersunt kosthold inspirert av ayurveda. Oslo: Cappelen Damm, 2011. - (Srf)

Anand, B., and G. Chhina. "Investigations on yogis claiming to stop their heart beats." Indian Journal of Medical Research 1961, 90-94. Vol. 49, 1961. - (Yomh)

Ananda, B., et al. "Studies of Shri Ramanand Yogi during His Stay in an Air-Tight Box." Indian Journal of Medical Research. (Jan 1): 82-89, 1961. - (Rafs)

Anandajoti Bhikkhu, ed., tr. Mahaparinibbanasuttam (DN 16): The Discourse about the Great Emancipation. 2008.

Andersen, Arlow W. "The Norwegian-American Press", in Sally M. Miller, ed. The Ethnic Press in the United States: A Historical Analysis and Handbook. Westport, Ct: Greenwood, 1987.

Andersen, Hans Christian. Fairy Tales of Hans Christian Andersen. Urbana, IL: The Gutenberg Project, 2008.

Andersen, Leif, et al. Språkbruksanalyse. Oslo: Det Norske Samlaget, 1981. - (Sanl)

Anderson, Graham. Greek and Roman Folklore: A Handbook. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2006. - (Grf)

Anderson, John R. Cognitive Psychology and its Implications. 4th ed. New York: Freeman, 1995. - (Cpi)

Anderson, John W., and Larry Trivieri, editors. Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide. 2nd ill ed. Berkeley, CA: Celestial Arts, 2002.

Anderson, John. Scandinavian Humor and Other Myths. Minneapolis: Nordbook, 1986. - (Shom)

Anderson, Mark Louden, ed. The James Carmichaell Collection of Proverbs in Scots: From the Original Manuscript in the Edinburgh University Library. Edinburgh: The Edinburgh University Press, 1957.

Anderson, Rasmus B. The Younger Edda: Also Called Snorre's Edda, or the Prose Edda. Chicago, IL: Scott, Foresman and Co, 1901.

Anderton, Isabella. Tuscan Folk-Lore and Sketches, together with Some Other Papers. London: A. Fairbairns, 1905.

Andreæ, D., et al. Citatboken. Stockholm: Natur och Kultur, 1986. - (Sju)

Andrei, Filippo. Boccaccio the Philosopher; An Epistemology of the Decameron. Cham, CH: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.

Andrews, Frank, ed. Scientific Productivity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979. - (Sepr)

Andrews, James Bruyn. Contes ligures: Traditions de la Rivière. Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1892.

Andrews, Synthia, and Bobbi Dempsey. Acupressure and Reflexology for Dummies. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons, 2007.

Anielski, Mark, 2007. The Economics of Happiness: Building Genuine Wealth. Gabriola Island, BC: New Society Publishers.

Anon. (Charles J. Tibbits). Irish Fairy Tales: Folklore and Legends. London: W. W. Gibbings and Co., 1904.

Anon. Svenske ordseder eller ordsagor. Stockholm: Anund Olufson, 1604.

Anon. Turkish Proverbs Translated into English. Venice?: Monast Armenian Monastery of St Lazarus, 1873, 1880 (and reprints).

Antony, Martin M. 10 Simple Solutions to Shyness: How to Overcome Shyness, Social Anxiety, and Fear of Public Speaking. Oakland, CA: The New Harbinger, 2004.

Antony, Martin M., and David H. Barlow, editors. Handbook of Assessment and Treatment Planning for Psychological Disorders. New York: The Guilford Press, 2002.

APA (American Psychiatric Association). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 5th ed. (DSM-5). London: APA, 2013.

Apfel, Willi. Die schönsten Zitate und Weisheiten der Welt. 3. Auflage. Hamburg, Nikol, 2013. - (Dsz)

Apte, Mahadev. Humor and Laughter: An Anthropological Approach. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University, 1985. - (Hlam)

Apurvananda, Swami. Acharya Shankara. Mysore: University of Mysore, 1983. - (Acm)

Aram, Homayoon. The Wit and Wisdom of Three Worlds: A Bilingual Collection of Popular Persian, Judaic and Western Proverbs and Expressions. Bethesda, ML: Ibex, 2009. - (Wtw)

Aranda, Charles. Dichos: Proverbs and Sayings from the Spanish. Rev. ed. Santa Fe, NM: Sunstone Press, 1977.

Arberry, A., tr. Mystical Poems of Rumi. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1968. - (Ååå)

Archdale, F. A. Elementary Radiesthesia and the Use of the Pendulum (1950). Pomeroy, WA: Health Research, 1996. - (Erp)

Armistead, Wilson. Tales and Legends of the English Lakes. Glasgow: Thomas D. Morison, 1891, p. 68-71.

Armstrong, Arthur H. Plotinus. New York: Collier, 1962. - (Plo)

Armstrong, Arthur H. Plotinus. Vols 1-7. London: William Heinemann. Vol. 1, rev ed, 1989; Vol. 2, 1966; Vol. 3, 1967; Vol. 4, 1984, Vol. 5; 1984; Vol. 6, 1988; Vol. 7, 1988.

Árnason, Jón, Icelandic Legends (First Series). Translated by George E. J. Powell and Eiríkur Magnússon. London: Bentley, 1864.

Árnason, Jón, Icelandic Legends. Second Series. Translated by George E. J. Powell and Eiríkur Magnússon. London: Longmans, Green and Co, 1866.

Arndt, Erwin, et al, eds. Probleme der Literaturinterpretation. Leipzig: Bibliographisches Institut, 1978. - (Pdl)

Arneson, Steinar, ed. En verden av tegneserier 2. Sandefjord: Villrose, 1987. - (Vtur)

Arnett, Jeffrey Jensen. Human Development: A Cultural Approach. 2nd ed. Pearson, 2016.

Arnold, Edwin. The Book of Good Counsels: From the Sanskrit of the "Hitopadesa". London, W. H. Allen, 1893.

Arnott, Kathleen. Afrikanske myter og sagn. Copenhagen: Hernov, 1979. - (Afn)

Aronsen, Elliot, Timothy D. Wilson, Robin M. Akert and Samuel R. Sommers. Social Psychology. 9th ed. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, 2016.

Aronson, Harvey B. Love and Sympathy in Theravada Buddhism. Revised Doctoral Dissertation at the University of Wisconsin. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1980.

Aronson, Joseph. The Encyclopedia of Furniture. 3rd ed. New York: Crown, 1965.

Arrayo, Stephen. Astrology, Karma and Transformation. Vancouver: Crcs, 1978. - (Akt)

Arrayo, Stephen. Astrology, Psychology, and The Four Elements. Vancouver: Crcs, 1975. - (Foh)

Arthaber, Augusto. Dizionario comparato di proverbi e modi proverbiali, italiani, latini, francesi, spagnoli, tedeschi, inglesi e greci antichi, con relativi indici sistematico-alfabetici; supplemento ai dizionari delle principali lingue moderne ed antiche. Milano: Ulrico Hoepli, 1900.

Arthur, Ross G., comp. English–Old Norse Dictionary. Cambridge, Ontario: In parentheses Publications, Linguistics Series, 2002.

Arwood, Ellyn. Pragmatism: Theory and Application. Rockville: Aspen, 1983. - (Ptaa)

Asbjørnsen, Peter Christen, og Jørgen Moe. Norske folkeeventyr I: Med dei originale teikningane. Oslo: Det Norske Samlaget, 1995. - (Nfe)

Asbjørnsen, Peter Christen, og Jørgen Moe. Norske folkeeventyr II: Med dei originale teikningane. Oslo: Det Norske Samlaget, 1995. - (Nff)

Asbjørnsen, Peter. East of the Sun and West of the Moon. Ware: Wordsworth Classics, 1995. - (Eswm)

Asbjørnsen, Peter Chr. Fairy Tales from the Far North. Translated by Hans Lien Brækstad. New York: A. L. Burt Company, 1897.

Asbjørnsen, Peter Chr. Folk and Fairy Tales.Translated by Hans Lien Brækstad, with an Introduction by Edmund W. Gosse. 7th ed. New York: A. C. Armstrong and Son, 1893.

Asbjørnsen, Peter Chr., and Jørgen Engebretsen Moe. East o' the Sun and West o' the Moon. Translated by Sir George Webbe Dasent. Philadelphia: David McKay, 1921.

Asbjørnsen, Peter Chr., and Jørgen Moe. Norwegian Folk Tales: From the Collection of Peter Christen Asbjørnsen, Jørgen Moe (The Pantheon Fairy Tale and Folklore Library). Paperback ed. Translated by Pat Shaw Iversen and Carl Norman. New York: Pantheon Books, 1982.

Asbjørnsen, Peter Chr., and Jørgen Moe. Popular Tales From The Norse. Translated by Sir George Webbe Dasent. New ed. Edinburgh: David Douglas, 1912.

Asbjørnsen. Peter Chr. Tales from the Fjeld: A Second Series of Popular Tales. Translated by Sir George Dasent. London: Chapman and Hall, 1874.

Ashby, Muata, coll. Ancient Egyptian Proverbs. 4th ed. Miami, FLA: Sema Institute, 2005.

Asher, Joey. Even a Geek Can Speak. Atlanta, Georgia: Persuasive Speaker Press, 2001.

Ashliman, D. L. A Guide to Folktales in the English Language. New York: Greenwood, 1987. - (Agha)

Ashliman, D. L. Fairy Lore: A Handbook. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2006.

Ashokananda, Swami, tr. Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya. 3rd ed. Mylapore: Ramakrishna Math, 1978.

Ashton, Michael. Individual Differences and Personality. 2nd ed. London: Academic Press / Elsevier, 2013.

Ashworth, Peter. Psychology and Human Nature. Howe, Essex: Taylor and Francis e-Library, 2002.

Asimov, Isaak. Om tall. Oslo: Dreyer, 1980. - (Aso)

Askland, A. Eventyr fra Østen. Copenhagen: Jespesen og Pio, 1973. - (Øg)

Aspinwall, Lisa G., and Ursula M. Staudinger, editors. A Psychology of Human Strengths: Fundamental Questions and Future Directions for a Positive Psychology. Washington DC: American Psychological Association, 2003.

Aspinwall, Mary. A Basic Guide to Homoeopathy. London: Helios Homoeopathy, 1997.

Asvaghosa. The Fo-Sho-Hing-Tsan-King: Buddha-Karika. Translated by Samuel Beal. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1883. - (Bk)

Athen, Hermann, and Jørn Bruhn. Hurtigregning med lommekalkulator. Oslo: Schibsted, 1977. - (Hulo)

Atkinson, Brooks, ed. The Complete Essays and Other Writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson. New York: The Modern Library, 1950.

Attardo, Salvatore, ed. The Routledge Handbook of Language and Humor. New York: Routledge, 2017.

Atwater, P. M. H., with David H. Morgan. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Near-Death Experiences. Indianapolis, IN: Alpha Books / Macmillan, 2000.

Auden, W. H., ed. The Oxford Book of Light Verse. 2nd impression. London: Oxford University Press, 1939. - (Obl)

Auden, W. H. The Oxford Book of Light Verse. 2nd impression. Oxford University Press. London, 1939.

Aulnoy, Madame d' (Marie-Catherine). Fairy Tales. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1854? - (Fta)

Aurobindo, Sri, and the Mother. A Practical Guide to Integral Yoga. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 1959.

Aurobindo, Sri, The Upanishads: Translations and Commentary. Pondicherry, IN: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Publication Department: Auro e-books, 2017.

Aurobindo, Sri. Essays in Philosophy and Yoga: Shorter Works, 1910-1950. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Press, 1998.

Aurobindo, Sri. Letters on Poetry and Art. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Press, 2004.

Aurobindo, sri. Meditations on Savitri, Vol. 2. Pondicherry: Aurobindo International Centre of Education, 1963. - (Sadei)

Aurobindo, Sri. On the Veda. Reprint ed. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Press, 1964. - (Ov)

Aurobindo, Sri. Record on Yoga. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Press, 2001.

Aurobindo, Sri. Savitri: A Legend and a Symbol. New ed. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Trust, 1997.

Aurobindo, Sri. The Future Poetry with On Quantitative Metre. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Press, 1997.

Aurobindo, Sri. The Life Divine. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Press, 2005.

Aurobindo, Sri. The Secret of the Veda. New ed. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 1998. - (Sov)

Aurobindo, Sri. The Synthesis of Yoga. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Press, 1999.

Ausubel, Nathan. A Treasury of Jewish Folklore: The Stories, Traditions, Legends, Humor, Wisdom and Folk Songs. New York: Crown, 1948. - (Ato)

Autorenkollektiv. Der Vergesell-schaftungsprozess der beruflichen Bildung. Berlin: VSA, 1974. - (Dvp)

Avalon, Arthur (Sir John Woodroffe). The Serpent Power. 1st Shivalik ed. Delhi: Shivalik Prakashan, 2005. - (Sap)

Avalon, Arthur; Woodroffe, Sir John. Shakti and Shakta. New York: Dover, 1978. - (Sas)

Avenstrup, Åge Eskil und Elisabeth Treitel, Übersetzern. Isländische Märchen und Volkssagen. Berlin: Axel Juncker Verlag, 1919.

Axelrod, Rise B., and Charles R. Cooper. The St. Martin's Guide to Writing. Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2010.

Ayer, A., and Jane O'Grady. A Dictionary of Philosophical Quotations. Oxford: Blackwell, 1994. - (Ph)


Babbitt, Ellen C. Jataka Tales. Animal Stories Re-told . Illustrations by Ellsworth Young. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts 1940), 1940 (1912). - (Jts)

Babbitt, Ellen C. More Jataka Tales Re-Told. School Ed. London: Appleton-Century, 1922. - (Jtt)

Babcock and Son. The Riddle Book for the Entertainment of Boys and Girls. New Haven, CT: J. Babcock and Son, 1826.

Babiak, Paul, and Robert D. Hare. Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work. E-book ed. New York: HarperCollins, 2007.

Babick, Annessa Ann, ed. Comics as History, Comics as Literature: Roles of the Comic Book in Scholarship, Society, and Entertainment. Plymouth, UK: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2014.

Bach, Edward, 1952. The Twelve Healers and Other Remedies. Reprint ed. Brightwell-cum-Sotwell, Oxon: The Bach Centre.

Backhouse, Jonathan. Essential Health and Safety Study Skills. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, 2013.

Baer. Ruth A. Practising Happiness: How Mindfulness Can Free You From Psychological Traps and Help You Build the Life You Want. London: Robinson, 2014.

Baggini, JulianThe Edge of Reason; A Rational Skeptic in an Irrational World. London: Yale University Press, 2016.

Bagnall, Brian. Tegne – male: Et komplett kurs. Oslo: Teknologisk, 1988. - (Tem)

Bailey, Cyril, tr. Epicurus: The Extant Remains. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1926.

Bailey, Philip M. Homeopathic Psychology: Personality Profiles of the Major Constitutional Remedies. Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 1995.

Bain, R. Nisbet. Russian Fairy Tales from the Skazki of Polevoi. 3rd ed. London: A. H. Bullen, 1901.

Baker, Geoffrey. Le Corbusier: An Analysis of Form. 2nd ed. New York: Van Nostrand, 1989. - (Lca)

Bakos, Susan Crain. The Sex Bible for Women: The Complete Guide to Understanding Your Body, Being a Great Lover, and Getting the Pleasure You Want. Beverly, MA: Quiver, 2008.

Balch, Phyllis A. Prescription for Nutritional Healing: A Practical A-to-Z Reference to Drug-Free Remedies Using Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs and Food Supplements. 5. rev. ed. New York: Avery/Penguin, 2011.

Baldick, Chris. The Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms. 3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.

Baldwin, James, reteller. Fairy Stories and Fables. New York: American Book Company, 1895.

Ball, Stefan. Bach Flower Remedies. London: Teach Yourself Books, 2000.

Ballantine Publishing Group, the. The PDR Family Guide to Nutritional Supplements. New York: Ballantine Books, 2001.

Ballard, Susan. Fairy Tales from Far Japan. London: The Religious Tract Society, 1898.

Bancroft-Hunt, Norman. Living in Ancient Egypt. New York: Chelsea House, 2009.

Bankcroft, Anne, ed. The Buddha Speaks: A Book of Guidance from the Buddhist Scriptures. Reprint ed. Boston: Shambala, 2010. - (Bgs)

Barbara, Hannah. The Archetypal Symbolism of Animals: Lectures given at the C. G. Jung Institute, Zurich, 1954-1958. Ed. David. Wilmette, IL: Chiron Publications, 2006.

Barbara, Hannah. The Inner Journey: Lectures and Essays On Jungian Psychology Studies in Jungian Psychology By Jungian Analysts. Toronto: Inner City Books, 2000.

Bariand, Pierre. The Larousse Encyclopedia of Precious Gems. Translated by Emmanuel Fritsch. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1992. - (Epg)

Bar-Itzhak Haya, ed. Encyclopedia of Jewish Folklore Traditions. London: M. E. Sharpe, 2013.

Barker, Charles Edward. Nerves and Their Cure. London: Allen and Unwin, 1960. - (Nc)

Barker, Martin, and Anne Beezer, editors. Reading into Cultural Studies. London: Taylor and Francis e-Library, 2005.

Barker, Martin. Comics: Ideology, Power and the Critics. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1989. - (Cipc)

Barnes, Joanne, Linda A. Anderson, J. David Phillipson, 2007. Herbal Medicines. 3rd ed. London: Pharmaceutical Press.

Barnes, Jonathan, ed. The Complete Works of Aristotle: The Revised Oxford Translation. Vols 1 and 2. Sixth printing, with corrections. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1995.

Barnes, Jonathan. Aristotle: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000.

Barnet, Sylvan, and Hugo Bedau. Critical Thinking, Reading, and Writing. 7th ed. Boston, MA: Bedford / St. Martin's, 2011.

Barnett, Lionel David. Brahma-Knowledge: An Outline of the Philosophy of the Vedanta as Set Forth by the Upanishads and by Shankara. London: John Murray, 1907. - (Bov)

Baron, Robert A., and Nyla R. Branscombe. Social Psychology. 13th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, 2012.

Barr, James. Fundamentalism. 2nd ed. London: SCM, 1981. - (Fdmi)

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